G²LM|LIC & BREAD Conference on Development Economics

  • 10月ober 2023

    IZA/FCDO G²LM|LIC - Programme on Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries


    The IZA/FCDO Programme on Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) marks the extension of the successful IZA/DFID cooperation, which started as the Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (GLM|LIC) programme in 2011. The extension aims at building a significant new body of evidence on gender, growth, and labour markets to help shape gender and labour market policies in low-income countries. Collaboration with researchers from low-income countries is strongly encouraged.

    18th IZA & 5th IZA/CREST Conference: Labor Market Policy Evaluation

    Paris, Palaiseau

    The 18th IZA & 5th IZA/CREST Conference will be on the topic of Labor Market Policy Evaluation. This conference is an initiative of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) in Bonn in cooperation with CREST. The Program Committee invites submissions for about 12 presentations from academic researchers doing program evaluation research on policy issues related to the labor market. Papers that include innovative approaches or methodological contributions are of particular interest.

    IZA/ECONtribute Workshop on the Economics of Education

    Bonn, Germany

    The 7th IZA Workshop on the Economics of Education will be helf on October 19 – 20, 2023, in person at IZA Bonn, Germany. The conference will combine invited presentations with an additional poster session aimed at local researchers. Presentations and keynote are available via Zoom for an external audience.

    Labor Markets and Innovation during Times of War and Reconstruction


    The Russian aggression against Ukraine has brought incredible destruction in Ukraine and suffering for the Ukrainian population. In the first two months after February 24th, 2022, economic activities came to a standstill for most Ukrainian workers and firms. However, as time passed, the Ukrainian population has shown its resilience and tremendous courage as economic activity slowly but steadily recovered. Like in many prior conflicts, labor markets and economic production have continued to exist in Ukraine.

    Call for Submissions: Research in Labor Economics (RLE)


    Research in Labor Economics (RLE)is planning to publish a volume highlightingresearch on Migration, Human Capital, and the Labor Market. The editors encourage the submission of work using new types of data (job ads, social media, printed texts, etc) and/or data analysis tools such as text analysis or machine learning.

  • November 2023

    1st IZA/OECD Workshop: Labor Market Monopsony and Its Regulation


    The IZA/OECD workshops aim to increase synergies between researchers and OECD experts to promote the societal impact of academic research and the relevance of expertise. These workshops are organized twice a year and focus on topics of particular importance to the economy and society. They bring together researchers from the IZA network, OECD experts and policymakers. They take place by videoconference, over half a day, with presentations by experts, researchers and discussions with policymakers.

  • December 2023

    G²LM|LIC & BREAD Conference on Development Economics

    Nairobi, Kenya

    The IZA/FCDO Gender, Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries Programme (G²LM|LIC) and the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) are pleased to announce a joint Conference on Development Economics .The conference will consist of presentations of advanced stage research by senior or junior researchers, and presentations of early stage research by junior researchers.

  • January 2024

    IZA/FCDO ONLINE Development Economics Course


    This course addresses the question of why fundamentally equal humans living in different countries enjoy very different standards of living. The aim of this course is to make the very latest research in economics on these issues accessible to anyone who is sufficiently curious about it. It is modeled after the award-winning undergraduate development course at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and, like its model, it is entirely based on research articles.

G²LM|LIC & BREAD Conference on Development Economics
December 15, 2023 - December 16, 2023

The IZA/FCDO Gender, Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries Programme (G²LM|LIC) and the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) are pleased to announce a joint Conference on Development Economics which will take place on Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16 in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will consist of presentations of advanced stage research by senior or junior researchers, and presentations of early stage research by junior researchers.

A special feature of the conference will be the option of mentoring for junior researchers based in Africa, or those with nationality from an African country, in the months before the conference by BREAD fellows and affiliates.

  • Senior/junior researchers are invited to submit a full paper.
  • Junior researchers (PhD students or max. 5 years past PhD) based at universities/institutions in Africa, or those of African nationality based at any university, are invited to
    • opt in for the mentoring part of the conference. In that case, one may submit an extended abstract, research design or PAP instead of a full paper, which would be the starting basis of the mentorship if accepted to the conference.
    • opt out of the mentoring part of the conference and submit a full paper.
  • Call for BREAD mentors: We invite interested BREAD fellows or affiliates to sign up as a mentor in the G²LM|LIC mentoring portal (https://g2lm-lic.iza.org/g2lmlic-mentoring-programme/). Please sign up beforeAugust 3, 2023.
  • Accepted juniors will be individually matched with registered BREAD mentors for one-to-one mentoring during the months before the conference. Mentors are expected to join the conference as well (with travel funding available for mentors).
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