
IZA DP No. 9072:美国儿童保育成本的上升:证据的重新评估

坊间证据表明,美国儿童保育的成本在过去几十年里大幅增加。本文从各种来源编组数据,以严格评估这个问题。它首先使用具有全国代表性的调查数据来追踪家庭育儿支出的演变。我发现,与1990年相比,典型的家庭目前在儿童保育上的支出增加了14%。这还不到之前研究中记录的增幅的一半。有趣的是,低收入家庭在儿童保育上的花费相同或更少,而高收入家庭的花费要多得多。尽管存在这种差异,所有收入水平的家庭在儿童保育上的收入份额都与几十年前相同。本文的下一节利用机构和个人层面的数据来研究儿童保育市场价格的趋势。有证据表明,在经历了整个20世纪90年代持续的(尽管是温和的)增长之后,市场价格在至少10年里基本持平。在本文的最后一部分,我分析了托儿市场的几个特征,这些特征可能会对价格产生影响,包括对托儿的需求、托儿劳动力的技能水平和国家法规。 A few findings are noteworthy. First, I show that child care demand stagnated around the same time that market prices leveled-off. Second, although the skill-level of the child care workforce increased in absolute terms, highly-educated women increasingly find child care employment less attractive than other occupations. Finally, child care regulations have not systematically increased in stringency, and they appear to have small and inconsistent effects on market prices. Together, these results indicate that the production of child care has not become more costly, which may explain the recent stagnation in market prices.