

在向工人提供保险方面,大多数拉丁美洲经济体的失业保护制度普遍被认为是不够的。它们还可能鼓励分层的劳动力市场,并对员工的流动性和公司对不断变化的劳动力市场条件的调整设置障碍。此外,其中一些制度涉及很高的行政和监测费用,可能产生额外的不利影响,导致失业率上升和失业持续时间延长,并促进非正规劳动力市场。最近,失业保险储蓄账户(uisa)作为传统失业保险系统的替代方案,已成为研究工作和政策关注的焦点。uisa是一种个人强制性储蓄计划。因此,它们使个人生命周期中的收入变得平滑,而不是在某个时间点将失业风险分摊到全部工作人口上。这种形式的失业保险减少了与传统保险方法相关的道德风险问题。然而,它也有自己的问题。首先,这些制度能否为失业风险提供足够的保护是值得怀疑的。此外,它们对促进非正规劳动力市场的影响及其行政费用还有待确定。 Finally, the effectiveness as a form of unemployment insurance depends critically upon the performance and credibility of the financial institutions managing the funds. This paper examines the experience of Latin American countries that use UISAs, with the hope of highlighting the problems of the system and identifying areas for future theoretical and empirical work. The overall effect of UISAs depends on a vast array of specific country characteristics and program parameters. The way the system is implemented, existing labor regulation, the extent of the informal economy and the scope for collusive behavior greatly influence the success of these programs. This calls for a more extensive research effort in the area.