
IZA DP No. 4358:时间使用和时间预算:改进、未来挑战和建议

“时间使用统计数字为探讨包括社会变革在内的广泛政策问题提供了一个独特的工具;劳动分工;家务时间的分配;家庭生产价值的估算;交通运输;休闲娱乐;养老金计划;保健方案等”(联合国)。该专业知识将讨论政策和研究的时间使用和时间预算的最近发展,改进和未来的挑战,重点是国际,特别是德国国家的发展。它被写在德国KVI委员会关于科学和统计之间信息基础设施改进的最新报告的续集中。 Topics are: recent international time use institutions, data archives and surveys; German time use data bases and their access, actual time use research fields and studies; time use and economic and social policy; new methods in time use survey sampling, future developments and European and international challenges. The conclusions recommend first of all a new German Time Use Survey GTUS 2011/12 and urgently calls for its financing and start of organisation. Specific GTUS improvements, SOEP time use issues, a brand new time use panel and a permanent establishment of the German research data centres (RDCs) are recommended in addition.