
IZA DP No. 1157:工会、解雇成本和失业

发表于《劳动》,2008,22 (3),509 - 546

在本文中,我们在同时考虑工人异质性、不完全信息对他们的生产力和工会力量的模型中对解雇成本的影响进行了分析。我们考虑了一个OLG模型,其中异质劳动者在年轻和年老时都参与劳动力市场。每一代工人都有自己的工会作为代表。工会在制定工资时单方面考虑了公司的行为。公司是原子主义的,选择雇佣时把工资当作参数。关于工人生产率的信息并不完善。我们发现,在一定的工资水平下,解雇成本增加了青年失业率,降低了老年失业率。然而,一旦我们考虑到工资的反应,我们发现解雇成本增加了青年和老年人的失业。这是因为工会采取了战略性的应对措施,对更高的解雇成本做出了反应。事实上,如果解雇成本增加,企业就会减少雇用年轻员工,因为如果年轻员工不称职,解雇他的成本就会更高。 The union, knowing this, reduces the wage of young workers in order to attempt to increase their employment prospects. However, despite this cut youth unemployment still increases with firing costs. In the second period, on the contrary, higher firing costs give the union more power. In fact, knowing that firms will be less likely to cut their labour force when firing costs are high, the union increases the wage of old workers, and, therefore, old age unemployment increases.