
IZA DP No. 10100:解构非正式:对脆弱性的回应还是最佳选择?

近几十年来,中国非正规就业的快速增长引起了人们的关注,但要理解其含义,必须对非正规概念进行解构。我们将就业状况重新划分为三类:有长期合同的受薪工人;自主创业;以及没有长期合同的临时工(在正式或非正式部门工作)。个体户的月收入(47%)比临时工高很多。自主创业并不一定是一种不幸,它所提供的灵活性对某些类型的工人来说可能是最佳的。例如,自雇者更有可能是残疾人和年轻的家庭。从制度上讲,临时工和大多数城乡农民工仍然很难拥有自己的企业。尽管很大一部分农民工是签有长期合同的雇员,但他们的农村户口意味着他们缺乏城市居民的社会保障。拥有农村户口的劳动力更有可能进入非正规部门,在该部门内,最有可能从事临时工工作。 Policies to support small businesses may be warranted given the detrimental impacts of informality on casual workers. Experimental interventions could be tried along the lines of those used in Peru to provide funds to support entrepreneurial activities by this group to lift themselves out of a poverty trap into more sustainable employment. Skill training, encouragement for innovation, tax credits and reducing institutional constraints on starting up small business should be all considered.