
Research Fellow

Athens University of Economics and Business

帕诺斯Tsakloglouis Professor at the Department of International and European Economic Studies of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Warwick (UK). During the period 2012-2014 he was Chairman of the Greek Government's Council of Economic Advisers. His research focuses on questions of inequality, poverty, social exclusion, education economics, and social policy. Among others, his research has been published in journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Review of Income and Wealth, the Journal of European Social Policy, the Economics of Education Review, the Journal of Income Distribution, Education Economics, the Bulletin of Economic Research and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in October 2000.


IZA Publications

现正讨论Paper No. 6493
Francesco Figari,Alari Paulus,Holly Sutherland,帕诺斯Tsakloglou, Gerlinde Verbist, Francesca Zantomio
revised version published as 'Removing Homeownership Bias in Taxation: the Distributional Effects of Including Net Imputed Rent in Taxable Income' in: Fiscal Studies, 2017, 38 (4), 525 - 557
现正讨论Paper No. 6396
published in: International Journal of Social Economics 2013, 40, 311-330
现正讨论Paper No. 6283
修订版出版的累进税Public Education in Greece: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications' in: Education Economics, 2015, 23(5), 596-611
现正讨论Paper No. 5971
published in Research on Economic Inequality Vol. 23 "Measurement of Poverty, Deprivation, and Economic Mobility" (eds T.I. Garner and K.S. Short), 2015, pp 23-70
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