Klaus F. Zimmermann - News Items

November 09, 2015:
Public lecture by IZA Director Zimmermann on the digital working world
As part of a public lecture series entitled "Sense in work - sense in life?", IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann gave a speech on the "Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Working World". The event at the University of Bonn included a discussion with the audience.

See the report (in German) in the Bonn's major newspaper, theGeneral-Anzeiger

For more contributions on the "digital working world" visit the IZA Newsroom inEnglishorGerman

October 29, 2015:
Huge but solvable challenge: Refugee integration in the German labor market
The biggest challenge in dealing with the current influx of refugees in a sustainable manner is the rapid integration of refugees into the German labor market and society. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann pointed this out as the studio guest of the Phoenix TV show "Der Tag".

Read more in the German IZA Newsroom:

� Image source: Phoenix �Der Tag�, 29.10.2015

October 10, 2015:
On October 10, 2015, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann gave the invited prestigious V. V. Giri Memorial Lecture on "Health shocks and well-being" at theAnnual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economicsin Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India. In this keynote speech he draw also lessons from his work on the issue of water contamination and mental health reported in IZA DP No. 9400:Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water and Mental Health

[read more in the IZA Newsroom]

August 24, 2015:
32. IZA Tower Talk
On August 20, 2015 the 32. IZA Tower Talk took place with the chairman of the German Trade Union Conferation (DGB) Reiner Hoffmann. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann and Reiner Hoffmann investigated the role of the trade unions in the digital working world. The discussion was moderated by Kai Pfundt (Bonner General-Anzeiger).
The picture from the left: R. Hoffmann, K. Pfundt, K. F. Zimmermann

More information:
IZA Newsroom

July 13, 2015:
Class 2 of the Academia Europaea met at IZA
The Section Chairs of Class 2 of theAcademia Europaeamet on July 13 � 14, 2015, at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn to discuss joint initiatives including the nominations of new AE members.

The picture has (from the left) Peter Scott, Antoine Bailly, Anne Buttimer, Joseph Straus, Aleksandra Nowak, and Klaus F. Zimmermann representing the sections (i) Behavioural Sciences, (ii) Social Sciences, (iii) Economics, Business and Management Sciences, and (iv) Law.

July 02, 2015:
Panel discussion in Berlin: The digital future of work
On June 30, 2015, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann participated in a panel discussion organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Academy in Berlin on the "future of labor" (Arbeit der Zukunft � Zukunft der Arbeit) with Thomas Strobl, MP (CDU), and Franziska von Hardenberg, founder of Bloomy Days. Moderated by Anabel Tern�s (SRH Hochschule Berlin), the experts from politics, business and science discussed the opportunities, challenges and risks of the future world of work, which is shaped by digitization.
[read more in German]

July 01, 2015:
Vielfalt im �ffentlichen Dienst: Baden-W�rttemberg geht voran
Auf Einladung desDGB Baden-W�rttembergund desIntegrationsministeriums Baden-W�rttembergsprach IZA-Direktor Klaus F. Zimmermann im Rahmen der Kampagne"Vielfalt macht bei uns Karriere"bei einer Abendveranstaltung in Mannheim am 1. Juli 2015 zum Thema "Interkulturelle �ffnungsprozesse im �ffentlichen Dienst".

Zimmermann unterstrich die Bedeutung von Zuwanderung und Integration vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels:
�Vielfalt ist ein Kind der Globalisierung und die richtige Antwort auf die weltweit steigenden Anspr�che an Arbeit bei der Produktion von G�tern und Dienstleistungen. Sie hilft auch, die Verwerfungen abzumildern, die durch den demografischen Wandel der n�chsten Jahrzehnte entstehen. Deutschland muss sich deshalb der Integrationsaufgabe von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft stellen sowie die Voraussetzungen daf�r schaffen, dass Deutschland seine Rolle als Zuwanderungsland k�nftig besser wahrnehmen kann.�


�Deutschland kann als Exportland von gr��erer Vielfalt in der Wirtschaft nur profitieren. Wer als Arbeitgeber diskriminiert, muss erkennen, dass er sich dabei nur selbst schadet. Der �ffentliche Dienst hat eine wichtige Vorbildfunktion f�r Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, die er bisher nur unzureichend wahrnimmt. Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund bringen nicht nur Ideen und Kompetenzen, sondern helfen auch mit, Unkenntnisse und Vorurteile abzubauen.�

Ein Forscherteam des IZA hatte im vergangenen Jahr das Pilotprojekt一个�onym Bewerben in Baden-W�rttemberg� wissenschaftlich begleitet.Der Abschlussbericht mit einer Reihe von interessanten Erkenntnissen ist alsIZA Research Report No. 63abrufbar. Bereits zuvor hatte das bundesweite Pilotprojekt der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes zu ermutigenden Ergebnissen gef�hrt (IZA Research Report No. 44).


Bildquelle: Ministerium f�r Integration Baden-W�rttemberg

March 13, 2015:
Symposium: How to deal with the risks of mega-projects
On May 29, 2015, Klaus F. Zimmermann participates in a panel discussion on the "concept of foundations" during a symposium on the "risks of mega-projects" at the University of Duisburg-Essen[read more in German]

February 13, 2015:
Digital revolution will fundamentally change the working world
At ajoint symposiumwith the Ludwig Erhard Foundation in Berlin, IZA Director Zimmermann laid out the challenges of the digital future of labor.

Read more inGerman

January 28, 2015:
IZA steps up cooperation with George Washington University: Collaboration contract signed
In a Memorandum of Understanding, IZA and the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences(CCAS)at George Washington University(GW), Washington DC, have agreed on a closer collaboration to fulfill their �common mission in promoting advanced study of labor, migration, and development economics and related topics�.

The agreement aims at stimulating joint research projects and focuses primarily on the exchange of researchers between the two institutions. It was pre-discussed betweenBen Vinson(Dean, CCAS),Barry R. Chiswick(Chair, GW Department of Economics) and Klaus F. Zimmermann (Director, IZA) at the end of last year in Washington.

The collaboration reinforces a tradition of exchange, research and teaching activities which members of GW and IZA have built over the years. For many years, IZA Program Director Amelie Constant taught classes at GW, and Barry R. Chiswick received the prestigiousIZA Prize in Labor Economicsin 2011.

IZA already has a long-standing cooperation with the World Bank through their jointEmployment and Developmentprogram, and collaborates within a formal agreement of academic exchange also closely with Georgetown University, for instance in organizing the annualIZA@DC Young ScholarProgram. The new agreement with George Washington University further enhances IZA�s strong presence in the U.S. capital.

IZA Director Zimmermann commented: �The new agreement is the consequence of our long-term efforts to foster the relationship between IZA�s large global network and the strong research and policy community in the Washington, DC metro area. In fact, Washington is of strategic importance and has the largest local concentration of IZA fellows in the world.�

January 23, 2015:
IZA World of Labor reaches new milestones
Launched in 2014, the online platformIZA World of Laboris well on track. It already comprises over 100 articles providing decision-makers with relevant and succinct information based on sound empirical evidence on policy-relevant labor market topics. The project is a collaboration between IZA andBloomsbury Publishingwith support from theWorld Bank.Responsible for producing and coordinating the content, IZA is able to draw on the expertise of its large global network of Research Fellows.

During a business meeting on January 23, Bloomsbury�s Executive DirectorNigel Newtonpresented two volumes with the now available articles to IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann. The goal is to reach 500 articles covering all relevant areas in labor economics. As another milestone, IZA World of Labor is now indexed byEconLit, the American Economic Association�s electronic bibliography of economics literature from around the world.

In 2014, aseries of IZA World of Labor eventshosted by such prominent international partners as the LSE, CEMFI and the OECD debated the evidence of topical labor market issues and implications for policy making. The event series will continue in 2015 with aRIETI/IZA World of Labor Policy Symposiumin Japan, focusing on institutional reforms to promote elderly employment.

VisitIZA World of Laborto find out more about this innovative resource!

December 09, 2014:
Academia Europaea: Zimmermann appointed Chair of the Economics Section
IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann (University of Bonn) has been appointed Chair of the Section for Economics, Business and Management Sciences of theAcademia Europaea, the European Academy of Sciences. He also became a member of the Council of the Academia Europaea.

Founded in 1988, the non-governmental association has over 3,000 members, among them 54 Nobel laureates and other leading experts from economics, mathematics, physical sciences and technology, biological sciences and medicine, the letters and humanities, social and cognitive sciences, and the law. Membership at the Academia Europaea is by invitation only after peer group nomination, scrutiny and confirmation as to the scholarship and eminence of the individual in their chosen field. Election is confirmed by the Council.

The Academy aims at promoting learning, education and research. Since 1993 it has published theEuropean Review, a quarterly, peer-reviewed international journal.

November 25, 2014:
1st IZA World of Labor / OECD Seminar: Minimum Wages � Impacts and Institutional Processes
Besides contributing to a series ofIZA World of Laborevents hosted by prominent international partners the panel discussion at the OECD on November 17, 2014, also marks the establishment of a joint seminar series between IZA World of Labor and the OECD. The panel discussion covered the evidence of the labor market impacts of minimum wages and the institutional processes in setting and adjusting the minimum wage also on the basis of experiences in the UK and France.

IZA World of Labor�s Editor-in-ChiefKlaus F. Zimmermannhighlighted the need for academics to provide independent evidence-based advice but stressed that the social responsibility has to be carried by the social partners and ultimately the policy makers.

November 20, 2014:
Event in Berlin: Inclusion and retention of qualified employees
On Thursday, 20 November 2014, the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Bundesverband Deutscher Berufsf�rderungswerke invited to an event on the subject of inclusion and retention of qualified employees (�Chefsache Inklusion � Neue Wege und Konzepte zur Fachkr�ftesicherung�) at the Berlin Representation Office of Deutsche Telekom AG. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann delivered the keynote �Mental Illness in the Working World�. Symposium participants were business representatives and representatives of trade associations.

Event program:"Chefsache Inklusion"

November 18, 2014:
IZA World of Labor: Global thinkers in development economics gathered in London on October 30 to discuss the pertinent question: Does Aid Work?
A series ofIZA World of Laborevents hosted by prominent international partners as the LSE, CEMFI and the OECD debate the evidence of topical labor market issues and implications for policy making.

The panel discussion on October 30, 2014Does Aid Work?was hosted at the London School of Economics (LSE) in partnership with IZA World of Labor, with questions centered on global aid policies.

In his welcome address, IZA World of Labor�s Editor-in-ChiefKlaus F. Zimmermanntold attendees how important collaboration was across academia and policy-makers, in order to enhance and improve modes of research.
He said: �Our approach was to bring in our expertise as labor economists and to talk with development economists about creating jobs to fight poverty to contribute to the debate: does aid help? It helps to find out whether people�s lives have become better. Evidence and policy evaluation is at the heart of the issue we�re dealing with here.�

November 18, 2014:
Conference in Bratislava on October 20 and 21: Labor Markets in the Eurozone
In the light of the financial crisis, the National Bank of Slovakia, IZA and the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) jointly organized a conference on labor markets in the Eurozone titled"European Labor Markets and the Euro Area During the Great Recession: Adjustment, Transmission, Interactions".After the opening of the conference by NBS Governor Jozef Mak�ch IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermanngave the first keynote on "The Economics of Labor Market Reforms".

Zimmermann stressed the importance of scientific evidence and facts in shaping economic policy. He argued that labor market reforms are of a long-term nature. For example, the implementation of reforms in Germany spanned ten years. Furthermore, successful reforms in one country are not automatically transferable to other countries.

The conference hosted 27 foreign and domestic researchers from universities, central banks and international institutions. During the event, the book "Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession" was presented among others by Klaus F. Zimmermann with the title "EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets: Mobility Agenda for a Vibrant Europe". Furthermore together with Alessio J.G. Brown he presented IZA World of Labor and his article on"Circular Migration"

See also:

Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession, Klaus F. Zimmermann,IZA Policy Paper No. 75, December 2013

Circular migration: Circular migration, Klaus F. Zimmermann,IZA World of Labor, 2014: 1 doi: 10.15185/izawol.1.

The Free Movement of Workers in an Enlarged European Union: Institutional Underpinnings of Economic Adjustment: Martin Kahanec, Mariola Pytlikov�, Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZADiscussion Paper No. 8456, September 2014. (forthcoming in: M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession, 2014).

How Far Away Is a Single European Labor Market?:安娜贝拉克劳斯e, Ulf Rinne, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Discussion Paper No. 8383, August 2014.

10 Years After: EU Enlargement, Closed Borders, and Migration to Germany: Benjamin Elsner, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Discussion Paper No. 7130, January 2013. (forthcoming in: M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession, 2014)

Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis: Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Discussion Paper No. 7111, December 2012. (forthcoming in: M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession, 2014)

September 11, 2014:
Italy�s reform challenge: The need for evidence-based labor market reforms
At his plenary lecture on the Economics of Labor Market Reforms at the29th National Conference of Labour Economicsorganized by the Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL), IZA Director Zimmermann looked back on labor market reforms in Germany over a decade ago, revealing similarities to Italy�s challenges today. Why has Germany succeeded? Will Italy, too? Experience has shown that economic difficulties are the friend of labor market reforms. The German example from the early 2000s has revealed that the right policy mix should not be determined by partisan or ideological affiliation but rather be based on solid evidence. Instead of dreaming of a one-size-fits-all solution, Zimmermann called for evidence-based policy making. While the interests of politicians are often centered on gaining votes, policymakers should be provided with the tools to make their decisions based on solid empirical grounds. A key tool in this respect is the innovative online resourceIZA World of Labor, which Zimmermann presented to the Italian audience.

Read also:

-"Imparare dal pragmatic modello tedesco", in: Aspenia (No. 62, 2013, pp. 116 � 123) (Originally published in Aspenia 62 �Lavoro e crescita�, Rome, October 2013;www.aspeninstitute.it), October 31, 2013 (Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

-IZA Policy Paper No. 75, Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession; December 2013 (by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

September 09, 2014:
IZA press breakfast in Hamburg: Is German economic policy evidence-based any more?
At the occasion of the German Economic Association (VfS) annual meeting, which focuses on "evidence-based economic policymaking" this year, IZA invited selected journalists to discuss whether or not Germany's economic policy is still evidence-based and what can be done about it.

More on the topic:

-Evidenzbasierte wissenschaftliche Politikberatung (IZA Compact 3/2014)(English version soon available)

-IZA World of Labor � New Online Resource for Policymakers Launched(IZA Compact 2/2014)

-Homepage: IZA World of Labor

-IZA Evaluation Dataset: Unique Resource for Evidence-Based Labor Market Policy(IZA Compact 2/2012)

- Klaus F. Zimmermann:Evidenzbasierte Politikberatung, Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung des DIW Berlin 1 / 2011.

- Klaus F. Zimmermann:Der Berater als St�renfried: Anmerkungen zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Politikberatung, Wirtschaftsdienst, 2008, 2: 101-107.

史蒂芬-帕特里克•Arni Marco经纪人卡利恩K�nn,卡劳s F. Zimmermann:The IZA Evaluation Dataset Survey: A Scientific Use File, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2014, 3:6.

- Rolf Ketzler, Klaus F. Zimmermann:A Citation-Analysis of Economic Research Institutes, Scientometrics, 2013, 95(3): 1095-1112.

- Klaus F. Zimmermann:Advising Policymakers Through the Media, Journal of Economic Education, 2004, 35(4): 395-405.

July 07, 2014:
German-French Workshop in Paris
The German-French Seminar on "Developments of the Labor Market, Policy Challenges, Questions to the Research" � organized jointly by the Deutsch-Franz�sisches Institut (dfi) and the French Ministry of Finance � was held on July 3, 2014, in Paris. During the third panel of the discussion, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannpresented his views on the topic: �How Is Geographical Mobility Evolving in Europe?�

The workshop gave an outline of the current state of research and promotes an exchange of experiences and dialogue between policy makers and academic researchers.

Workshop program:PROGRAMM, Paris - 3. Juli 2014

Recent contributions on German and French labor market reforms:

- Article:Youth unemployment in old Europe: the polar cases of France and Germany

- Article:Another economic miracle? The German labor market and the Great Recession

- Article:Is Germany the North Star of Labor Market Policy?

June 04, 2014:
IZA Director and Britain�s minister for work and pensions discuss about welfare migration
During a meeting with the UK Secretary of State for Work and Pensions,Iain Duncan Smith, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannemphasized the importance of free labor mobility within the European Union. According to Zimmermann a European labor market without borders is also a prerequisite for a functioning single market economy and the stability of the Euro. Without it, growth prospects are hampered � as is any hope for a Europe which manages to balance the laws of supply and demand.

Upon invitation by GermanKonrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a Berlin-based political foundation, Duncan Smith and Zimmermann discussed the recently implemented welfare reforms in the United Kingdom, which included measures to improve the flexibility of the labor market, get the unemployed back into jobs and support them in work. These reforms have triggered broad discussions and debates on the question of how to deal with welfare migration and whether to restrict labor mobility.

More on this topic:

-Speechdelivered by Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith
-Commentby IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann
- IZA Policy Paper No. 75:�Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession�by Klaus F. Zimmermann
- EIB article:�The Mobility Challenge for Growth and Integration in Europe�by Klaus F. Zimmermann

Find more information on migration and labor mobility onIZA World of Labor:

-�Circular Migration�by Klaus F. Zimmermann
-�Do migrants take the jobs of native workers?�by Amelie F. Constant
-�The welfare magnet hypothesis and the welfare take-up of migrants�by Corrado Giulietti
-�Do immigrant workers depress the wages of native workers?�by Giovanni Peri

May 23, 2014:
Celebrating IZA Research Fellow Marc Nerlove Turning 80
The economics profession celebrates the 80th birthday of IZA Research FellowMarc Nerlovewith a prestigious conference in Washington DC on May 23, 2014. The speakers include James Stock (Harvard University), Jinyong Hahn (University of California Los Angeles), James Heckman (University of Chicago), Ariel Pakes (Harvard University) and John Rust (Georgetown University) �see program

IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannand the IZA network congratulate the great scientist for his lifetime achievements.

Joining the network in 2001, Marc Nerlove has been an active supporter of IZA in many ways. The collaboration of the IZA Director with Nerlove goes back to the 1980s, when Marc Nerlove was a frequent visitor at the University of Mannheim in Germany.

Marc Nerlove is currently Distinguished University Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland. He previously held positions at Yale, Stanford, Chicago, Northwestern, and the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in Economics with distinction from the Johns Hopkins University in 1956. In 1969, Marc Nerlove was awarded the John Bates Clark Medal. He is Fellow of the Econometric Society (1960), of the American Statistical Association (1964), the American Agricultural Economics Association (1993), and the Argentine Association of Political Economy (2000). In 2012, he was elected Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association (AEA) �see full CV

Marc Nerlove is an outstanding researcher and excellent teacher, who has stimulated generations of applied economists and econometricians. Addressing important empirical problems in all areas of economics, he was pushing the frontier of widely used econometric methods in time-series analysis and micro-econometrics. For instance, he introduced the concept of partial identification into econometrics and laid the basis of the understanding of adaptive expectations.

Early on, he developed dynamic models of producer supply, and was dealing with issues of agricultural economics like estimating the elasticities of supply of corn, cotton and wheat, and predicting the demand for meat in the United States. He has also done core research on population economics, fertility and optimal population. He has further pioneered the analysis of business survey data.

Throughout his extremely productive academic life, Marc Nerlove has been and continues to be a role model for applied economists.

May 12, 2014:
IZA Director Zimmermann sees Italy on track
In an interview with the Italian online newspaperLettera43,Klaus F. Zimmermann支持Matteo Renzi�年代的改革计划。意大利prime minister�s analysis is right, his projects are promising, said Zimmermann. The IZA Director also commented on Italy�s gigantic public debt and the country�s relationship with France. �Italy definitely has the potential to meet the three-percent budget deficit target this year � and achieving this goal effectively would send an important signal,� Zimmermann concluded.

Read the German version of the interview inIZA Newsroom

Read also:

-"Imparare dal pragmatic modello tedesco", in: Aspenia (No. 62, 2013, pp. 116 � 123) (Originally published in Aspenia 62 �Lavoro e crescita�, Rome, October 2013;www.aspeninstitute.it), October 31, 2013 (Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

-IZA Policy Paper No. 75, Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession; December 2013 (by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

April 30, 2014:
Zimmermann calls for better European integration of Roma
The German government is planning to pass new legal provisions for asylum seekers. This would also facilitate the deportation of Roma people to their Eastern European countries of origin even though they face severe discrimination and persecution in these countries, as human rights organizations have shown. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann therefore demands greater efforts to improve the social and economic integration of Roma in Europe.

IZA research provides evidence that working and living conditions are particularly dire for the Roma in countries like Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina which Germany intends to include in the �safe countries of origin� list. An article to be published in the �IZA World of Labor� examines the causes of the discrimination of Europe�s largest ethnic minority, particularly with regard to their labor market prospects and upward mobility. The findings illustrate that the Roma have faced enormous economic and social disadvantages in these countries for many years. They lack equal opportunity, for instance, in education, hiring, and pay.

Therefore, Zimmermann calls on the German government to take this deplorable situation into account: �Rather than passing legislation that worsens the situation of Roma living in our country, Germany should promote an improved economic and social integration of this ethnic minority all across Europe.�

In early 2014, Zimmermann had discussed problems and possible solutions with Roma people and various stakeholders in Duisburg, one of the hot spots of Roma immigration to Germany. Over the past years IZA has also done substantial work for the European Commission including analyses and concepts aimed at improving the integration of ethnic minorities, especially the Roma, in Europe (the picture on the right shows Zimmermann with EU Commissioner Vladimir Spidla and members of the high level advisory group on ethnic minority integration, 2007). �Greater integration efforts are not just a matter of moral and ethical concerns � they are also a must from a socio-economic perspective,� said Zimmermann.

A pre-publication version of the article byMartin Kahanec(CEU Professor and IZA Deputy Program Director for Migration) is downloadable here:Kahanec and Zimmermann have also edited the book"Ethnic Diversity In European Labor Markets: Challenges and Solutions"(Edward Elgar, 2011) with additional studies on the topic, including three IZA papers:

April 04, 2014:
The Book "Zeitenwende auf dem Arbeitsmarkt" presented in Berlin
On April 03, IZA Director Prof.Klaus F. Zimmermanntogether with Mr.J�rg Asmussen(Deputy Minister of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) presented in Berlin his newly published book (edited together with Holger Hinte)"Zeitenwende auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - Wie der demografische Wandel die Erwerbsgesellschaft ver�ndert"

For details see:IZA Book Presentation: "Zeitenwende auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Wie reagieren wir auf die Folgen des demografischen Wandels?"

February 18, 2014:
Free Trade: Key to Economic Growth and Employment? IZA Tower Talk with Friedrich Merz
If the negotiations between the United States and the EU on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) succeed, they will create the world�s largest free-trade area with 800 million people and a GDP of roughly 32 trillion dollars.

What are the economic and political opportunities and risks associated with such an agreement? IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann discussed these issues with Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the Atlantik-Br�cke, and Hubertus Hille, CEO of the Bonn Chamber of Commerce (IHK Bonn Rhein-Sieg) at the IZA Tower Talk on February 17, 2014, which attracted an audience of several hundred guests.

[See text summary and video � in German]

January 20, 2014:
IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference on �Changing Europe � Changing Migration�
January 20th to 25th, 2014 in Antwerpen/ Belgium

At the occasion of theIMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference, organized by a network of the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) of the University of Antwerp, the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Li�ge and the Erasmus University research group Citizenship, Migration & the City (CIMIC) Research Network, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann gave three guest lectures on:

(1) Measuring ethnic identity and its impact on labor market performance

The lecture discusses the measurement of the ethnic identity of migrants: The ethnosizer, a measure of the intensity of a person's ethnic identity, is constructed from information on the following elements: language, culture, societal interaction, history of migration, and ethnic self-identification. A two-dimensional concept of the ethnosizer classifies migrants into four states: integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization. An empirical example models the econometric determinants of ethnic identity, and explores its explanatory power for labor market performance.

- Amelie F. Constant; Liliya Gataullina & Klaus F. Zimmermann,Ethnosizing Immigrants,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009, 69(3), 274-287.
- Amelie F. Constant & Klaus F. Zimmermann,Work and Money: Payoffs by Ethnic Identity
and Gender
, Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 3 � 30.

(2) Labor market impact of EU enlargement

The Eastern enlargement of the EU was an institutional impetus to the migration potential in Europe. While the overall numbers of migrants from the new member states in the EU15 increased, this increase was distributed unevenly among countries. The proportion of these migrants in the EU15 remained smaller than that of non-EU27 migrants. The transitory arrangements have diverted some migrants from the EU8 mainly to Ireland and the UK. With the Great Recession, many migrants returned home or moved on to other countries. This historical experience is a basis to study the motives of migrants and their impact on labor markets. The lecture discusses the challenges and the outcomes which can be judged so far.

- Martin Kahanec; Anzelika Zaiceva & Klaus F. Zimmermann,Lessons from Migration after EU Enlargement, in: M. Kahanec and K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration, Springer: Berlin, et al. 2009, 3-45.
- Anzelika Zaiceva & Klaus F. Zimmermann,Scale, Diversity, and Determinants of Labour Migration in Europe, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008, 24 (3), 428-452.

(3) Migration dynamics: circular, repeat & return migration

Contrast to popular belief, migration is typically not permanent. Circular, repeat and return migration are important, but understudied events. Circular migration in particular receives increasing attention in the policy-making area due to its empirical relevance and as a policy concept to manage labor flows. This lecture discusses the advantages and disadvantages of circular movements, studies their characteristics and investigates the consequences of restrictive migration policies.

- Amelie F. Constant; Olga Nottmeyer & Klaus F. Zimmermann,The Economics of Circular Migration, in: A. Constant, K. F. Zimmermann (eds), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar 2013.
- Amelie F. Constant & Klaus F. Zimmermann,The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov
Chain Analysis
, International Migration Review, 2012, 46 (2), 361-387.

Conference program:Schedule of the IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference

During the IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference he also attended a public event "Changing Europe � Changing Migration: Europe in a World on the Move� and gave a public lecture on "Europe in a World on the Move: Mobility for Growth and Integration". For more information about the lecture:Klaus Zimmermann - Changing Europe � Changing Migration: Europe in a World on the Move - 22 januari 2014

January 14, 2014:
IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann at the �M�nchner Runde� talk show
Tue., 14.01.14, at 22pm
At the �M�nchner Runde� talk show on January 14, 2013, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann discusses immigration issues together with Peter Gauweiler (CSU-member of the Bundestag), Hugo M�ller-Vogg (BILD-columnist) and Bilkay �ney (integration minister of Baden-W�rttemberg). See a broadcast of the �M�nchner Runde� talk show, Bavarian Television (in German):Streit um Zuwanderung: Sozialhilfe f�r alle?

January 13, 2014:
PHOENIX-Thema: Poverty Immigration � Myth or Reality?
Mon., 13.01.14, at 12.00 - 13.15
Panel discussionmoderated by Elif Senel, featuring IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann, Alexander Kissler (�Salon� editor for Cicero magazine) and Hans-Peter Uhl (spokesman for domestic affairs of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group) on these topics: What are the consequences of extended freedom of movement within the EU? Does this raise the costs for the host countries or present them with valuable opportunities? What are the consequences for the emigration countries? And what role does populism play in the EU migration debate?

November 21, 2013:
Economic Research and Economic Policy: CEPR 30th Anniversary Conference
期(经济政策研究中心)work held its 30th Anniversary Conference on November 21-22, 2013 in London at the Bank of England. On November 21, IZA � DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, a CEPR Programme Director for Human Resources and Labour for a decade more than 15 years ago, gave a speech on labor markets after the Great Recession and debated European labor policies. He also spoke about the German job miracle.

Conference program:CEPR 30th Anniversary Conference

Read more:
-Another economic miracle? The German labor market and the Great Recession, IZA Journal of Labor Policy

- Is Germany the North Star of Labor Market Policy?IZA DP No. 7260, substantially revised version published in: IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61 (4), 702-729[Details & Download]

- Youth Unemployment in Old Europe: The Polar Cases of France and Germany,IZA DP No. 7490, forthcoming IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2013.

November 17, 2013:
A series of IZA events in Washington DC with IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann
November 17, 2013
Zimmermannmet with World Bank Chief economistKaushik Basuto discuss further collaborations between the World Bank and IZA.

November 18, 2013
The IZA Director spoke atthe IZA World of Labor project launchhosted by the IMF and supported by the World Bank and Bloomsbury.

November 18 - 19, 2013
Daniel Hamermesh (University of Texas at Austin, Royal Holloway and IZA) has been rewardedthe 2013 IZA Prize in Labor Economicsfrom IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann. Both also participated in a Workshop on Frontiers in Labor Economics in the honor of Hamermesh.
Read more:IZA Prize in Labor Economics awarded to Daniel S. Hamermesh in Washington

November 19, 2013
The IZA Director spoke at IZA�s Program Directors meeting in the afternoon of November 19.

November 20, 2013
Brookings Institution hostedthe International Handbook on the Economics of Migration Book Launch.The handbook was presented to a wider audience by the editors, Amelie Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann.

October 29, 2013:
IZA Director Zimmermann delivers keynote at reform conference in Oslo
The Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen) has devoted itsFall conference to labor market reformsin Oslo. In a well-attended and well-received keynote address to the congress on �Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession�, IZA � DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannreported about his research on the German labor market reforms and the lessons for reform policy.


Read more:
-Another economic miracle? The German labor market and the Great Recession, IZA Journal of Labor Policy

- Is Germany the North Star of Labor Market Policy?IZA DP No. 7260, substantially revised version published in: IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61 (4), 702-729[Details & Download]

� Photographer: Siv Dolmen

October 25, 2013:
New Migration Handbook celebrated in Beijing
At the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), IZA � DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannpresented his newly published�Handbook on the Economics of Migration�(edited together with Amelie Constant) to a large audience of Chinese scholars. The book was well received and intensively discussed and introduced by a panel of distinguished speakers including Xiangquan Zeng (Renmin University of China and IZA), Du Yang (Institute of Population and Labor Economics, CASS, and IZA), Wei Zhong (Institute of Economics, CASS) and Liu Jianjin (Institute of Rural Development, CASS). Zimmermann, who is also an Honorary Professor at Renmin University of China, explained the concept of the book analyzing frontier research and discussed the migration challenge in the Chinese context.

See for the event:IZA Book Presentation: "International Handbook on the Economics of Migration"

October 03, 2013:
IZA Director Zimmermann at Georgia State University
在访问的安德鲁·波利奇的年轻学校y Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta/USA, IZA � DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannpresented his newly published�Handbook on the Economics of Migration�(edited together with Amelie Constant) to various faculty members, and James Weyhenmeyer (Vice President for Research and Economic Development). He also delivered a well-attended and well-received university-wide public speech on �Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession�. His lecture reported about his research withUlf Rinneon the German labor market reforms and the lessons for reform policy.

Read more:
-Another economic miracle? The German labor market and the Great Recession, IZA Journal of Labor Policy

- Is Germany the North Star of Labor Market Policy?IZA DP No. 7260, substantially revised version published in: IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61 (4), 702-729[Details & Download]

Picture 1: With Erdal Tekin, Mary Beth Walker, Sally Wallace, and James Weyhenmeyer

Picture 2: Klaus F. Zimmermann delivering the speech

September 22, 2013:
IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann receives EIB Prize in Warsaw
The Luxembourg-based EIB Institute of the European Investment Bank awarded IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannwith thefirst European EIB Prizefor excellence in social and economic research and its implementation and diffusion. Zimmermann is honored for his lifetime scientific contribution, including academic excellence and publication record as well as impact on public policy or society at large, with specific relevance to the prize's topic, "Growth, employment and convergence, with applications to the European Union."

根据诺贝尔奖委员会主持laureateChristopher Pissarides(London School of Economics), Zimmermann's outstanding research on migration and labor market issues has "led to a better understanding of the forces at work in Europe and of suitable policy prescriptions." EIB PresidentWerner Hoyer介绍了奖,价值40000欧元,在一次award ceremony in Warsaw on September 19, 2013. In his acceptance speech, Zimmermann underscored the importance of free labor mobility within the EU and called for Poland's swift accession to the Eurozone.

See a video of the EIB Prize Ceremony in Warsaw:EIB Prize Ceremony, Warsawand theConference Program

Read more:
-IZA Newsroom: Poland should soon join the Euro

-Acceptance speech by Klaus F. Zimmermann(published as IZA Policy Paper No. 69)

-IZA press release, Sep. 19

September 09, 2013:
IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann opens the G�ttingen Academy week
At the occasion of the 9th G�ttingen Academy Week "Coping with demographic change � nationally and globally", organized jointly by the Academy of Sciences at G�ttingen and the city of G�ttingen, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann gave a presentation on "How can Germany master the demographic challenge?".

"In the future, there will be no shortage of work, but a shortage of labor," said Zimmermann at the inaugural event in the St. Paul�s Church.

"Germany's population is shrinking and aging at the same time. The longer life expectancy provides new opportunities for work and leisure, but it also threatens the pension funds. Longer working time will therefore become inevitable. The declining population, however, also raises the demand for labor and creates the need for a better integration of older workers, women and immigrants in the labor market. Society is becoming multi-ethnic. Diversity and integration pose an opportunity and a challenge at the same time. Knowledge-based production and consumption will be the prerequisites to meet these challenges,� said Zimmermann.

-9. G�ttinger Akademiewoche

-Report on speech by Klaus F. Zimmermann, (in German) in: G�ttinger Tageblatt, September 10, 2013

September 02, 2013:
IZA Tower Talk on "Pre-Election Hot Topics in German Economic and Labor Market Policy"
With Germany�s federal elections just three weeks ahead, Wolfgang Clement (Former Federal Minister of the Economy) andKlaus F. Zimmermann(IZA Director) discussed the major issues any new government will have to give priority during the 27thIZA Tower Talkin Bonn. Both discussants agreed that Germany�s current economic strength needs to be utilized to implement additional reforms. �The country is not well prepared to deal with demographic change, its education policy and energy policy both lack strategic thinking, and there is no determined approach at the European level,� said Mr. Clement. Klaus F. Zimmermann referred in this context to several reform proposals of IZA, including the abolishment of married couples� joint taxation and the introduction of a voucher system for child care.

Wolfgang Clement and Klaus F. Zimmermann also agreed that demographic change is by far the greatest policy challenge in the next years. The successful labor market reforms contributed to the astonishingly quick transformation of Germany from �the sick man of Europe� into �Europe�s engine of growth.� However, this momentary success should not lead to the conclusion that all problems have been solved. As Germany is ill-prepared for demographic change, policymakers urgently need to implement forward-looking reforms while resisting the temptation of complacency and stricter governmental regulations, said both discussants.

See videos (in German):IZA-Direktor Klaus F. Zimmermann zu ArbeitsmarktreformenandIZA Tower Talk mit Wolfgang Clement

Read more:

-Bonner "Tower Talk": Wolfgang Clement: "Deutschland ist nur scheinbar gut aufgestellt", General-Anzeiger Bonn, September 03, 2013

-Another economic miracle?The German labor market and the Great Recession, IZA Journal of Labor Policy

- Is Germany the North Star of Labor Market Policy?IZA DP No. 7260, substantially revised version published in: IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61 (4), 702-729[Details & Download]

-Was Europa von Deutschland lernen kann, Cicero, March 12, 2013 (Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

August 22, 2013:
Successful 8th IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Development
This year'sconference on Employment and Development, jointly organized by the World Bank and IZA for the 8th time, took place in Bonn from August 22-23. In his opening remarks, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannstressed the importance of developing countries for global prosperity. Already today, the vast majority of the world�s population lives in these countries. Hence, it is a huge mistake that policy and research still predominantly focus on labor markets in the US and Europe. This needs to be urgently changed and a broader perspective is needed, said Klaus F. Zimmermann.

After many scientific presentations were held in parallel sessions, the conference ended with a closing panel on the political economy of reforms in developing countries. Chaired by Arup Banerji (Director of Social Protection and Labor at the World Bank), the renowned panelists included Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA and Bonn University), Robert Holzmann (University of Malaya and IZA), Tan Mei Ling (Pemandu) and Selim El Sayegh (Former Minister of Social Affairs of Lebanon).

See a video of the closing panel discussion:
IZA/World Bank Conference 2013 -Closing Panel, Bonn, August 23, 2013

July 03, 2013:
IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann Receives EIB Prize
The Luxembourg-based EIB Institute announced today that Klaus F. Zimmermann, Director of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and Professor of Economics at the University of Bonn, has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the European EIB Prize, awarded for excellence in social and economic research and its implementation and diffusion. Zimmermann is honored for his lifetime scientific contribution, including academic excellence and publication record as well as impact on public policy or society at large, with specific relevance to the prize's topic, "Growth, employment and convergence, with applications to the European Union."

根据诺贝尔奖委员会主持laureate Christopher Pissarides (London School of Economics), Zimmermann's outstanding research on migration and labor market issues has "led to a better understanding of the forces at work in Europe and of suitable policy prescriptions." EIB President Werner Hoyer will present the Prize, worth 40,000 euros, during an award ceremony in Warsaw on September 19, 2013.

About the laureate:

Klaus F. Zimmermann (60) is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Bonn and Director of the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). The independent research institute employs the world's largest network of over 1,200 economists from more than 45 countries. Zimmermann has initiated migration research in economics in Europe and has studied the creation and effectiveness of labor reform market reforms. He has made important contributions for the understanding of their consequences for employment, economic success and integration. Important research projects have dealt with the effects of East enlargement of the European Union for the European labor markets and the economic consequences of ethnic diversity. Zimmermann is committed to the diffusion of research to policy and society. He regularly advises the European Commission and the World Bank on labor market and migration issues. Read more://www.ecmna114.com/home/zimmermann

About the EIB Institute:

Established in 2012 as part of the European Investment Bank Group, the EIB Institute is dedicated to supporting �European initiatives for the common good�. The Institute sees itself as a catalyst for social, cultural, educational and research activities that are directed towards economic and social development in EU Member States and European partner countries. Read more:http://institute.eib.org

More information about the EIB Prize:http://institute.eib.org/programmes/knowledge-2/eib-prize/

June 25, 2013:
Report calls for a liberalization of labor mobility between EaP and EU countries
On June 25, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannpresented to the European Commission in Brussels a report on "Migration from the Eastern Partnership Countries to the European Union - Options for a Better Future". The report summarizes the findings of a large-scale research project resulting in eleven country studies and two general reports focusing on policy options and a cost-benefit analysis of labor mobility between the EaP and EU countries.

The final report concludes that (i) the balance of costs and benefits is positive for both sending and receiving countries; (ii) costs can be reduced, and benefits maximized, by the use of appropriate policies that facilitate mobility and integration, and that help manage the economic consequences of large remittance flows; (iii) labor migrants from the EaP countries could help the EU member states fill skills gaps as the demographic transition intensifies in Europe.

[read more in IZA Newsrooom]

June 17, 2013:
IZA Director awards Kuznets Prize to Richard W. Evans, Yingyao Hu and Zhong Zhao
Richard W. Evans (Brigham Young University), Yingyao Hu (Johns Hopkins University) andZhong Zhao(Renmin University of China and IZA) received the 6th Kuznets Prize for their paper "The fertility effect of catastrophe: US hurricane births", which was selected as the best published article in theJournal of Population Economicsduring the period 2010-2012. The Prize was awarded by the journal's Editor-in-Chief, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, during theESPE 2013conference in Aarhus, Denmark. The award-winning paper originally appeared asIZA DP No. 2975

[More about the Kuznets Prize]

June 02, 2013:
U.S. Ambassador Philip D. Murphy speaks at IZA Policy Fellow Meeting
Against the backdrop of the negotiations for a transatlantic trade agreement, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Philip D. Murphy, was invited to give a speech on the future of transatlantic cooperation at the IZA Policy Fellow Meeting in Berlin on May 28, 2013.

Murphy stressed that the U.S. and Europe are facing the same complex challenges such as climate change, energy, the Euro, budget deficits or demographic issues. Closer economic cooperation must also tackle many of these shared problems. Murphy underlined the importance of immediate, short-term actions to solve some of the most pressing issues. But he also pointed out that times of crises have always been followed by times of prosperity, and it is equally important to stick by a long-term agenda not based on a trend of the moment. Quoting President Obama's State of the Union address, the Ambassador said, "Today's world presents not just dangers, not just threats, it presents opportunities."

对美国来说,墨菲看到了男人的新机遇ufacturing, with potential benefits from copying the German system of vocational training and bringing together science and industry to boost innovation. He also stated out that the prospect of U.S. energy independence due to shale gas drilling not only makes U.S. firms more competitive but also has a broader global relevance. The Ambassador warned that forecasts of future technological change can be "wildly wrong", but said he believes "that human innovation and creativity will continue � and that it will be for the good of all woman and mankind."

With regard to the U.S.-German relationship, Murphy said, "I think Chancellor Merkel deserves a lot of credit for advancing the transatlantic partnership. She and President Obama agree that whether we are talking about our developed transatlantic economies or the dynamic emerging economies in the Far East or the most impoverished regions of our world, economic progress enriches us all. Why? Because not only does it create new markets and a more stable world order, quite simply it�s also the right and the smart thing to do."

Read more:
-Full text of the speech
-Article on Ambassador Murphyin S�ddeutsche Zeitung, July 4, 2013 (in German)

May 21, 2013:
IZA Director presents EFF Awards at World Bank in Washington
On May 20, the World Bank held its "Jobs and Shared Prosperity Day" [viewprogramandpictures], organized by the Jobs Knowledge Platform (JKP) to which IZA contributes. The Bank-wide event brought together development practitioners and researchers working across different approaches, sectors and disciplines to exchange insights, and learn from one another. The day consisted of a high-level debate on jobs and shared prosperity, as well as parallel sessions on crucial issues such as youth employment, jobs and the crisis, enterprise dynamics, jobs and rights, skills, job quality, and gender.

During an awards ceremony and lunch, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhonored the winners of the JKP's "Experience from the Field" (EFF) Contest. EFF showcases projects aimed at creating jobs and improving employment opportunities. The contest entries feed into a searchable database, encouraging an active exchange of ideas. The $5,000 award funded by IZA is being granted in three categories: "Most Promising Approach," "Most Recommended (Most Popular) Project," and "Best Addresses Political Economy and Implementation Challenges." The picture shows Zimmermann and Jaime Saavedra (Acting Vice President, PREM, World Bank) with the winners of the first category.

Read moreabout the award-winning projects.

May 16, 2013:
16th IZA Summer School off to a great start
The 16th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics is currently hosting 36 students of 22 different nationalities at the lake of Ammersee in Bavaria/Germany. Every year, the IZA Summer School brings a large number of PhD students and senior lecturers together to study new areas in labor economics. Students have the opportunity to present their work and discuss ideas with established researchers in a relaxed and open atmosphere. The lectures this year are being delivered by IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann and IZA Research Fellow Jeffrey Wooldridge (Michigan State University). Zimmermann is covering �Migration and Ethnicity� in his lectures while Wooldridge addresses �Correlated Random Effects Panel Data Models.� Students will also benefit from Amelie F. Constant�s presence this week. Together with Zimmermann, she will instruct the students on publishing in journals. IZA�s head of IT, Nikos Askitas, is also in attendance to talk to the students about the institute�s International Data Service Center. Uwe Sunde (University of Munich) will also visit towards the end of the week to present the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE).

[view Summer School program]

May 15, 2013:
"Current topics in the economics of migration"
Compact Course, Summer Term 2013

This year's economic policy compact course by IZA Director and FU Honorary ProfessorKlaus F. Zimmermanntook place in the summer term 2013 for the 12th time. On May 9, graduate students interested in economic policy issues presented and discussed their papers in the style of a scientific workshop, in which they discussed a range of current topics of migration economics. Basis of the course was the forthcoming"International Handbook on the Economics of Migration"by co-editor Prof. Zimmermann.

The seminar started with an overview of theoretical models to explain individual migration decisions and circular migration movements. Following this, the "experiment" of EU enlargement and the associated increase in labor mobility was at the center of the debate. Further current research questions on the effects of migration in countries of origin and in the host country revolved mainly around remittances to families in the home country as well as the link between migration and crime in the host country. This was followed by political economy considerations and insights into the theoretical foundations of the welfare magnet hypothesis. This variety of relevant aspects was examined from the perspective of economics, and policy implications were actively discussed.

Professor Zimmerman and his scientific staff wish to thank the participants for their enthusiastic participation in this year's seminar.

The compact course of honorary professorship is offered every summer semester since 2002 and discusses current research issues of social and labor market policy.

The complete topics of this seminar, as well as information about past events, can be found on theFree University homepage of Honorary Professor Zimmermann

April 27, 2013:
Germany offers jobs, but the Italians do not come

Interview with Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann

- What industries in Germany are most affected by skilled labor shortages?

Engineering, technical jobs, IT, health services, crafts.

- What is the scope of the problem? Is growth slowed down by the skilled labor shortage?

The situation does affect economic growth, but the effects are still are rather small.

- Why do you think that few young people from crisis-hit countries apply for German companies?

Cultural differences, language skills, fears to change and adapt themselves play a role.

- What do you recommend to young unemployed but qualified Italian (or Spanish) workers who would like to come to Germany?

他们应该咨询联邦就业机构,which provides information and organizes recruitment events in Spain and Italy (International Placement Services,www.zav.de; �Make it in Germany�).

Read the Italian-language article at:La Germania offre lavoro, ma i cv italiani non arrivano

April 26, 2013:
BPM Forum on the Future of Labor
On April 25, theBPM Forum在柏林专注于“劳动”的未来。在the debated topics were the consequences of globalization and technological change on the workplace. It was also discussed what will be demanded of future employees in terms of flexibility, qualifications and mobility. The declining importance of the standard employment contract and the increase in flexible forms of employment have a lasting impact on the working world. How do employees cope with growing job insecurity and the call for more individual responsibility?

Moderated by Philipp Neumann (Journalist, FOCUS Berlin office), the roundtable discussion included Gitta Connemann (MP, CDU), Elke Hannack (Board member, ver.di), Prof.Klaus F. Zimmermann(Director, IZA) and Joachim Sauer (President, BPM).

A related IZA Policy Paper is (in German): Klaus F. Zimmermann:Reflexionen zur Zukunft der Arbeit, IZA Standpunkte No. 56

Read the complete summary of the roundtable discussion (in German):Zusammenfassung der Diskussion

See a video of the discussion:BPM Forum April 2013andPhoto Gallery

April 24, 2013:
Youth unemployment in France at record high: Study recommends activation policies and dual system of vocational training
A French-German team of prominent economists includingKlaus F. Zimmermann, Director of the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), has presented anexpert reportto French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault which outlines ways to fight the alarmingly high rate of youth unemployment in the EU�s second-largest country. The recommendations include the implementation of effective activation measures and a dual system of vocational training as is successfully practiced in Germany.

在法国,目前大约190万年轻的背影e under the age of 30 are not in employment, education or training. This corresponds to an average rate of 17 percent over the past decade. Within the EU, only the crisis countries of Southern Europe (Italy, Spain and Greece) fare worse in terms of youth unemployment. The future prospects of French youth are increasingly dire: Half of the unemployed no longer even actively search for a job, according to the report. �This is a socially explosive situation. Politicians must act now to avert a lost generation,� warns Zimmermann.

In their analysis prepared for the French Council of Economic Experts (Conseil d�Analyse Economique), Klaus F. Zimmermann and his French colleagues Pierre Cahuc (Ecole Polytechnique) and St�phane Carcillo (University of Paris I - Panth�on Sorbonne) identify several causes of the worrying youth unemployment rate. Firstly, the share of high school dropouts is relatively high in France. Every fifth school leaver � about 150,000 each year � does not graduate. In total there are now over 900,000 young adults in France without a high school diploma. Secondly, the strong segmentation of the French labor market is particularly detrimental for young labor market entrants. During the past years, the probability of atypical employment and fixed-term contracts was five times higher for youths than for adults. And finally, the French minimum wage poses an additional obstacle to career entry.

根据这些发现,专家们言之凿凿e the implementation of effective activation measures similar to the German principle of �supporting and demanding� (F�rdern und Fordern). This would include a monitoring program for young people without formal training, as well as a mandatory system of state-sponsored advice and counseling for young job seekers. In addition, a �youth guarantee� scheme should grant basic income support to the age group of 18 to 25-year-olds while at the same time requiring active search efforts or participation in training programs. Moreover, the problem group of school dropouts should profit from a strengthening of existing in-company training programs and a larger share of the two billion euros annually collected through the �apprenticeship tax� (taxe d�apprentisage). The group of experts also recommends shifting employer training subsidies (such as exemption from social security contributions or financial rewards for offering apprentices permanent employment) towards small and medium-sized enterprises.

Furthermore, the report calls for an expansion of the �Second Chance� program, a one-year program aimed at improving individual abilities and social competence, which is currently offered at 70 schools. Despite annual costs of 10,000 euros per participant, the experts regard this initiative as an effective way to improve the job prospects of the most disadvantaged youth. The report advises against public employment programs without qualification components.

Over the medium term, the economists recommend the introduction of a dual training system combining school courses with apprenticeships in firms, which has been successfully practiced in other countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Klaus F. Zimmermann: �Dual training paves the way for labor market integration because it directly reflects the human capital needs of firms. In this respect, France would be well advised to emulate the German system.�

April 17, 2013:
Diaspora Economics
At the occasion of the international workshop �E Pluribus Prosperitas: The Economics of Cultural Diversity� organized by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam at the Tinbergen-Institute on 15 � 17 April, 2013, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermanngave a prestigious keynote and Tinbergen lecture on �Diaspora Economics� on April 15. The presentation outlined diaspora economics and its potential for economic development.

- Conference Program:E Pluribus Prosperitas
- Diasporas have found wide interest, see theEconomist

Diaspora is the ethnic network resulting from the temporary or permanent move of a population to other countries keeping cultural and economic relationships to their country of origin. Such relationships can be complex and of particular importance for the host and sending countries. Diasporas play an important role for the dynamics of migration, since they can provide network externalities like informational and financial support and through family reunification. Migrants may also foster trade and capital flows, the mobility of talent and may induce innovations in both directions, and hence contribute to growth and economic welfare. Remittances, return and circular migration as investment activities of the diaspora are considered to be very important forces in development and migration economics. Diaspora policies of sending and receiving countries deal with the diverse cultural, political and economic motives.

April 02, 2013:
IZA Study finds no 'welfare migration' within EU
According to a comprehensive study of 19 European countries over a period from 1993 to 2008, national differences in unemployment benefits have no impact on migration flows within the European Union. Contrary to widespread prejudice, benefit generosity overall does not influence the individual decision to migrate. For non-EU immigrants only a small, statistically insignificant effect was found. "It is a popular myth that scores of immigrants come to take advantage of the welfare state," said IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann.”,而这种情况下存在,而由于ill-designed immigration policies than to generous public benefits."

Reference to The Guardian (28.03.2013):Immigrants to EU countries less likely to live on benefits

A longer summary is contained in the following article in theIZA Compact(March 2012).

Read the complete study: Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, and Klaus F. Zimmermann, Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU, in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), pp. 24-38. Also:IZA DP No. 6075

Read for media coverage (in German) inDie WeltandHandelsblatt

March 20, 2013:


Germany has not only successfully managed to escape the unemployment trap it was caught in for a couple of decades, it alsoperformed exceptionally well during and after the Great Recession.The country now appears to be the North Star of labor policy. In terms of long-term unemployment, for example, the current situation in Germany is very similar to the one in the United States. This is very surprising when considering that the two countries were at strikingly different starting points in the early 2000s. It is thus not surprising that the concepts underlying the �German model� are now viewed as a possible reference model for other countries with labor market turmoil.

A new IZA studyassesses the potential of the German success story as a model for effective, evidence-based policymaking. The specific combination of a flexible management of working time (through overtime, short-time work, working time accounts and labor hoarding), social cohesion and controlled unit labor costs, combined with a rigid, incentive-oriented labor policy supported by effective program evaluation, provide a set of guiding principles for labor market policies. Although one should resist the temptation of believing in a one-size-fits-all solution, other countries should closely investigate these features. In this context, however, austerity and spending cuts for their own sake were never the �German style,� as it is now widely, but falsely believed.

The full-text IZA study is available online at:http://ftp.iza.org/dp7260.pdf
An earlier contribution specifically analyzing the German labor market during the Great Recession can be accessed online at:http://www.izajolp.com/content/1/1/3

February 27, 2013:
Seminar talks in US-universities
During February 24-28, IZA � DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas visited PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, PRINCETON, and TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA, for research talks with members of various departments and gave a research seminar (February 25 in Princeton and February 27 in Philadelphia) onRemittances and Well-Being among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China(see alsoIZA DP 6631).

On February 27, the IZA�Director also signed a Memorandum of Understanding about a collaboration between Temple University and IZA in research and education together with the Chairman of the Economics Departments of Temple University, IZA�FellowMichael Bognanno, and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Temple University,Teresa Scott Soufas

Professionals for the business location Bonn
At the�Bonner Wirtschaftstalk� (WORK@BONN)on February 20, 2013 in theChamber Music Hall of the Beethoven-Haus, local experts discussed the consequences of skilled labor shortages in the Bonn area. Moderated by Dr. Angela Maas, Richard Montford Boulter (Eaton Industries), Philipp Klais (Klais Orgelblau), Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA and University of Bonn) and Marco Westphal (Stadtwerke Bonn) talked on this topic.

As the BonnGeneral-Anzeigernewspaper reported, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermanncalled on businesses to rethink their personnel strategies: "Those who don�t start now to think about how to attract expert professionals will soon find themselves out of the game."



For the related Interview (in Russian) see also:"Work@Germany: иностранных специалистов в Германии ждут"in Deutsche Welle, February 22, 2013 (Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

February 18, 2013:
IZA Director Zimmermann: EU Blue Card falls short of the mark
On February 18, 2013, the Federal Minister of the Interiorpresented the recent numberof immigrants to Germany under the EU Blue Card system and praised the initiative as successful. IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, in contrast, says the Blue Card falls short of the mark. Zimmermann: "I don't share the federal government�s euphoria about a few thousand Blue Card holders. While the numbers may seem surprisingly high at first glance, in fact more than two-thirds of these immigrants were already in the country. And since the Blue Card modified and replaced previous regulations, immigrants who came under the old rules would also have to be discounted. Ultimately, what remains of the group of about 4,000 Blue Card holders is no more than 1,000 newly attracted skilled workers. This does not at all solve the demographic problem that Germany's workforce will shrink by more than six million by 2030. The Blue Card also falls short because it does not seem to have created incentives for greater intra-European labor mobility. Other countries, including European neighbors, have already implemented clear criteria for skilled labor immigration, such as qualifications, job experience, language skills and age. A transparent points system, paired with attractive integration measures, would be the right choice for Germany as well."

January 29, 2013:
Lecture tour in South America
The project "Promoting sustainable development and social cohesion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Investment in regional public goods" is organized by GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC / CEPAL). The project supported the "LAC-EU Economic Forum 2013", entitled "Globalization, International Trade and the Welfare State at Crossroads: Converging Views in European and Latin countries", which was held on January 21�22 in Santiago de Chile. A goal of this conference was to compare the impacts of the current wave of globalization in the regions to develop policy strategies to deal with them, and create a framework for joint action in some areas. For this reason, at the conference the latest changes in global development were discussed from a European-Latin American perspective. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann participated in a panel discussion on the topic "Social policies: is it the case of dismantling the welfare state."

-�Europa como laboratorio de la econom�a global?in: La Nacion (Chilean newspaper), January 21, 2013

On January 24, 2013, IZA Director Zimmermann visited the School of Economics and Finance at the University EAFIT Medellin in Colombia. At this seminar, Zimmermann gave a lecture on "Challenges of the Euro Crisis". He was welcomed by the President of the EAFIT University, the Dean of the School of Economics and Finance, Dr. Juan Felipe Mejia, and the Director of the Center for Research on Economics and Finance, Dr. Gustavo Canavire.

-�La U.E. necesita un ministro de finanzas con poder de veto�in: "El Colombiano" (major Columbian newspaper), January 28, 2013

-�Europa como laboratorio de la econom�a laboral mundial?in: Portafolio (Colombia), September 12, 2012

January 21, 2013:
50th Anniversary of Elys�e Treaty: Zimmermann calls for better coordination in economic and social policy
On January 22, 1963, France and Germany signed their historic friendship treaty. But after 50 years, both countries still go separate ways in the core areas of economic and social policy. IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann: "The current European financial and growth crisis that threatens the cohesion of the European community can only be resolved convincingly if two leading powers, France and Germany, coordinate their strategies in fields of economic, financial and labor market policy." This includes harmonization of tax policies and budget plans, as well as coordinated labor market policies with common standards in vocational training. In this context, IZA also contributes to the report of the French government to tackle youth unemployment and to improve vocational training.

现正主任齐默尔曼:“这必须tha鼓掌t France is finally aiming at reforms for a more flexible labor market, similar to Germany�s Agenda 2010." Vice versa, Germany could learn a lot from France when it comes to family policy strategies to cope with demographic change. "The 50th anniversary of the Elys�e Treaty should remind us that Europe can only 'function' if the Paris-Berlin axis is functional," said Zimmermann.

Read theIZA press release(in German).

January 06, 2013:
IZA Young Labor Economist Award presented in San Diego
At the traditional IZA reception during the Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), held in San Diego in January 2013, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannpresented the 2012 IZA Young Labor Economist Award toScott Carrell(UC Davis) andMark Hoekstra(Texas A&M) for their article "Externalities in the Classroom: How Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Affect Everyone's Kids" (American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2010).

The award-winning paper studies whether children from troubled families generate negative spillovers on the educational achievements of their peers. The authors constructed a unique dataset in which children�s school records are matched to domestic violence cases from court records in a Florida county. They find that about 5% of the children in their sample are exposed to domestic violence. This implies that about 70% of the classes have at least one kid that has been exposed to domestic violence. The academic records show that children from troubled homes not only have lower test scores themselves, but they also decrease the performance of their peers. There is a statistically significant reduction in math and reading test scores and a significant increase in misbehavior at school, relative to classes without troubled children. Troubled boys and children from low-income families are the main drivers of these negative spillovers: Adding one more troubled boy to a classroom of 20 students increases the number of disciplinary infractions committed by other boys by 40 percent. These findings have important implications for education policy. They provide clean and strong evidence of the "bad apple" effect. The paper also shows that addressing family violence has a double dividend � while improving the life of the most troubled students, it can also positively affect these children's peers.

[More about the YLEA]

December 20, 2012:
Rencai Policy Forum in China
Rencai or talent policy is a key to the Chinese strategy of scientific development. To support the National Plan on Rencai Development, the Rencai Policy Innovation Forum took place on December 19, 2012 during the 15th Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology in Guangzhou, China. Leaders from the Central Government, Guangdong Province and Guangzhou Municipality discussed with key global experts global strategies for Rencai policies. IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannspoke at this high-ranked panel about the German talent policy.

[More about the Rencai Policy Forum]

December 19, 2012:
IZA celebrates 15 years with events in Washington and Berlin
踢15周年的一年,现组织nized two high-profile events in the capitals of the U.S. and Germany. On December 1, a number of IZA network members and renowned economists met in Washington to review IZA's achievements and renew the institute's vision for future research in labor economics. Three panels with more than 20 speakers were dedicated to IZA projects and research collaborations, as well as frontiers in labor market research[view program].In the evening, keynote speaker Robert D. Hormats (U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment) spoke on How the Emergence of China and Asia Creates New Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation[view speech]and discussed future challenges for the governments in China, the U.S. and Europe with IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann

In Berlin on December 6,Jo Ritzen(former Dutch Minister of Education, World Bank Vice President, and President of Maastricht University) praised IZA�s contributions to research and policy advice over the past 15 years. In a panel discussion on "Agenda 2020 � how sustainable is the German job miracle?" IZA Director Zimmermann engaged in a lively debate with Peter Clever (Confederation of German Employers' Associations, BDA) and Rudolf Hickel (University of Bremen) about the reasons for the crisis resilience of the German labor market and about future strategies to cope with the impending labor shortages in the light of demographic change.

Further reading (in PDF):
-IZA 15 Years Report
-IZA in 2012(in German)
-Selected op-edsby IZA Director Zimmermann in 2012

December 02, 2012:
Double Cause for Celebration: IZA Turns 15 - Klaus F. Zimmermann Turns 60
Today IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann celebrates his 60th birthday. He has then dedicated one-fourth of his life to founding, directing and nurturing the Institute for the Study of Labor.

Zimmermann is the perfect role model for the institute: Always present, always innovative, always striving for new goals, with highest competence in all questions of the labor market. He has left his mark on the Bonn-based institute, making it a truly "global player" in labor economics, an internationally active and well-connected think tank. IZA skillfully manages the balancing act, often demanded by research management strategists, between conducting excellent research and providing policy advice on pressing labor market questions. This combination is both dedication and inspiration to Zimmermann.

Under his leadership, IZA is well positioned to continue shaping the future of labor.

[Read the complete portrait]

November 30, 2012:
EU Expert Seminar on "Social Inclusion & Active Citizenship Indicators"
November 29-30, 2012 in Lisbon/Portugal

IZA Director Zimmermann gave keynote speech to the conference.

欧洲的许多领域合作发展and use indicators, benchmarks and targets that are relevant for migrant integration. Theseminardiscussed recent achievements on indicators for outcomes on social inclusion and active citizenship at EU level and within EU member states. Klaus F. Zimmermann provided a keynote speech on �Evidence-based policy recommendations for social inclusion� drawing on research he has done together with various teams of IZA associates.

Related literature:
A. Work for the EU Commission:
Zimmermann, K.F., M. Kahanec, C. Giulietti, M. Guzi, A. Barrett and B. Maitre (2012): Study on Active Inclusion of Migrants,
IZA Research Report No. 43 (Report for the European Commission)

Eichhorst, W., C. Giulietti, M. Guzi, M.J. Kendzia et al. (2011): Integration of Migrants and its Effects on the Labour Market,
IZA Research Report No. 40 (Report for the European Parliament)

Holger Bonin, Klaus F. Zimmermann et al. (2008): Geographic Mobility in the European Union: Optimising its Economic and Social Benefits,
IZA Research Report No. 19 (Report for the European Commission)
These IZA reports are freely downloadable here:IZA - Research Reports

A paper that rejects the hypothesis of welfare shopping of migrants is an IZA DP, see here freely downloadable:
Giulietti, C., M. Guzi, M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (2013): Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU forthcoming in: International Journal of Manpower, 34 (1/2). Downloadable as an IZA DP:Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU

B. A new concept to attack discrimination is "anonymous job applications":
Annabelle Krause, Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann:新鲜博士永川市匿名工作应用程序ts(published in: Economics Letters, 2012, 117 (2),441-444

November 28, 2012:
IZA Director participates in panel discussion in Washington
Book Launch "The right skills for the job: rethinking training policies for workers" (Rita Almeida, Jere Behrman and David Robalino, Editors)
Panel Discussion, World Bank, Washington DC

November 09, 2012:
Zimmermann participates in panel discussion in Lyon
� November 09 - 10, 2012
Conference:�Les journ�es de l��conomie�, Lyon
Panel Debate:�Debate on strengthening the Eurozone and competiveness differential�
Statement by Klaus F. ZimmermannThe Future of the Eurozone: Labor Market Reforms, Mobility and Human Capital

Read also the following articles:
-"Allemagne ou Royaume-Uni? Fran�ois Hollande vise la mauvaise cible"(published in: Le Figaro, September 21, 2012)
-"Fran�ois Hollande risque de faire reculer la France derri�re l'Italie et l'Espagne (Francois Hollande risks making France fall behind Italy and Spain)"(published in: Le Figaro, February 26, 2012)
-Der deutsch-franz�sische Motor stottert(forthcoming in: IZA Compact)
-"Francois Hollande's False Debate"(published in: The International Economy, November 08, 2012)

November 07, 2012:
IZA Director: Jobs crisis and public debt are the key challenges for Obama�s second term
Obama must use his second term to end the U.S. economic and jobs crisis, and he must restore fiscal discipline to prevent the United States from following Greece, writes IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann in a commentary on the U.S. elections inHandelsblatt online

There are few signs for a swift economic recovery in the wake of the housing and financial crisis, with long-term unemployment on a record high. As a result, the informal sector is growing. Much of America�s famous mobility and flexibility is gone. Zimmermann therefore identifies three key challenges for Obama: 1. Since stimulus programs have caused public debt to skyrocket without any significant job creation, debt reduction and fighting unemployment are two sides of the same coin. 2. Tax policy must be used to reverse the dramatic rise in income inequality. 3. Instead of protectionism, transatlantic economic integration would foster growth and employment in both the U.S. and the EU.

October 29, 2012:
Zimmermann supports Sch�uble�s plan: Strong institutions are needed to rescue the euro
根据现正主任克劳斯·f·齐默尔曼survival of the European project depends on efficient fiscal institutions. In an op-ed forDIE WELT, he therefore supports the latest approach by Germany�s finance minister Wolfgang Sch�uble to �upgrade� the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs to a kind of European minister of finance. �Everyone who fears the emergence of a devastating transfer union should want clearly defined rules and an efficient implementation of European economic policies,� says Zimmermann. He refers to similar approaches by former ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet and Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann. The IZA Director points out that Sch�uble does precisely what Europe and the world expect from Germany - demonstrate leadership and initiative.

齐默尔曼:�现在我们清楚地看到,经济中心ks and imbalances in a single country spill over to the entire euro zone much more quickly and forcefully than what people imagined at the time of the much-applauded euro launch. Preventing economic and fiscal domino effects requires flexible defense mechanisms and structural preventative measures.� Facing a European �austerity commissioner� some of the high-debt countries would think twice about manipulating their budgets and jeopardizing the whole community with excessive deficits.

In his op-ed Zimmermann also proposes the establishment, possibly at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), of an independent expert committee to evaluate national fiscal policies and compliance with the debt brake. Zimmermann: �The solution of the debt crisis the most pressing policy issue for Europe as well as other developed regions of the world. Since the concept of a debt brake, which is only slowly spreading from country to country, should be implemented on a global level, Europe must set an example. A European minister of finance, backed up by a strong fiscal institution, could ensure the success of the debt brake. Otherwise it would remain but a nice declaration.�

October 26, 2012:
In October and November, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann gives a number of speeches and lectures at various venues around the globe

IZA Director on a Scientific Tour of New Zealand

齐默尔曼博士的很大一部分�年代中期至2012 tour around the globe (see more about it below) went to a high profile research visit to New Zealand. Dr. Zimmermann was invited to deliver a keynote at the Metropolis Conference �Pathways to Metropolis in the 21st Century: Immigration Issues and Futures� that was held at Massey University in Auckland. In front of a full amphitheater, Dr. Zimmermann talked about �Circular Migration� and had extensive talks about migration research and new projects with IZA fellow Dr. Poot and other participants. On his next stop in Dunedin and the University of Otago, the School of Business, Dr. Zimmermann gave a public lecture about the Euro crisis and the challenges to the EU. He was introduced by IZA fellow Dr. Stillman. The Director had many productive talks with Dr. Stillman and the faculty about migration to New Zealand and the similarities and differences with migration in Germany and the EU. In Wellington and the Department of Treasury, in a event co-organized by the Government Economics Network (GEN) and MOTU Economic and Public Policy Research, Dr. Zimmermann gave a public lecture about the Euro crisis and the lessons to other countries, and exchanged ideas with government officials and other economists. IZA Program Director Migration, Dr. Constant, was part of the delegation to New Zealand; her lecture at the Department of Treasury co-organized by MOTU and GEN was on �Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training.� New Zealand is a country with extensive international migration and a large autochthon ethnic group. It is a developed country that was touched by the global recession through its exports, faces high youth unemployment and rapidly changing demographics.

See the following pictures from this tour:IZA Director on a Scientific Tour of New Zealand, October 26, 2012.

� October 19, 2012
Bad Ragaz Group Meeting; Europe�s Workforce of Tomorrow
Agenda for the 2012 Bad Ragaz Group � Beyond the Crisis: How Can Europe Restore Momentum?
Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

� October 21, 2012
First IZA@DC Young Scholar Program, Washington
Welcome address to IZA@DC students

� October 24 - 26, 2012
Conference:�Pathways to Metropolis in the 21st Century: Immigration Issues and Futures�, Background material:The Economics of Circular Migration, DP 6940
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

� October 30, 2012
University of Otago, Department of Economics, Dunedin, New Zealand
Public Lecture: �Challenges of the Euro Crisis�,DP 6160(published in: Intereconomics, 2012, 47 (1), 31-38 )
Read more:
-Why German economists� call to action came at the right time - This call is like an alarm going off in the nick of time(published in: Handelsblatt online, July 09, 2012)
-Jobs and more jobs an economic imperative(published in: Australian Financial Review, August 22, 2012)

� November 01, 2012
The Treasury, Wellington (New Zealand)
Government Economics Network (GEN) and Motu Seminar
Presentation:�Challenges of the Euro Crisis�,DP 6160(published in: Intereconomics, 2012, 47 (1), 31-38)
Presentation: �Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training�
Read more:
-Why German economists� call to action came at the right time - This call is like an alarm going off in the nick of time(published in: Handelsblatt online, July 09, 2012)
-Jobs and more jobs an economic imperative(published in: Australian Financial Review, August 22, 2012)

� November 04 - 07, 2012
7th IZA/World Bank Conference: Employment and Development
New Delhi, India
- Opening Remarks by Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann
- Session A.1: Discussion - World Development Report 2013 on Jobs
- Closing Panel Discussion: Youth- and Self-employment Issues: A Policy and Research Agenda
7th IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Development: Policy Forum
New Delhi, India
- Closing Session: Addressing the Challenges of Youth Employment: Issues and Policy Implications

October 02, 2012:
IZA background study for new World Development Report 2013
For the first time in decades, the newWorld Bank Development Report for 2013concentrates on jobs stating that employment is a cornerstone of development. "Jobs are critical for reducing poverty, making cities work, and providing youth with alternatives to violence", states the new World Bank report. It follows the development agenda behind IZA's research programs onEmployment and Developmentwith partners in the World Bank, on theGrowth and Labor Markets in Low Income Countries (GLM | LIC) programwith the British government and onLabor Markets in Emerging and Transition Economies

"This change in paradigm has been overdue. Creating and stabilizing jobs in the formal and informal economies is the key for the future of the planet. We are happy that we were able to contribute to this report," says IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann

IZA has contributed an extended background study for the new World Development Report 2013 of the World Bank. Headed by IZA DirectorKlaus F. ZimmermannandWerner Eichhorst(IZA Deputy Director of Labor Policy), the study focuses on the role of vocational training for job creation among young people. The study highlights and assesses differences in the setup and functioning of the vocational education and training policies in major world regions as an important driver of differential labor market situations. It argues in favor of bringing academic education closer to the private sector to acquire experience with current work practices. Vocational schooling is seen as a crucial element and necessary precondition for the employability and productivity of young people. Dual vocational education and training should be strengthened, modernized, and made more market-oriented, bringing them closer to the needs of dynamically changing and evolving labor markets. Where informal employment is part of the economic and social reality, informal apprenticeships should be better articulated with the schooling system and the formal sector.

现和世界银行共同developed with other partners the online platformwww.jobsknowledge.org, which propagates and discusses the role of jobs for economic development.

Read more:
  • IZA Background Paper
    (also available asIZA Discussion Paper No. 6890)
  • World Development Report 2013
  • World Bank Press Release

  • September 20, 2012:
    IZA Director Zimmermann at EALE 2012: Euro crisis countries need ten years for reforms to work
    According to IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, it will take ten years to get the Euro crisis countries back on track with inevitable reforms. "Experience in other countries, particularly Germany, suggests that it may take a decade for Greece, Italy and Spain to reap the benefits of the reforms that are now being implemented. We are at the beginning of a long process of structural change," said Zimmermann at the opening of the Annual Confernce of the European Association of Labour Economists(EALE 2012)in Bonn.

    Hosted by IZA, more than 450 international experts meet in the former German parliament building for about 400 presentations in 69 parallel sessions, five poster sessions, and three keynotes[view program].Zimmermann emphasized that Europe needs more flexible and open labor markets for the monetary union to succeed. "This is the painful lesson we are starting to learn," he said.

    For more information read theIZA press release(in German).

    September 07, 2012:
    At finance ministers' meeting in Stockholm: IZA Director calls for more labor market flexibility in the EU

    On September 7, Germany's and Sweden's finance ministers, Wolfgang Sch�uble and Anders Borg, meet in Stockholm to discuss the international lessons to be learned from Germany's success in mastering the global economic and financial crisis. Inan opening speech at the conference, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannputs both countries in a European perspective:

    “德国回顾战后最大的改革of the labor market and social security. Introduced ten years ago, the reform package contained many elements previously developed and tested in Scandinavia. This shows the importance of mutual learning in Europe. The success of Germany�s reforms, which were heavily disputed in the beginning, is now recognized around the world. By boosting labor market flexibility without sacrificing social security, these reforms made the labor market more crisis-resistant and helped prepare it for the demographic challenge. In a similar fashion, Sweden reformed its labor market and social policies, particular in the area of benefit payments. With unemployment around seven percent, both countries are significantly below the EU average of 10.2 percent. The rest of Europe should follow these examples and strengthen their efforts to create more labor market flexibility. While each country has to find its own custom-tailored solution, Sweden and Germany can certainly serve as role models."

    Zimmermann also referred to three IZA studies:
    - Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann:Another Economic Miracle? The German Labor Market and the Great Recession(forthcoming in: IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2012; reprint (in Italian) forthcoming in: Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali, 2012); IZA Discussion Paper 6250

    - Karl Brenke, Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann:Short-Time Work: The German Answer to the Great Recession; IZA Discussion Paper 5780

    - Werner Eichhorst & Klaus F. Zimmermann: And Then There Were Four...How Many (and Which) Measures of Active Labor Market Policy Do We still Need?; Published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 2007, 53 (3), 243-272) (This paper is available in anEnglish version.)

    -"Why Europe is the world�s jobs laboratory "; The Globe and Mail, August 31, 2012
    -"Sverige kan l�ra mycket av tysk arbetsmarknad (Sweden can learn a lot from the German labor market)"; Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), July 06, 2012
    -"The German Specter That Is (Not) Haunting Europe"; Wall Street Journal, May 03, 2012
    -"Robots can solve China's labour problem"; Financial Times, April 16, 2012
    -"More Higher Education May Not Be the Right Approach to the Youth Unemployment Problem "; JOBS Knowledge Platform, April 09, 2012

    IZA Program DirectorMarco Caliendocomments on the causes and consequences of high youth unemployment in large parts of the EU: "Many countries lack an effective system of vocational training and could learn from Germany�s dual system of apprenticeships and vocational schools. At the same time, self-employment should be stimulated because entrepreneurship is the key to future economic growth. In this context, start-ups programs for young and older entrepreneurs play an important role."

    August 10, 2012:
    If high-quality care for the elderly cannot be guaranteed, this will jeopardize the whole idea of the intergenerational contract
    This example shows that Germany lacks a larger strategy to meet the demographic challenge. �The historic dimension of the aging of our society is still underestimated although the consequences are dramatic�, Zimmermann toldHandelsblatt Online.�If high-quality care for the elderly cannot be guaranteed, this will jeopardize the whole idea of the intergenerational contract.�

    According to expert estimates, the number of people in Germany who are in need of care will increase from currently 2.5 million to around four million by 2050. Consequently, the demand for nurses is expected to double to 2.1 million people. Around 970,000 people currently work in the nursing profession. There is already a lack of at least 30,000 qualified workers, and another 220,000 will be needed by 2020. �Training unemployed workers as nurses is not a solution as many of them do not meet the basic requirements for such a demanding job.�

    We rather need an intelligent control of immigration especially in this socially sensitive area. The �Blue Card�, introduced on July 1, won�t do the trick because it fails to reflect the realities in sectors like nursing. The lack of political action resulted in a large grey market in Germany, which causes unacceptable distortions in the long run. Thus, we have to facilitate and accelerate the recognition of foreign qualifications. In general, care professionals need better social acceptance. �And since every service has its price, these professionals have to be paid in a way that makes the job attractive enough�, said Klaus F. Zimmermann.

    August 10, 2012:
    A lecture tour to Australia and China
    On an extensive trip to Australia and China, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann visits a number of universities and gives a series of public lectures:

    � August 8, 2012
    Department of Economics, Macquarie University Sydney
    Research talk: "Anonymous Job Applications: Concept and Potentials",DP 6100(published in: Economics Letters, 2012, 117 (2), 441-444)

    School of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, The University of Sydney
    Sidney IdeasSession, Speech:"Challenges of the Euro Crisis",DP 6160(published in: Intereconomics, 2012, 47 (1), 31-38 );
    Why German economists� call to action came at the right time. This call is like an alarm going off in the nick of time

    � August 9, 2012
    School of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, The University of Sydney
    Research Seminar, Speech: "Entrepreneurship of the Left-behind of Migrants in China"

    � August 10, 2012
    Labour Economics Workshop University of Wollongong
    Session 1: Migration, Presentation: �Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU�,DP 6075(forthcoming in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1/2))

    � August 13, 2012
    Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canberra
    DIAC Series, Presentation: �Migration Policies at Times of Change: EU Enlargement and the Great Recession�,DP 3913(published by the European Commission as Economic Paper 363, March 2009; and in: Filip Keereman and Istv�n P�l Sz�kely (eds.), Five years of an enlarged EU - a positive-sum game, pp. 63-94, Springer: Berlin, et al., 2010)

    Productivity Commission
    Presentation: European Migration Policies,DP 3913(published by the European Commission as Economic Paper 363, March 2009; and in: Filip Keereman and Istv�n P�l Sz�kely (eds.), Five years of an enlarged EU - a positive-sum game, pp. 63-94, Springer: Berlin, et al., 2010)

    Australian National University
    Public Lecture: "Old Europe in Decline?",DP 6160(published in: Intereconomics, 2012, 47 (1), 31-38 );
    Why German economists� call to action came at the right time. This call is like an alarm going off in the nick of time

    � August 14, 2012
    National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, University of Canberra
    Seminar, Speech: �Remittances and Well-Being among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China�,DP 6631

    � August 15, 2012
    National Institute of Labour Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide
    Public Lecture: "Labor market reforms and the new German Miracle",DP 6250(forthcoming in: IZA Journal of Labor Policy)

    � August 16, 2012
    Melbourne University
    Seminar, Speech: "Entrepreneurship of the Left-behind of Migrants in China"

    � August 20-21, 2012
    International Symposium on Demographic Dividend and Socio-economic Development in Beijing, Organizers: Academic Division of Economics, CASS
    Institute of Population and Labor Economics, CASS;
    �August 21, 2012, Session 5: Human Capital Accumulation: Theories and Practices, Speech: "Entrepreneurship of the left-behind"

    � August 22, 2012
    Normal University of Beijing
    研究研讨会演讲:�匿名分析工作ons: Concept and Potentials�

    July 09, 2012:
    Why German economists� call to action came at the right time - This call is like an alarm going off in the nick of time
    by Klaus F. Zimmermann
    Director of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and Professor of Economics at the University of Bonn

    Advice can be hard to swallow. Some economists and politicians may have found the latest critical outcry in a public letter from over 190 (now over 260) leading German economists on the resolutions passed at the last EU summit less than appetizing, and they are now biting back. While some of the critical voices try to cover up their weakness during the European negotiations marathon, others are able to conceal their enthusiasm for a smooth march towards a European state of interventionism.

    The truth is, the new EU resolutions are vague and open to interpretation. But it is clear to everyone involved that with this summit we have taken another, possibly decisive, step towards a European Transfer Union, in which the responsibility for economic risks will ultimately fall upon society (in particular the - probably - German taxpayer) without first transferring the responsibility particularly for fiscal stabilization to a European institution that can effectively deal with it.

    Whatever the rescue measures are one wants to undertake, one first has to securely establish the rules, and create effective instruments to enforce them. This was missing from the beginning, and is the core of the European crisis.

    至于我自己,我签署这封信因为我哈ve always been, and still am, a supporter of the euro, which should be a pact for growth and stability rather than acting as an emergency room.

    This letter is a political wake-up call, not one of these sensitive economic analyses that have been around for years. Last Friday, the German Council of Economic Experts gave its current position on the summit in a special report, in which it warned against believing that the problems have been solved. The President of the German Bundesbank, Weidmann, criticized the outcome of the summit this week in an exceptionally harsh public analysis. There is indeed no reason to be complacent.

    I find it difficult to suppress my frustration when I think back to another appeal (�Europe�s banking crisis: a call to action�), which I also supported along with Europe�s leading macroeconomists at the dawn of the global economic crisis in early October 2008 and which made Europe sit up and listen: �We need to have a comprehensive approach, and in Europe this means an EU-led initiative to recapitalize the banking sector... It is equally important to agree on a harmonized approach to deposit insurance. To prevent future crises of this nature, regulation of the European financial markets and institutions will also be required at the European level.�

    To date, little has been done to meet these needs. For some time now, not only do we have a major crisis of confidence in the euro, but we also have a crisis of the entire European community. We are about to gamble away the European legacy of our forefathers.

    Back then we wrote: �Unless European leaders immediately unite to address this crisis head on before it spirals out of control, they may find themselves fighting over how best to cope with the consequences.� We are now at this very point. What happens now will very probably come at the price of transfers from the European Union and the pooling of existing European debt. This is certainly the expectation of the elites in the problem countries of the eurozone. The question is, should this also apply in an uncontrolled manner to all future debt?

    The banking union discussed at the summit is not inherently wrong. There is no dissent here with the new (second) �counter(?) appeal� of colleagues initiated by Munich Professor Illing et al. which among others states: �This does not endorse a pooling of liability for bank debt in a way where the responsibility for economic risks would fall upon society.� Yes, this is what concerns me. And this worry is magnified by two observations, which the President of the Bundesbank has also made: The summit resolutions relax the conditions for financial aid and foster joint liability. Furthermore, the banking union cannot and will not happen overnight, as too much time has been wasted on its conception.

    I think it is good that the economists� appeal has triggered a broad public debate in Germany on the future strategies for euro-crisis management and the longer-term prospects of the European economic and financial policies. For far too long, pressing issues of Europe have been negotiated outside of parliaments and the public. This lack of democracy leads many citizens to believe that when it comes to the euro crisis, politicians are only momentarily spurred into action at an EU summit. It seems they are wandering aimlessly, only patching up problems when they stumble upon them, without managing to get to the root of the crisis.

    It is also very useful for German economic policymakers in the jungle of European negotiations if they can refer to broad support in their own country for a policy which believes in fiscal stabilization as the starting point for any European growth policy. Following the French presidential election, this position must be strengthened in the European debate, which is at risk of becoming out of balance. This does not follow from one-sided policies serving German interests, but it is in the interest of long-term prosperity from the perspective of the entire European Union.

    The debt crisis and the many failures and over-reactions during the great economic crisis have resulted in a general crisis of confidence in the euro. This is not justified however, because, if one looks at the overall results objectively, the euro has been a great success since its introduction. But during this crisis, the euro�s fundamental flaws have become brutally clear. Nevertheless, we cannot allow individual countries like Greece to be ejected from the euro as long as they are facing up to the reform needs.

    We then arrive at the fundamental question: What kind of Europe do we want? What should be the blueprint for the future? Will Europe remain a loose confederation of states but with strong community institutions, or will it become a federation with a central government and a parliament that upholds it?

    Since we are now at this historic crossroad, the economists� call comes at exactly the right time. In my opinion, it is an alarm going off in the nick of time.

    This joined statement by leading German economists was not meant to kick policymakers in the shins, but to clarify the principles upon which economic and monetary union must be established in order to restore the lost confidence among market players and citizens alike.

    The crisis and its causes highlight the need for greater European integration lest we risk the dissolution of the European idea. This means surrendering more sovereign rights to European institutions, especially in the sensitive areas of economic and financial policy � albeit within democratic supervision led by the European Parliament.

    It is the difference between demand for integration and reality that is at the core of the current euro crisis. Although there is one currency and one monetary policy by the ECB, fiscal policies are dramatically diverse. The original rules of the Stability and Growth Pact, which meant to guarantee a solid foundation for the euro, have largely been a failure particularly at enforcing fiscal discipline.

    Appointing the European Central Bank as the financial agent of European countries and banks is a fatal development. In this respect we need to return to the culture of stability found in the German Bundesbank. Otherwise inflation will come back to haunt us during the next crisis. European banking supervision must exist within the banking union, but it cannot be controlled by the European Central Bank. Having the European Central Bank as the last resort must not compromise the task of supervision.

    The implementation weaknesses of the Maastricht Treaty have shaken the confidence of financial markets in the adaptability of national fiscal stability cultures to the needs of the euro. Therefore, this is the starting point for major reform efforts.

    As long as there is no common fiscal and financial policy with the appropriate control and sanction mechanisms, all of the mind games surrounding the pooling of debt and national budget deficits are precisely the wrong approach to take in order to overcome, in the long term, the structural problems in Europe that have now been identified. In addition to the structural reforms to boost competitiveness, which include the liberalization and flexibility of the labor market, Europe needs, above all, close coordination of its financial policy.

    This requires an independent European fiscal authority in charge of enforcing fiscal discipline more effectively than what was originally adopted in Maastricht in early 1992 and elaborated in the Stability and Growth Pact. We need a European authority that has the necessary intervention rights at the national level if budget plans and requirements are not adhered to. In cases of conflict, sanction mechanisms should also apply that must not, as in the past, be sacrificed to political opportunism. The current resolution package for a �Fiscal Union� is the right approach� if its content is jointly endorsed by everyone involved.

    In essence these thoughts amount to a European �Treasury� which ensures that there is a coordinated fiscal policy as well as collective rules for the banking and finance sector. At the same time, this body must represent the EU in the relevant international institutions so that Europe will be able to speak with one voice in the future.

    A strong economic and monetary union requires structures that function more efficiently and effectively. Convincing concepts for financial market regulation have so far been procrastinated. In addition, we need a gradual harmonization of fiscal policy, a reform of the labor markets and, above all, a program for sustainable fiscal consolidation. Member states have tiptoed around these central points for far too long. Ultimately, this is what caused the current difficulties.

    Germany�s economists have certainly struck a nerve with regard to this subject.

    Their goal is to make a contribution to a new, crisis-proof architecture for the eurozone. Only then will the community emerge stronger from this profound crisis. Politicians would be well advised to take the expertise of economists seriously instead of continuing to maneuver around with hollow compromises that ultimately will not solve the eurocrisis.

    Online version (in German):�Keine Notfallklinik f�r den Euro!�

    July 09, 2012:
    Debate on strengthening the Eurozone
    The results of the EU summit have prompted mixed responses in Germany. Over 190 leading economists from German-speaking countries, including IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann, critically challenged the decisions made in Brussels. Their open letter to policymakers was published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (seeFAZ Onlinefor the German full text and the list of signatories).

    The contribution to the debate stirred strong reactions and responses by other economists (seeHandelsblatt onlinefor an overview of the debate). In anopinion piece for Handelsblatt online, IZA Director Zimmermann analyzed the background and the dangers of the debate on saving the euro. He also referred to a previous call on EU policymakers, published by Zimmermann and other leading European and U.S. economists in October 2008, stressing the need for a joint strategy to fight the financial crisis. The call contained a serious of concrete proposals which have yet to be realized (seenews item below).

    July 06, 2012:
    Policy Seminar in Visby/Gotland, Sweden (July 6, 2012)
    Once a year Sweden's political parties traditionally meet for theAlmedanen Weekin Visby, a town on the Baltic Sea island of Gotland. The well-attended "politicians week" open to the public is a great example of living democracy. On the invitation of the Swedish Centre Party, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann took part in a seminar on "Labor Market and Youth Unemployment" on July 6, 2012[view program].He provided insights into Germany's labor market reforms and vocational training system, and commented on the policy lessons for fighting youth unemployment in Europe. Zimmermann was cordially introduced by Annie L��f (photo on the right), Minister of Enterprise in the Swedish government and leader of the Centre Party, a coalition partner within the conservative - liberal government. His presentation was followed by a panel discussion. Particularly his comments on what Sweden can learn from the German model were met with great interest. This is also reflected by the concurrent publication of an op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann in Sweden's largest daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter:
    -online version(in Swedish)
    -PDF version(in English).
    See also the related text:"How Shameless Copycatting Can Save Europe", in Harvard Business Review Blog Network, July 05, 2012.

    In his presentation Zimmermann also referred to two IZA studies:
    - Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann: Another Economic Miracle? The German Labor Market and the Great Recession (IZA DP No. 6250, forthcoming in: IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2012).
    - Werner Eichhorst & Klaus F. Zimmermann: And Then There Were Four� How Many (and Which) Measures of Active Labor Market Policy Do We Still Need? Finding a Balance after the Evaluation of the Hartz Reforms in Germany (IZA DP No. 2605, published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 2007, 53 (3), 243-272).

    July 04, 2012:
    IZA Director: Creating a transatlantic common market is the big project of the future
    As a consequence of the current economic and financial crisis, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermanncalls for a strategic alliance between the United States and Europe. In anop-ed for the German daily DIE WELT on the 4th of Julyhe writes: "The unstable, increasingly intertwined global economy needs a solid and reliable anchor. It takes a joint strategy for Europe and the U.S. to become the global growth engines again. A new world economic order cannot be established without close cooperation between the two major Western allies."

    Zimmermann claims that a rapid implementation of a comprehensive free trade agreement would boost economic growth on both sides of the Atlantic by up to three percent. However, even 50 years after John F. Kennedy called for a �transatlantic partnership of equals� for the first time on July 4, 1962, there is still a long way to go. On important issues, such as economic and energy policy, the transatlantic gap has widened rather than closed. Quite a few decision-makers in Washington also seem to favor a global shift of power from the Atlantic to the Pacific region.

    Nonetheless, according to Zimmermann, the U.S. and Europe are still the cornerstones of today�s global economy: they account for about one-third of global trade in goods and 40 percent of trade in services. About seven million U.S. workers are currently employed by European companies, while six million Europeans owe their jobs to U.S. investment.

    Klaus F. Zimmermann: "After the U.S. elections in November, John F. Kennedy�s vision should be moved to the top of the agenda again. Europe and the United States must grow together to form an economic community of responsibility that offers orientation to the rest of the world. Creating a transatlantic common market is the big project of the future. After all, the United States and Europe share more common interests than most other regions in the world."

    July 02, 2012:
    Zimmermann joins Strategic Advisory Board of LIEPP, Paris
    IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann was recently appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board ofLIEPP(Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d��valuation des politiques publiques), Sciences Po, Paris. The newly founded research center, co-directed by IZA FellowEtienne Wasmer, advises the French government on all public policy issues. The strategic advisory board consists of eminent scholars from the fields of public economics, political science and sociology. On July 2, Zimmermann took part in the first gathering to assess the first months of activity of LIEPP and discuss the way forward.

    The SAB meeting was followed by apublic debate, attended by several hundred representatives from science, politics, business and the media, on the stakes of the new French Presidency. With the other panelists Michel Sapin and Tito Boeri, Zimmermann discussed the labor market reforms in Germany, Italy and France. He also referred to a recent IZA study forthcoming in the IZA Journal of Labor Policy in 2012:

    Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann, Another Economic Miracle? The German Labor Market and the Great Recession

    IZA DP No. 6250

    June 26, 2012:
    IZA Director Zimmermann: EU summit should create financial incentives for sustainable reforms and job growth
    By 2020, the European Union wants to create 18 million new jobs. Details are to be discussed at the EU Job and Growth Summit on June 28-29 in Brussels. Prior to the meeting, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannmade some concrete proposals for further steps to be taken, including stricter control mechanisms for balanced national budgets, as well as financial incentives for employment growth.

    In anop-ed for the Financial Times Deutschland(June 26, 2012) Zimmermann calls for "providing incentives for innovation in future-oriented sectors, such as energy, health, mobility and information technologies." He also suggests financial rewards for progress in making the labor markets more flexible, employing younger workers earlier, retaining older workers longer, and raising women's participation rates. Zimmermann argues that remaining funds from the EU Structural Funds could be used for this purpose.

    June 25, 2012:
    Journal of Population Economics Celebrates 25 Years!
    This year marks the 25th anniversary of theJournal of Population Economics.Since 1988, the Journal has published research that has advanced our knowledge and thinking in the field of population economics. The Journal's reputation has evolved substantially and it is now established as one of the most reputable outlets in economics and demography. As the journal of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), co-founded by IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannin 1988, the Journal of Population Economics is hosted by IZA and is traditionally also strongly supported by the IZA network.

    Over the years, the number of submissions to the Journal has consistently grown and now exceeds 400 submissions per year. The Journal currently publishes about 60 articles and 1,500 pages per year. The accepted articles are now published in less than a year. Concurrently with its rising prestige, the Journal's impact factor has been consistently increasing over time. In 2010 the two-year impact factor was 0.948, ranking the Journal 116th among 305 journals listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). As of June 2012, the RePEc aggregate ranking places the Journal 65th out of 1,093 journals listed in the database.

    During the ESPE Annual Congress which took place in Berne, Switzerland, in June 2012, the anniversary was celebrated. Representing Springer Verlag, publisher of the Journal, Katharina Wetzel-Vandai honored Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmmermann and editorial board memberErdal Tekinfor their great success and continued commitment.

    June 11, 2012:
    Compact Course for FU Berlin Students: �Skilled Labor Shortage � Illusion or Challenge?�
    At the occasion of his 10th anniversary ashonorary professor at the Free University of Berlin, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann held his annual compact course for FU graduate students at IZA in Bonn. This compact course, which has traditionally been offered by the honorary professor each spring semester since 2002, deals with topical research questions related to social and labor market policies. Thetwo-day coursein early June gave students interested in economic policy issues an opportunity to present their course work on �Skilled Labor Shortage � Illusion or Challenge?� in a workshop-like environment.

    A broad range of relevant aspects was analyzed from the perspective of economics and with regard to labor market policy implications. During the first session on demographic change and recent forecasts of employment trends in Germany, it became clear that the impending shrinkage of the workforce can no longer be stopped but at best be slowed down and its consequences mitigated if active policy measures are taken in time.

    The students� presentations showed that decision makers in politics, business and society have the toolkit at hand in order to make the necessary adjustments to cushion the impact of demographic change. Among the potential preventive and remedial actions discussed by the young economists were the expansion of weekly and lifetime working hours, various ways to raise female labor market participation, and options to promote and control skilled labor immigration based on economic needs.

    A hotly debated topic was how to extend people�s working lives and how to create a work environment that meets the needs of older workers. While raising female employment was found to have an enormous potential, it was emphasized that actively organized immigration of foreign specialists will remain necessary at the same time. The option to expand weekly working hours, which has so far been neglected in the public debate, was discussed as well. IZA also provided the students with insights into the methodology applied by IZA researchers to simulate future trends in labor supply and demand.

    除了经济因素外,学生lso looked into the political implications of an aging society, which is characterized by a shift of power from the young to the old. At the end of the successful compact course, the international dimension of demographic change was discussed. Since a sustainable strategy to deal with skilled labor shortages must also take into account the interests of skilled migrants� home countries, it requires cooperation on a global scale.

    May 23, 2012:
    Zimmermann: Europe needs a sustainable growth strategy � traditional stimulus programs have failed
    �Growth� has finally become a central theme in economic policymaking again. In recent years critics of the �ideology of growth� have been preoccupied with searching for ways to achieve �wealth without growth�. Europe needs to realize that growth is not a panacea but a sine-qua-non, writes IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann in an op-ed for the K�lner Stadtanzeiger newspaper before the EU special summit on pro-growth measures on May 23.

    According to Zimmermann, growth can only be achieved if production is kept in Europe rather than focusing only on innovation, education and research. Zimmermann dismissed the call for additional stimulus programs: �The policy of deficit spending pursued since the 1970s has failed in two ways � public budgets are dried up and unemployment has reached record levels. Any attempts to fight the debt crisis with more debt will lead to a dead end.�

    欧盟委员会旨在提高employment among 20 to 64-year-olds to 75 percent by 2020. This would require 17.6 million new jobs to be created by the end of the decade. According to Zimmermann, this goal can only be reached if consistent structural reforms in the EU countries are implemented and the labor markets become more flexible.

    Read thecomplete op-ed(in German)

    May 07, 2012:
    IZA Director Zimmermann contributes to Deutsche Post DHL's Corporate Responsibility Day 2012
    How can we improve collaboration between businesses, politics and non-governmental organizations in view of sustainable goals? Is capitalism an obsolete model? What consequence does demographics shift have on our future world of employment? These and other issues were discussed by leading experts from business, politics and society, including IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann, at the Corporate Responsibility Day organized by Deutsche Post DHL (viewwebcast of the event). Zimmermann highlighted the manifold demographic challenges from an academic perspective and called for a comprehensive policy agenda to address the labor market needs of an aging society.

    Read also his blog entry atDelivering Tomorrow:
    "The labor market in an aging society"

    May 05, 2012:
    IZA participates in women&work congress in Bonn: "Future growth is female"
    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannaddressed thewomen&workcongress, which took place in Bonn on May 5, 2012. His contributions were also published asIZA Standpunkte No. 48.齐默尔曼强调,人口challenge for the German labor market can only be met if both female labor market participation and fertility are increased. The key to achieving this dual goal is improving the availability and quality of childcare.

    "That fact that many women are employed below their qualifications has a negative impact on economic growth. This is why IZA has always called for focusing the various family benefits in Germany, which amount to 200 billion euros annually, on providing childcare at early ages in order to substantially improve women's career prospects," said Zimmermann. IZA had an exhibition booth at the congress to inform the participants about relevant IZA activities and recent publications including a study on "Taxing Childcare"(IZA DP No. 6440), a report on the pilot project for anonymized job applications(IZA RR No. 44)and a study on the labor market potential of women and mothers in Germany(IZA RR No. 39).IZA also actively promotes women's careers in research, e.g. through a successfulWorkshop "Women and Research"recently held at IZA.

    May 02, 2012:
    Zimmermann: CDU's concept for minimum wages is a setback for the German labor market
    In the ongoing political debate on introducing minimum wages in Germany, Chancellor Merkel�s CDU party has presented its own concept of regional and industry-specific wage floors. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann: �This is a great victory for the CDU and the unions, but a major setback for Germany. The German labor market will again lose a great deal of flexibility. The concept would destroy piece by piece what is currently admired throughout the world as the German model.�

    His main criticism is that the unions regain control of the labor market with a single stroke and secure the blocking minority. The CDU thus �elegantly clears a difficult minefield� with important state elections coming up, while the SPD party is left empty-handed. Low-income households, however, will barely benefit from these plans as they will lead to job losses and higher consumer prices, Zimmermann toldHandelsblatt Online(May 2, 2012).

    April 26, 2012:
    15th anniversary of the IZA Summer School in Labor Economics
    In 1998, IZA created theEuropean Summer School in Labor Economics, which takes place once a year in the conference center of Deutsche Post at the lake of Ammersee in Bavaria/Germany. Its objective is to bring together a large number of Ph.D. students and senior researchers to study new areas in labor economics. The event provides students with the opportunity to discuss their own research ideas with established researchers in a relaxed and open atmosphere. Around 35 advanced European graduate students engaged in the preparation of a doctoral dissertation or approaching this stage are selected for participation each year.

    这一系列事件公关树立了新的标准omotion of junior academics around the world. More than 500 students have participated over the years. Most alumni have pursued successful careers in academia and research institutions while forming a particularly committed part of the IZA network.

    This week the 15th event is celebrated at the conference center. In a speech to the participants[Download PDF]of the 2012 IZA Summer School, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannoutlined the vision of the event: "We intend to promote policy-oriented high-quality labor research and attract the very best young scholars to bring their ideas to bear for the IZA activities. We are grateful for the many stimulating contributions we have received over the years." He also thanked the committed organizers of the 15 events,Thomas Bauer(RWI, University of Bochum and IZA; 1998 -2003),Ana Rute Cardoso(IAE Barcelona and IZA; 2003 - 2008),Konstantinos Tatsiramos(University of Leicester and IZA; 2008 - 2011), andAnne Gielen(Rotterdam University and IZA; since 2011) for their devoted efforts which made this event series an outstanding IZA product.

    April 25, 2012:
    Zimmermann: German labor market ill-prepared for demographic change
    Today the German federal government will release its new strategy to cope with the demographic challenge. In an op-ed for the Tagesspiegel (April 25, 2012), IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann writes: "To prepare our labor market for the upcoming demographic disruptions, we will need to launch another major reform package much like the Agenda 2010."
    He identifies four major areas in which strategic action is needed:
    1. Young people need better qualification opportunities. The share of drop-outs with no vocational training is above the OECD average in Germany.
    2. The balance of family and work needs to be improved. Fertility is now about half the 1967 level, and female labor force participation is exceptionally low in Germany. The planned subsidy for keeping children out of daycare(Betreuungsgeld)is the wrong signal.
    3. Older workers must be retained in the labor force. Their participation rate in German is much lower than in Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon countries. Rigid retirement ages are obsolete.
    4. Migration policy must be aligned with labor market policy. As the difficult implementation of the EU Blue Card initiative shows, Germany still has problems accepting the need for a transparent and demand-driven immigration of non-EU workers.

    Read thecomplete op-ed(in German)

    April 21, 2012:
    Zimmermann: Green energy policy jeopardized by shortage of skilled specialists
    根据现正主任克劳斯·f·齐默尔曼re is growing shortage of specialists in areas related to the transition to green energy in Germany. "Failure to fill this gap would seriously jeopardize German energy and environmental," writes Zimmermann in the latest issue of the technology magazine HI:TECH CAMPUS. In addition to engineers who develop new energy technologies, skilled tradesmen and service workers are needed to run and maintain these technologies. Arguing that energy goals must be closely linked to employment policy, Zimmermann called on policymakers and business leaders to start a qualification initiative for relevant occupations in the environmental sector. "Even if universities now create new specialized courses and expand their capacities in this area, it will take years until these experts enter the labor market," said Zimmermann. "Therefore an appropriate immigration policy is also needed to attract foreign specialists."

    Read more (in German):
    -"Ingenieure und Techniker braucht das Land", in HI:TECH CAMPUS (April 21, 2012)
    -"Denkfabrik: Der Fachkr�ftemangel bremst die Energiewende", in Wirtschaftswoche (January 14, 2012)

    April 17, 2012:
    German pilot project for anonymized job applications: Presentation of the final report in Berlin
    Together with Christine L�ders, head of the German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (ADS), IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann presented the results of the first pilot project for anonymized job applications. This ADS project was scientifically accompanied by IZA andKOWA(European University Viadrina). The analysis showed that anonymization of attributes such as name, photograph, gender, age and ethnic origin of the applicant is effective at creating equal opportunity for all groups to get a job interview.

    "Empirical studies point to a serious extent of discrimination in the German labor market. Both hidden and open discrimination lead to an enormous waste of potential. Particularly the unequal treatment of women, migrants and older job applicants causes substantial economic damage. In view of the increasing shortage of skilled labor we can no longer afford this waste of resources � not to mention the social and ethical aspects of unequal opportunity", said Klaus F. Zimmermann.

    Read more (mostly in German):
    -IZA press release(April 17, 2012)
    -Final reportof the pilot project (PDF, 2.8 MB)
    -Newspaper articlein S�ddeutsche Zeitung (April 17, 2012)
    -IZA Research Report No. 27"Anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren"
    -IZA DP No. 6100"Anonymous Job Applications of Fresh Ph.D. Economists"
    -IZA DP No. 4741“种族歧视在德国的实验室our Market: A Field Experiment"

    IZA Director Zimmermann in ARD-Tagesthemen news program

    April 11, 2012:
    World Bank: A new head and a new program
    In a German-language op-ed, entitled �Ein neuer Kopf und ein neues Programm/A new head and a new program� and published recently in Germany�sHandelsblatt, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann lays out the key challenges for the future agenda of the World Bank, just as the institution is selecting its next President.

    �The World Bank is at a crossroads and must urgently redefine its mission. As the attractiveness of the economic models of Western countries has declined, the institution must focus on being an honest broker between competing perspectives. At the core must be an unrelenting focus on productive employment. That is the key lever to fighting poverty and inequality � and hence sustainable development. �

    In addition, Mr. Zimmermann argues that:

    � Go local earlier: The�Employment and Development�research program, jointly operated by the Bank and IZA has shown that it is vital to involve local decision makers much earlier in the process of defining labor market strategies.

    � Tackling informality: The informal sector, which is the key economic engine in the developing world, must be transformed. The best path to success is the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises.

    � Okonjo-Iweala best qualified candidate: While both remaining candidates for the post of World Bank president are well qualified, the professional track record and leadership skills of Nigeria�s current finance minister (and former World Bank managing director) provide the best basis to drive the core tasks of job creation and economic growth forward.

    For media requests, please contact Mark Fallak at fallak@iza.org or +49 (228) 3894-223.

    April 11, 2012:
    Labor market mobility as a driving force for growth in Europe
    In an interview with "MARKANT HandelsMagazin", IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann explains why the fear of labor shortage is unfounded, and how Europe can position itself successfully for the future. He argues in favor of a more mobile labor market in which skilled workers support a dynamic development that aims at prosperity, equity and growth. He calls for reviving the goal to make Europe the most competitive and most dynamic economic area in the world. From his point of view, this is possible if all member countries agree on concrete reform measures. He demands a "welcoming culture" that is more attractive to committed, qualified young people from all over the world. A powerful, flexible and open labor market without borders "is the main driving force behind future growth in Europe," says Zimmermann.

    Read the complete interview (in German) inMARKANT, April 2012

    April 10, 2012:
    Vibrant Europe Forum calls for action plan
    A high-ranking group of representatives from the fields of European politics, academics, and multinational firms calls for action to revitalize Europe and its socioeconomic structures. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann is among the first signatories of a joint declaration of the "Vibrant Europe Forum (VEF)" which was initiated by IZA Senior AdvisorJo Ritzen, former Dutch minister and vice-president of the World Bank. The VEF aims at creating building blocks for an implementable vision for Europe most concretely for the period 2015-2020 with a perspective towards 2050. Labor market and social policies will be crucial to turn an increasingly weary Europe into a "vibrant" Europe.
    Read more:

    -VEF Press Release
    -VEF Declaration "A Vibrant Europe for People"
    -VEF Homepage

    April 04, 2012:
    Zimmermann: Interim employment companies are too expensive and ineffective
    The case of Schlecker has sparked a heated debate on the sense of transfer companies. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann calls for their abolition: �All labor market policy instruments should be evaluated on a regular basis and removed if they are inefficient.� In the German weekly Die ZEIT (April 4, 2012) he writes: �On average, interim employment companies are not faster than employment agencies at bringing people back into employment. IZA published the only available study on the effectiveness of interim employment companies and found that they did not meet the high expectations.� They are also too expensive and raise false hopes among the unemployed, who waive possible severance payment without getting any better employment prospects. Zimmermann therefore calls for strengthening the employment agencies and their effectiveness. After all, the successful German labor market reforms have already greatly improved the quality of the new job centers.

    Read more (in German):
    -ZEIT article(Transgesellschaft: Contra von Klaus F. Zimmermann, der Chef des Instituts zur Zukunft der Arbeit setzt auf die Jobcenter)
    -IZA Research Report No. 10
    (Personalpolitische Strategien deutscher Unternehmen zur Bew�ltigung demografisch bedingter Rekrutierungsengp�sse bei F�hrungskr�ften)
    -PersonalMagazin(Bericht aus Bonn: Transfergesellschaften genau unter die Lupe nehmen)
    -S�ddeutsche article(Rettung von insolventer Drogeriemarktkette: Wie es mit Schlecker weitergeht)

    April 03, 2012:
    Europe's labor market integrates in the wake of the crisis
    New data confirm the trend: Germany maintains its excellent relative position in the European labor market.
    That is due to the fact that we adjusted to the requirements of global markets and also reformed our labor market. However, Germany can only benefit permanently from its strong position if our European partners continue to economically integrate together with us. Therefore, the current crisis offers unique opportunities in three directions: migration of Greeks and Spaniards to Germany, for example, helps to prevent a lost generation in the source countries and is beneficial for them. Germany's labor market becomes more European, with positive effects on exports. And our skills shortage can be mitigated in this way. However, we should not fear a wave of Spaniards and Greeks. Rather, Europe grows closer together in the crisis also on the labor market."

    For the complete comment (in German) see:Die WELT (April 4, 2012)

    March 13, 2012:
    European labor migrants don't wind up in the welfare hammock
    The German federal government has decided to prevent EU migrants and Turks from instant access to unemployment assistance ("Hartz IV"). This has ignited a heated public debate. IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann comments:

    "This decision was entirely appropriate. We don't want welfare migration to Germany � and so far this has not all all been a problem. Excluding potential welfare migrants from Hartz IV benefits certainly sends the right signal. The proposed legislative change should refute those who keep claiming that welfare abuse is common practice among immigrants. This is a myth propagated by interest groups who want to impede or completely prevent labor migration."

    For the complete comment (in German) see:Die WELT (March 13, 2012)

    An English translation will be published in the next IZA Compact newsletter.

    Comprehensive international studies prepared by IZA for the EU Commission found no welfare migration within the EU:

    Klaus F. Zimmermann, Martin Kahanec, Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Alan Barrett, Bertrand Maitre
    IZA Research Report No. 43: Study on Active Inclusion of Migrants
    Report prepared for the European Commission, Bonn 2012 (216 pages)

    Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann
    Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU
    IZA Discussion Paper No. 6075
    (forthcoming in: International Journal of Manpower, 2012)

    March 09, 2012:
    IZA introduces the IZA@DC Young Scholar Program
    Outstanding students from Ph.D. programs outside of the U.S. now have an excellent opportunity to get in close touch with IZA Research Fellows from the Washington DC metro area. Under the annual IZA@DC Young Scholar Program, a joint initiative with theGeorgetown University Economics Departmentand its Georgetown Center of Economic Research (GCER), selected students will attend lectures presented by some of the world's leading labor economists. During the one-week program directed by Georgetown University economics professorFrancis Vella, they will also be able to meet with the speakers and discuss their own research in a very personal atmosphere.

    "IZA has always been dedicated to promoting talented junior researchers. This new program gives young scholars a unique opportunity to create valuable networks and start collaborating on joint research projects," said IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann.

    The First IZA@DC Young Scholar Program takes place from October 22-26, 2012, hosted by Georgetown University.
    For details on the selection process see the call for nominations at:www.ecmna114.com/conference_files/YSP2012

    March 07, 2012:
    Humboldt Research Award for IZA Fellow Daniel S. Hamermesh
    IZA Visiting Research FellowDaniel S. Hamermesh(University of Texas at Austin) recently received a Humboldt Research Award from the Germany-basedAlexander von Humboldt Foundation.The prestigious award honors eminent foreign researchers at the peak of their academic careers whose fundamental discoveries, new theories or insights have had a significant impact on their discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future.

    Daniel Hamermesh has been closely affiliated with IZA since its foundation in 1998 and has contributed a great deal to the institute's success. He coordinated IZA's research activities onThe Future of Laboras Program Director for a decade before serving as Director of Research for two years. He has organized numerous conferences and workshops, above all the highly successfulIZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meetings.Over the past years he has continued to spend extended periods at IZA as a Visiting Research Fellow.

    Hamermesh specializes in labor demand, social programs, academic labor markets and unusual applications in everyday life. Most recently he has focused his research on the economic benefits of beauty. His new book "Beauty Pays" demonstrates how society favors the beautiful � and how better-looking people experience higher salaries and benefits in all aspects of life. Hamermesh teaches theory in a way that makes economics useful in everyday life. He applies economic principles to various topics in his contribution to theFreakonomicsblog.

    IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann took Hamermesh's recent stay in Bonn as an opportunity to congratulate him on receiving the award: "I can hardly think of anyone more deserving of this honor. With his boundless creative energy and uplifting spirit, Dan Hamermesh is a constant source of inspiration for our young researchers. We are deeply grateful to Dan for his invaluable contributions to IZA, and we look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration."

    March 07, 2012:
    The Republican Super Tuesday
    As expected, Super Tuesday brought no final decision about the Republican candidate for the US presidential race.
    Nevertheless, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann sees front-runner Mitt Romney as the likely opponent of Barack Obama and finds a number of critical open questions for Europe.

    Zimmermann has analyzed the chances and the likely consequences of a President Romney (in German):
    "W�hrend Obama transatlatisch moderat agiert und gar Deutschland mit seiner Industrie und der Energiepolitik als Vorbild zur Steigerung der amerikanischen Wettbewerbsf�higkeit ausgibt, rei�t Romney immer neue Gr�ben zu Europa auf. Er redet zwar von fiskalischer Konsolidierung, verspricht aber eine 20-Prozent-Steuersenkung f�r alle. Das ist unverantwortlich. Sein Vorschlag, die Steuereinnahmen des Bundes auf 20 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsproduktes zu beschr�nken, geht an den sozialen Realit�ten der USA vorbei. Mit seinem permanenten Warnen vor dem europ�ischen Sozialstaat macht er Europa zum schwarzen Peter. Er verkennt �ber dem sehr popul�ren Gerede �ber weniger Staat, wie tief das sozialpolitische Problem in den USA ist, das nur �ber Wirtschaftswachstum und dem Verlassen der �berschuldungsfalle gel�st werden kann. Europa hat dazu bereits ein �berzeugendes Konzept, f�r das sich ein Pr�sident Romney nur schwer �berzeugen lassen wird, m�sste er doch vom Heilsversprechen sinkender Steuern lassen, um die US-Staatsfinanzen auch ohne immer neue kreditfinanzierte Ausgabenprogramme zu sanieren."

    The German Handelsblatt has published the comments inHandelsblatt Online March 7, 2012

    February 04, 2012:
    Zimmermann celebrates 10th anniversary as honorary professor at FU Berlin
    On February 3, 2012, Klaus F. Zimmermann celebrated 10 years as honorary professor at theFree University of Berlin.Professor Georg Schrey�gg, former Vice Dean of the economics department, highlighted Zimmermann's past contributions and looked forward to continuing the successful cooperation with the IZA Director.

    In a presentation on "Circular Migration � Opportunities and Challenges", Zimmermann discussed how the removal of barriers to freedom of movement can encourage circular migration that leads to a win-win-win situation for the migrants themselves as well as the host and source countries.

    January 24, 2012:
    Georgetown University and IZA sign collaboration contract

    On January 24, 2012,Francis Vella, Professor, Chair of the Economics Department & Villani Chair in Economics, andGerald Mara研究生院院长和副院长,Research, of Georgetown University, signed a collaboration contract with IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannon the premises of Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Vella is also a long-term Research Fellow of IZA and Co-Director of the newly founded Georgetown Center for Economics Research (GCER) together with ProfessorRoger Lagunoff, who was also present at the ceremony.

    The memorandum of understanding documents the intense collaborations between both institutions over the last years in a series of activities and outlines how they have decided to continue and extend this collaboration into a number of new areas. An important purpose is to strengthen the exchange of faculty and graduate students and to foster participation in workshops and conferences. The partners will engage in research and teaching issues and colloborate on themes of policy relevance using theGeorgetown Center for Economic Research (GCER)

    January 18, 2012:
    Zimmermann joins LIEPP in Paris
    IZA-Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has been selected as a Member of the Strategic Advisory Board of LIEPP(Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d��valuation des politiques publiques), Sciences Po Paris. The committee assembles distinguished national and international experts in economics, politics and sociology including next to Zimmermann Dani Rodrik of Harvard University, Tito Boeri of Bocconi University, Nobel Prize Laureate 2010 Christopher Pissarides of the London School of Economics (LSE) as well as Craig Calhoun, the next director of the LSE.

    LIEPP最近被选为一个卓越�center� (Laboratoire d�excellence) by an international scientific committee gathered by the French Research Agency (ANR). As such, it will receive 10 million euros of funding by the French government over the next ten years. LIEPP aims to be independent, non-partisan, international and multidisciplinary in order to achieve thorough and comprehensive knowledge of our environment and its institutional, social, political, legal and economic mechanisms. The institute is co-directed by Prof. Cornelia Woll and Prof. Etienne Wasmer (both Sciences Po Paris).

    January 03, 2012:
    Retirement Age 67: Under Debate again in Germany
    IZA - Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has supported the transition to a later retirement age of 67 in Germany which starts in 2012. In an interview with the German newspaper "Bild-Zeitung" he said: "Even a retirment age of 70 is acceptable in the medium term and will get realized all over Europe."

    Zimmermann supports a retirment age at 70 since 2005 in the public to avoid benfit cuts or higher contribution rates which are otherwise unavoidable. In an interview with the German daily "L�becker Nachrichten", Zimmermann had called for a longer working life. This proposal, which had entered the public debate under the catch phrase "Retirement at 70", had triggered a heated debate at that time. The following documents (available in German only) contain some of the arguments made with regard to this controversial topic.

    -Letter to the editor in Tagesspiegel online(August 21, 2005)
    -Article in S�ddeutsche Zeitung(August 18, 2005)
    -Interview in Bonner General-Anzeiger(August 13, 2005)
    -Interview in L�becker Nachrichten [PDF](August 10, 2005)

    In recent years the EU commission and the Bundesbank have followed the position of Zimmermann for Europe and Germany respectively. The Grant Coalition had introduced the retirment age at 67 after the Federal elections in Fall 2005.

    December 31, 2011:
    IZA-Director: Full employment is possible
    The news agency dapd declares on the basis of an interview with Zimmermann (in German):

    IZA-Direktor h�lt Vollbesch�ftigung in Deutschland f�r m�glich
    "Bisher ist der Arbeitsmarkt auf die demografischen Ver�nderungen nur schlecht vorbereitet"

    Bonn (dapd). Der Direktor des Instituts zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) in Bonn, Klaus Zimmermann, sieht Deutschland auf dem Weg zur "Vollbesch�ftigung". Zimmermann sagte der Nachrichtenagentur dapd, die Zahl der Arbeitslosen k�nne ab 2015 "angesichts der jetzt massiv einsetzenden demografischen Entlastungen unter die Zwei-Millionen-Grenze rutschen". Aufgrund der Altersentwicklung werde zum Beispiel im Jahr 2012 das Arbeitskr�fteangebot um rund eine Viertel Million Menschen abnehmen.

    Zimmermann betonte, dieser Prozess werde "sich in den kommenden Jahren weiter forcieren". Insofern k�nne Deutschland "in der zweiten H�lfte dieses Jahrzehnts Vollbesch�ftigung erreichen, also eine Arbeitslosenquote bei vier Prozent". Der IZA-Direktor f�gte hinzu: "Ich gebe aber zu, dieses Ziel ist ehrgeizig und setzt voraus, dass Politik und Tarifparteien daran aktiv arbeiten."

    Die dringlichste politische Aufgabe der kommenden Jahre sei es, "den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt demografiefest zu machen". Zimmermann kritisierte: "Bisher ist der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt auf die dramatischen demografischen Ver�nderungen nur schlecht vorbereitet. Ein Gesamtkonzept fehlt."

    Notwendig seien unter anderem mehr Anreize, �ltere l�nger in Besch�ftigung zu halten. Zimmermann f�gte hinzu: "Wenn es gelingt, unter den 55- bis 65-J�hrigen bis zum Jahre 2025 eine Besch�ftigungsquote von wenigstens 70 Prozent zu erreichen, k�nnen so mehr als eine Million zus�tzliche Arbeitskr�fte gewonnen werden."

    Ebenso sollten "die Anreize f�r jene verbessert werden, die auch �ber die Regelaltersgrenze hinaus flexibel l�nger arbeiten wollen". Das Festhalten an starren Rentenaltersgrenzen sei "im Blick auf die demografischen Ver�nderungen nicht mehr zeitgem��".

    Im neuen Jahr erwartet Zimmermann trotz der Unsicherheiten durch die Euro-Krise einen weiteren R�ckgang der Arbeitslosenzahlen. Er halte im Jahresdurchschnitt ein Absinken der offiziell gemeldeten Zahl der Arbeitslosen auf 2,7 Millionen f�r m�glich.

    The message is referenced indapd(in German). This was reported in Frankfurter Rundschau, Bonner Generalanzeiger, Berliner
    Zeitung, K�lnische Rundschau, Frankurter Neue Presse, M�nchner Merkur, Saarbr�cker Zeitung, Magdeburger Volksstimme, Wirtschaftswoche, Die Welt Online, Nassauische Neue Presse and Hamburger Abendblatt. It has been the lead article on p. 1 of the January 2, 2012 issue of the Bonner Generalanzeiger.

    December 06, 2011:
    World Bank and IZA sign collaboration contract
    On December 2, 2011,Arup Banerji, Director for Social Protection and Labor within the World Bank's Human Development Network, signed a collaboration contract with IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann在华盛顿的世界银行的前提,DC. The memorandum of understanding documents how both institutions have been collaborating intensively over the last years in a series of activities and have decided to continue and extend this collaboration into a number of new areas.

    Important knowledge gaps and weak capacity have limited the identification and implementation of effective labor market policy reforms in developing and transition countries. Against this background, the World Bank and IZA had launched a joint research area on Employment and Development in 2006. At the heart of this partnership is the development of operationally-oriented research and policy advice on labor market issues. The World Bank and IZA share a common mission in promoting rigorous research and evidence-based policy analysis to support countries with the design and implementation of labor policies to create and provide access to jobs.

    Therefore, the core of the collaboration in the near future will be the joint development of the World Bank Jobs Knowledge Platform and the IZA World of Labor project. At the same time, IZA and the World Bank will continue its many successful joint conferences and workshops and its research activities dealing with the pressing issues of developing, emerging and transition countries. The next joint IZA/World Bank "Employment and Development" conference is scheduled to take place in Delhi, India, in November 2012. IZA research teams also support the forthcoming World Development Report on Jobs.

    December 05, 2011:
    Zimmermann supports German initiative to attract skilled workers from Southern Europe
    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannsupports the initiative by Germany's Economics Minister Philipp R�sler to recruit high-skilled workers from southern European countries that are facing high rates of unemployment. "Both Europe and Germany could benefit from this plan," Zimmermann told the German business daily Handelsblatt. Since the introduction of the euro took away the instrument of exchange rate flexibility, it was clear that labor mobility would be needed as a channel of adjustment for regional disparities. "The eurozone states not only failed to meet the deficit targets, they also failed to stimulate mobility between the national labor markets," said Zimmermann. He had alreadyargued previouslythat Germany neglected a great opportunity by closing its borders to labor migration from eastern European countries during the first years after EU enlargement.

    Zimmermann added: "Traditionally, mobility remains low in Europe. It should not take government intervention to get jobless skilled workers from southern Europe to come to Germany at least temporarily. The common market and existing ethnic networks should do the trick. But the reluctance even among high-skilled workers to move within the EU shows that much remains to be done in terms of European integration."

    Read the article inHandelsblatt Online(in German).

    November 28, 2011:
    Study finds no 'welfare migration' within EU
    According to a comprehensive study of 19 European countries over a period from 1993 to 2008, national differences in unemployment benefits have no impact on migration flows within the European Union. Contrary to widespread prejudice, benefit generosity overall does not influence the individual decision to migrate. For non-EU immigrants only a small, statistically insignificant effect was found. "It is a popular myth that scores of immigrants come to take advantage of the welfare state," said IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann.”,而这种情况下存在,而由于ill-designed immigration policies than to generous public benefits."

    Read the complete study:IZA DP No. 6075
    media coverage

    November 04, 2011:
    2011 G20 Summit in Cannes: IZA researchers propose global debt brake
    In time for the G20 summit in Cannes on November 3-4, IZA experts put forward a proposal for a global consolidation strategy of public finances. In the IZA Policy Paper entitled "A challenge for the G20: Globally stipulated debt brakes and transnational independent fiscal supervisory councils,"Mathias Dolls,Andreas PeichlandKlaus F. Zimmermannrecommend that political leaders of the G20 countries implement a global debt brake to push the process of consolidation of public finances and make it binding. The debt brakes should be fixed in national constitutions and enforced by transnational independent fiscal supervisory councils. The researchers point out that the debt brake is an important instrument for a long-lasting solution of the sovereign debt crisis.

    A number of international media in the G20 countries have published op-eds on the topic by IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann[view coverage]

    See also:
    -IZA Press Release(Oct. 31, 2011)
    -IZA Policy Paper No. 33(full text of the study)

    October 26, 2011:
    Zimmermann: German labor market ill-prepared for demographic challenge
    According to IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, the federal government's "Demography Report" shows that the German labor market is ill-prepared to meet the demographic challenges of the next decades. He proposed five policy priorities:

    1. More incentives to retain older workers
    2. Better coordination of labor market and education policies
    3. Expansion and improvement of childcare capacities
    4. Demand-oriented immigration policy based on points system
    5. Better re-integration of the long-term unemployed

    Read more (in German):
    -IZA press release(Oct. 26, 2011)
    -Demography Report of the Federal Government

    October 14, 2011:
    Protests against financial markets
    In the German media, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann analyzed the international protests against the banking industry. He suggests taking these movement seriously and reminds the G20 to finally put into practice the reforms and regulations agreed since 2008. He said (in German):

    "Die Proteste zeigen, dass das Unbehagen �ber Ausw�chse auf den Finanzm�rkten inzwischen die Mitte der Gesellschaft erreicht hat. Die Politik muss dies ernst nehmen, auch wenn ich die Fundamentalkritik an unserem Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystem nicht zu teilen vermag. Aber die Proteste sind ein dringender Aufruf zum Handeln. Im November 2008 haben die G 20 - Staaten feierlich erkl�rt, 'alle Finanzm�rkte, Finanzprodukte und Finanzmarktteilnehmer einer Regulierung oder angemessenen �berwachung' zu unterwerfen. Doch dies blieb bis heute �berall auf der Welt St�ckwerk. Ich hatte seinerzeit wiederholt eine Rekapitalisierung der Banken notfalls durch zeitweise staatliche Beteiligung gefordert. Auch diese Forderung verhallte ungeh�rt. Ich geh�re nicht zu denen, die 'die M�rkte' oder 'die Finanzwirtschaft' pauschal f�r alle Probleme der globalen �konomie verantwortlich machen. Aber wenn die Politik versagt, verbindliche Regeln zu setzen oder n�tige Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, dann darf es niemand wundern, wenn der Ruf nach einer 'B�ndigung des Raubtierkapitalismus' wieder aufkommt und schriller und populistischer wird. Und das Vertrauen in 'die M�rkte' sinkt. Es ist deshalb dringend w�nschenswert, dass der G 20- Gipfel Anfang November noch einmal einen ernsthaften Anlauf nimmt, das auf den Weg zu bringen, was 2008 versprochen wurde."

    His position is summarized in theHandelsblatt online article(August 14, 2011 - in German).

    Read more:
    D. Sch�fer; K. F. Zimmermann: Finanzm�rkte nach dem Fl�chenbrand (Financial Markets: the Aftermath of the Crisis). Gabler Verlag. Wiesbaden 2010, and (same authors): Bad bank(s) and the Recapitalisation of the Banking Sector, Intereconomics, 4, July/August 2009, 215-225.

    October 10, 2011:
    Nowcasting the business cycle: IZA presents the Toll Index
    In a recent paper forthcoming in theJournal of Forecasting,Nikos Askitas, Head of IZA's International Data Service Center (IDSC), and IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhave introduced the Toll Index as an early indicator for the German business cycle. It is based on German highway MAUT system data, where traffic data on the road transportation of goods are recorded. Owing to the system's innovative technology, the data have some very attractive properties such as a short publication lags and insignificant revisions. The Toll Index has been discussed in theFinancial Timesand inTim Harford's blog.It is also featured in an upcoming edition of Marketplace Europe on CNN International.

    Regular updates of the toll index data are available from theIDSC homepageand will be published on a monthly basis inWirtschaftswoche, Germany�s leading business weekly.

    Read more:
    - IZA DP No. 5522:"Nowcasting Business Cycles Using Toll Data"
    - IZA PP No. 31:"The Toll Index: Innovation-based Economic Telemetry"
    - Article in Wirtschaftswoche (Oct. 10, 2011):"New Economics: Maut als Ma�stab"

    October 03, 2011:
    Zimmermann advises Chinese government
    IZA-Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has been selected as a Member of the Advisory Committee of the China Institute of Income Distribution Studies at Beijing Normal University. The Committee assembles distinguished national and international experts in the field of income distribution and poverty studies. Professor Zhao Renwei, Honorary Fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is Chairman of the Committee. The Institute concentrates on studying labor market issues in China and provides policy recommendations to the Chinese government. The institute is directed by Prof. Song Xiao Wu and Prof. Li Shi(both Beijing Normal University).

    September 23, 2011:
    Zimmermann supports proposal for a European finance ministry
    The proposal by former ECB chief economist J�rgen Stark (view FAZ article) to establish an independent institution to monitor the Euro countries' fiscal policies as a step towards a European finance ministry are in line with the recommendations made by IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannin mid-August (view his FTD op-ed).
    [read more in German]

    September 12, 2011:
    IZA advises European Commission on migration policies towards EaP countries
    With IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannas the consortium leader, IZA joins forces withCASEWarsaw,Central European UniversityandLondon School of Economicsto advise the European Commission on the costs and benefits of, and the available policy options for, labor mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). The study aims to provide both the EU Commission and the EaP countries with an expert analysis of the current patterns of labor migration, their relationships with labor market characteristics as well as the potential for increased flows between the EaP countries and the EU. The study will aim to propose a series of specific and detailed recommendations that could improve (i) the labor migration management of the EU and of its Member States when seeking human capital complementarities with EaP Partner Countries, (ii) the overall EU economic strategy towards EaP countries, as well as (iii) the labor and labor migration policies of EaP countries. The project (Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries - EuropeAid/130215/C/SER/Multi) started in September 2011 and is to be completed by February 2013.

    August 08, 2011:
    根据现正主任齐默尔曼,美国Europe must implement major structural policy changes to avoid sending their financial markets into turmoil again.
    Read hisHandelsblatt online op-ed(August 8, 2011 - in German).

    July 30, 2011:
    US Debt Deadlock
    IZA Director and Professor of Economics of Bonn University Klaus F. Zimmermann is a regular observer of the US economic policy. He comments on the American fiscal policy and the dept crisis and states (in German):

    "Aus der Sachlage heraus ist eine Abstufung der Bonit�t der Vereinigten Staaten unvermeidlich. Das hatte ich im �brigen bereits im vergangenen Jahr prognostiziert. Denn die Voraussetzungen f�r eine langfristige Sanierung des amerikanischen Haushaltes sind nicht erkennbar. Die Aufschub versprechende Formalie einer Erh�hung der Verschuldungsgrenzen l�st das Problem �berhaupt nicht. Letztlich werden die Rating-Agenturen die Top-Bonit�t der USA auch nach einem solchen Schritt in Zweifel ziehen, wenn diese nachhaltigen fiskalischen Verbesserungen nicht in Sicht sind.

    Nat�rlich ist der Schaden f�r die USA durch die gegenseitige Blockade im Haushaltsstreit schon jetzt sehr gro�. Jede weitere Verunsicherung der M�rkte bedroht �berdies die Rolle des US-Dollars als globale Leitw�hrung. Sollten jetzt die Rating-Agenturen die Top-Bonit�t der USA tats�chlich aus formalen Gr�nden abstufen, w�rde dies die schw�chelnde amerikanische Konjunktur und die insgesamt labile weltwirtschaftliche Lage wegen der h�heren Verschuldungskosten und dem geschw�chten US-Dollar in ernsthafte Turbulenzen bringen. Wegen der schlechten Alternativen, die europ�ische Lage ist ja auch nach der letzten Einigung nicht entspannt, k�nnten die sensiblen Finanzm�rkte wieder einmal irrational agieren.

    Nat�rlich folgt das gegenw�rtige SchuldendramaWashington simplen Mechanismen des politischen Machtkampfs. Die Pr�sidentschaftswahlen im kommenden Jahr werfen ihre breiten Schatten. Aber ohne solche Dramen gibt es in der Politik auch keine starken Ver�nderungen. Entscheidend ist doch hier, ob die gefundenen L�sungen strategisch oder doch nur taktisch sind. Eine simple Erh�hung der Schuldengrenze w�re doch nur das Signal, dass man die Lage nicht ernst nimmt und kein L�sungskonzept hat. Insofern ist der bis zur letzten Minute zelebrierte Schuldenstreit, solange es um nachhaltige Einsparungen geht, schon einmal ein gutes Zeichen. Die Einigung auf erste Schritte einer Fiskalpolitik, die die Erfordernisse von Haushaltssanierung und Wachstum der Volkswirtschaft im Auge hat, ist Pflicht.

    Daraus k�nnen wir nur lernen, dass der n�chste Gipfel der G 8 nur ein zentrales Thema haben darf: Wie bekommen die Industriestaaten das Problem der staatlichen �berschuldung nachhaltig in den Griff. Hierzu brauchen wir langfristig verl�ssliche Verabredungen. Es ist f�nf vor 12. Bekanntlich hatten die USA schon beim Gipfel in Deauville Ende Mai einen klaren und glaubw�rdigen Rahmen zur mittelfristigen Haushaltskonsolidierung versprochen. Das jetzige Drama ist doch nur die Folge davon, dass dieses Versprechen nicht eingehalten wurde.

    An diesem Thema m�ssen aber alle L�nder arbeiten - die Euro-Zone l��t gr��en. Andernfalls droht das Schuldenproblem zur gr��ten weltwirtschaftlichen Belastung des 21. Jahrhunderts zu werden.

    Insofern sind die Vorg�nge in den USA auch eine Warnung: Die laxe Politik des "Deficit Spending" �ber automatische Stabilisatoren hinaus muss f�r immer vorbei sein."

    July 29, 2011:
    Zimmermann: Germany must become more attractive for high-skilled migrants
    In May 2011, Germany opened its borders to labor migrants from the EU accession countries in Eastern Europe. IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhad warned in various interviews and commentaries[view press coverage]that this step was taken too late to attract high-skilled migrants. Three months after freedom of movement was granted, the figures published by the Federal Employment Agency support this view. Only 24,000 additional workers have been registered, many of them legalized immigrants who were already in the country. "As expected, few people from Eastern Europe have chosen to come to Germany. This is mainly because Germany failed to sent the right signals all along that immigrants are welcome and much needed in the German labor market," said Zimmermann.[read more in German]

    July 18, 2011:
    High-skilled recruitment of labor in Europe
    In view of skilled labor shortages in Germany, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) plans to recruit qualified workers in those European Union member countries that face excess supply due to the economic crisis. This initiative is highly controversial.

    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannsupports this new strategy, arguing that it is in line with the idea of the common market and would help to provide the flexible labor market that Europe needs. The German "Handelsblatt" and top news agency dpa reported about Zimmermann's views.[read more in German]Other media on this: "finanzen100"

    May 18, 2011:
    Zimmermann joins other top economists in call on G8 leaders to support Tunisia
    In view of the G8 summit in Deauville (France) on May 26-27, a group of renowned international economists have called on the G8 members to provide substantial economic support for Tunisia in order not to jeopardize the democratic transition in the entire region. The list of signatories includes Ely�s Jouini, (Universit� Paris-Dauphine), Richard Portes (London Business School and CEPR), Nouriel Roubini (New York University), Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University) and IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann

    Failure of the Tunisian democratic transition due to a deteriorating economy "would be a victory for all dictatorships in the region. At the international level, this would lead to an export of extremism and a continued flow of refugees out of the region." The economists propose an action plan including immediate food and energy subsidies as well as long-term investment in infrastructure and the financial system[read full text of the call]

    The call was published in major newspapers around the world, includingNew York Times/International Herald Tribune(USA),Le Monde(France),Neue Z�rcher Zeitung(Switzerland),Der Standard(Austria),La Repubblica(Italy), andFinancial Times Deutschland(Germany).

    May 01, 2011:
    EU Enlargement - No Mass Emigration from Eastern Europe
    The accession period of EU-Enlargement ends on May 1, 2011. In a series of lectures, press-interviews and op-eds,
    IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has suggested that there will be no mass-emigration from Eastern Europe. To the contrary, he points at various research that suggests that free mobility from the beginning would have been more beneficial for the European labor markets, in particular the German one.
    For a report of a German news agency see "dapd". For an intensive overview of the positions of Zimmermann and IZA in various national and international media see:"IZA EU-Enlargement".

    April 25, 2011:
    Climate Policy is a Priority
    IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has questioned a disorganized energy and nuclear policy. Climate policy needs to remain the priority. For more information (in German):"zeitong.de" The complete interview of IZA's director with the news agency dapd: "dapd"

    February 21, 2011:
    The 'Economist' reports on IZA study about trends in economic research
    In a recent story about the growing clout of the European economics profession, theEconomistcites an IZA Discussion Paper byAna Rute Cardoso,Paulo GuimaraesandKlaus F. Zimmermann.According to the IZA study, economists with a primary affiliation to North American institutions (mostly in the United States) accounted for 66% of published economic research in 1991; Europeans produced just 24%. By 2006, 40% of all articles were by European-affiliated economists, while the North American share had fallen to 45%. This finding is attributed in part to the Bologna process, which European leaders initiated in 1999 to promote uniform academic standards and to encourage English-language teaching and publication.

    Read more:
    -Economist arcticle("The economics profession: New world order")
    -现DP 4785号("Trends in Economic Research: An International Perspective")

    February 21, 2011:
    Zimmermann at Bundestag hearing: Expert opinion on skilled labor shortage
    On February 21, 2011, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann被邀请在德国联邦议院,initiative of the Green Party, to deliver an expert opinion on skilled labor shortage. In a written statement, Zimmermann calls on German policymakers to establish a points system to encourage and regulate the immigration of high-skilled workers.

    [Complete statement in German]

    February 14, 2011:
    Zimmermann appointed to EALE Executive Committee
    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannand Research DirectorMarco Caliendohave been appointed as co-opted members of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) for a period of three years, starting September 2011. They will play a key role in the organization of the EALE 2012 annual conference, which will be hosted by IZA in Bonn. "We are convinced that IZA is able to offer all the local organizational support to make the conference a great success," said EALE SecretaryThomas Dohmen(ROA, Maastricht University).

    [About EALE]

    October 28, 2010:
    Zimmermann speaks in Boston, Bratislava and Budapest
    On the invitation of the Center for German and European Studies at Brandeis University and co-sponsored by the Rosenberg Institute of Global Finance and the International Studies Program, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannvisited Brandeis University (Boston, USA) on October 20, 2010. He discussed the topic "German Austerity vs. US Stimulus" in a public debate withCatherine L. Mann, Rosenberg Professor of Global Finance, Director of the Rosenberg Institute and Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, DC (see picture on the right).

    On October 21 and 22, 2010, Zimmermann spoke at events in Bratislava and Budapest on "Ethnic Diversity in the European Labor Markets", drawing on the findings of a recent IZA project for the European Commission. In Bratislava he provided a keynote lecture to aninternational conferenceco-organized by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and IZA. The talk in Budapest was part of a lecture series at the Central European University. During his visit to Slovakia, Zimmermann also met with representatives of the Slovak government to provide advice for economic reforms, and spoke to various national newspapers and TV channels.

    September 30, 2010:
    Zimmermann elected as member of Academia Europaea
    In September 2010, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann was elected to become a member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe). The Academy's members are scientists and scholars who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research. Founded in 1988, the non-governmental association now has over 2000 members, among them 38 Nobel laureates and other leading experts from the physical sciences and technology, biological sciences and medicine, mathematics, the letters and humanities, social and cognitive sciences, economics, and the law. Zimmermann is the first German economist since 1991 to be invited into the Academy's economics section.
    [more about the Academia Europaea]

    September 24, 2010:
    Farewell to Werner A. M�ller (Springer-Verlag) - Reception at IZA
    On the occasion of the retirement ofWerner A. M�ller, Executive Vice President Business/Economics & Statistics at Springer, IZA held a reception on September 24, 2010. M�ller has collaborated with IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannand IZA in16书项目and helped to establish theJournal of Population Economics, which was founded by Zimmermann in collaboration with Springer and the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE). Now in its twenty-fourth volume, the Journal of Population Economics has steadily moved up the ranks to be widely recognized as the leading journal in the field, which is also reflected in the increasing number of submissions and published papers at the Journal. M�ller has played an invaluable role in these developments.

    沃纳米�会加入施普林格在1981年7月。他是appointed to the Board of Directors in 1988 and became the Executive Vice President for Business/Economics and Statistics in September 2007. "Werner M�ller has been a friend and reliable publisher to me for nearly 30 years. We are grateful for this productive relationship and wish him all the best for the future," said Zimmermann.

    September 07, 2010:
    Zimmermann calls for new direction in German family policy
    In light of the fact that both fertility rates and female labor force participation remain disproportionately low in Germany, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas called on policymakers to create a more favorable environment for combining family and work. Among the most important aspects is the expansion of childcare facilities, which could be financed by abolishing the tax splitting option for married couples. More than 25 years ago, Zimmermann had already analyzed this issue in a book on family economics and a policy-related article in theWirtschaftsdienstjournal. As founding editor of theJournal of Population Economics, he has since then stimulated further research in this field. Decision makers in politics, society and business must now "get their act together in time before demographic change starts to irrevocably dictate the agenda from 2015 on," said Zimmermann.
    Against this background, it is a positive sign that theVerein f�r Socialpolitik(German Economic Association) has made "Economics of the Family" the theme of their 2010 annual meeting. An IZA information booth at the meeting provided a selection of publications on the topic.
    Read also:
    - op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann inIZA Compact(p. 16):"Fertility and Female Work"
    - more informationin German

    July 26, 2010:
    IZA Director calls for fundamental changes in German immigration policy
    In view of the skilled labor shortage in Germany, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann已敦促政策制定者来缓解当前限制一下tions on labor immigration. An export nation like Germany "cannot survive in the globalized world" without opening its labor market to qualified foreign workers, said Zimmermann in an interview with the news agency "ddp". At the same time he proposed the establishment of a "Federal Ministry for Immigration and Integration" to ensure a consistent policy with regard to all economic, social and educational aspects surrounding this issue.

    Read thecomplete interview(in German).

    November 05, 2009:
    Financial Times op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann on the economic situation in east Germany
    Twenty years after the Berlin Wall came down, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannanalyzes the economic development of east Germany in an op-ed piece for theFinancial Times: "The most interesting � and overlooked � insight of east Germany's transformation is that its difficulty in catching up with the west ultimately proves to be not so much a reflection of its communist past than of its rural, low-density population structure. Simply put, economic value increases with population density. The more companies swap ideas and the closer they co-operate, the better it is for productivity � and incomes. [...] This analysis suggests the real distinction is not so much between 'east' and 'west' as between low-density and high-density regions, no matter where they are in Germany."

    In order to move forward, east Germany must develop a more sharply defined regional comparative advantage, argued Zimmermann. The American South could serve as an example of an under-achieving region that has recently experienced boom times and has become a destination of choice for foreign companies: "If it can happen there, it can happen in the former East Germany, too."

    Read the complete article:"Why east Germany is slow to change"(Financial Times, November 5, 2009)

    August 17, 2009:
    Zimmermann criticizes "cash for clunkers" program inDer Spiegelfeature
    In a recent issue of "Der Spiegel" magazine, IZA DirektorKlaus F. Zimmermanncomments extensively on the economic effects of theAbwrackpr�mie(simimlar to the U.S. "cash for clunkers" program), the future of the automotive industry, and the consequences of the global economic crisis.

    对付马克斯Otte(大学o的论点f Worms), who was in favor of the program, Zimmermann said: "The global automotive industry has had an overcapacity problem for years now. But the current debate on rescue programs ignores the question of the industry's long-term sustainability. It is all about the promise to keep as many jobs as possible, courtesy of the German tax-payer. What is worse, the program slows down the reduction of overcapacity and the development of new products. [...] Some may label it 'eco premium', but there is really nothing environmentally friendly about this program."

    June 25, 2009:
    Zimmermann pioneers Googlemetrics model for unemployment forecasting
    In times of crisis, there is a particularly strong demand for early and reliable forecasts of economic and labor market trends. For lack of up-to-date primary data, and due to rapid structural changes, traditional forecasting techniques have reached their limits in terms of providing a complete description of reality. Substantial legislative interventions, such as Germany's expansion of short-time work, create additional problems for the established forecasting models.

    A recent study by IZA DirectorKlaus F. ZimmermannandNikos Askitas(Head of theIDSCof IZA) presents an innovative approach to short-term forecasts of unemployment using data on Google search words, which allows them to predict unemployment trends as early as one month before the official figures are released by the Federal Employment Agency. As the first practical applications of the model show, the predictions are remarkably accurate: The trend reversal of the past months was predicted fairly well. According to the model, unemployment figures in Germany will continue to drop in June.

    "Although the internet is a vast source of instantly accessible data, which responds quickly to changes in economic and political conditions, it has been widely neglected by science. Using these data for unemployment forecasts is a promising approach, given that more than 86 percent of all job-seekers leave some kind of trace on the internet as they search for jobs online. Of course, our forecasting technique based on Google data cannot replace traditional models that analyze causal relationships. But it provides fast and reliable information that can serve as an early warning system for policymakers," said Zimmermann.

    Read the complete text of the study (in German):
    IZA Standpunkte Nr. 13: "Prognosen aus dem Internet: Weitere Erholung am Arbeitsmarkt erwartet"

    The scientific foundations of this article were laid in a paper by the same authors published inApplied Economics Quarterly:
    IZA Discussion Paper No. 4201: "Google Econometrics and Unemployment Forecasting"(contains a link to the published version)

    June 24, 2009:
    Five years of EU enlargement: Zimmermann criticizes Germany's closed-door policy
    According to recent studies compiled by IZA, Germany is among the losers of EU eastern enlargement. A forthcoming book on the labor market effects of the new east-west migration analyzes the consequences for the old EU members as well as the accession countries. In sum, the positive effects clearly dominate. Western countries that have allowed free mobility at an early stage, such as Sweden, Ireland and the United Kingdom, have benefited the most. Since the beginning of 2009, Germany has tried to catch up in the competition for qualified workers by enacting the "Arbeitsmigrationssteuerungsgesetz" (law to control labor migration), which removes some of the barrier for high-skilled migrants.

    "But as long as we still create the impression that we do not want free mobility, we should not be surprised that the best and brightest choose other countries over Germany," said IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann."This is a short-sighted policy, particularly during the current crisis, because over the medium term the demand for skilled labor can only be met with immigration. And highly qualified workers will not appear over night. They move to countries that have built up a reputation as immigration countries. This is why Germany must send out a strong signal that qualified foreign workers, especially university graduates, are highly welcome as immigrants in Germany."

    Martin Kahanec/Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.),EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02241-8.

    More information in German language:
    -IZA Standpunkte No. 14(Ulf Rinne/Klaus F. Zimmermann, F�nf Jahre EU-Ostererweiterung: Schlechte Noten f�r deutsche Abschottungspolitik)
    -IZA Press Statement(June 24, 2009)

    April 20, 2009:
    NRW 2025: Future Commission presents report - Zimmermann chaired working group on economic and labor market policy
    2009年4月20日,欧盟委员会的未来North-Rhine Westphalia, installed by state premier J�rgen R�ttgers, presented its final report including a wide range of policy recommendations. The report is based to a large extent on a paper prepared by the working group on economic and labor market policy, chaired by IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann. Other members of the working group include Bodo Hombach (WAZ Media Group), Friedrich Merz (MP, CDU) and Wolfgang Streeck (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne). The paper recommends a stronger focus on education and training, and a systematic expansion of the region's potential in higher education and energy innovation. In addition, the improvement of family-related services is considered to be of strategic importance. The recommendations of the working group and the commission are particularly relevant in light of the current economic crisis.

    "Many of our proposals are also valid for larger reform efforts on the federal level," explained Zimmermann. "Sustainable structural reforms and investment in education and training are better suited to fight this crisis than gigantic economic stimulus packages."

    The study of the working group is downloadable in German as a contribution to the "IZA Standpunkte" series:(下载、4 mb)
    The complete report of the "Future Commission" has been published on theNRW website

    December 18, 2008:
    Zimmermann: Economic crisis is an opportunity to boost education and training
    In view of the current economic crisis, IZA proposes the distribution of training vouchers to all workers aged 45 and over. At the same time, IZA calls on service providers in the education sector to form public-private partnerships in order to offer adequate and attractive programs for everyone. "In contrast to financially risky economic stimulus packages, the positive effects of investment in education and training will last into the future", said IZA Director Zimmermann. See also theIZA press statement(in German).

    November 14, 2008:
    Zimmermann will serve third term as President of DIW Berlin
    The Board of Trustees of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) has appointed IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannfor a third term as President of DIW Berlin. Chairman of the Board of Trustees Holger Hatje underscored Zimmermann's achievements in "pushing the institute forward." The Scientific Advisory Board also acknowledged the great scientific progress of DIW Berlin since Zimmermann took office in 2000. IZA and DIW Berlin have cooperated closely for many years. Both institutes also share a privileged relationship with DIW DC in Washington.

    November 05, 2008:
    Zimmermann comments on U.S. presidential elections
    Restoring the credibility of the global economic system is the key to overcoming the current financial crisis. "Throughout the election campaign President Barack Obama has shown economic competence and trustworthiness. He can contribute greatly to restoring trust in our market economy," said IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannduring Election Night in Washington.

    However, the new President will face almost insurmountable challenges, Zimmermann added. The tough realities of the financial crisis and its budgetary impact will stand in the way of Obama's goal to create a fairer society. But since, unlike his predecessor, Obama is known to seek the advice of high-qualified academic experts, Zimmermann expects the new President to be open to unorthodox proposals and initiatives. Obama's leadership style is marked by cooperation and pragmatism, said Zimmermann. Yet this will also require Europe, particularly Germany, to assume a greater role in international security cooperation.

    The October issue of DIW-Wochenbericht features a joint article by Amelie F. Constant (DIW DC and IZA) and Klaus F. Zimmermann on the major challenges for the next U.S. President[read the complete text]

    October 09, 2008:
    Leading economists call for swift and coordinated response to global financial crisis
    On October 2, 2008, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannjoined a group of leading European and US economists in signing a declaration urging European governments to adopt a Europe-wide financial market regulation.

    Excerpt from the declaration: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. Trust among financial institutions is disappearing; fear may spread. Last week's US experience showed that saving one bank at a time won't work. A systemic response is needed and in Europe than means an EU-led initiative to recapitalise the banking sector. Unless Europe's leaders immediately unite to address this crisis head on before it spirals out of control, they may find themselves fighting over how best to salvage the aftermath."[read the complete text]

    On October 9, the group of experts also provided concrete proposals to the G7/8 finance ministers:
    Rescuing Our Jobs And Savings: What G7/8 Leaders Can Do To Solve The Global Credit Crisis

    October 06, 2008:
    Zimmermann presents IZA research report: Unemployment in Germany falls below 3 million
    In October 2008, unemployment figures in Germany are expected to drop below 3 million for the first time since 1992. This is the finding of an IZA research report prepared for the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft. According to IZA calculations, West German unemployment will fall below 2 million. With East German figures under 1 million, overall unemployment in Germany could go back to a level of 2.87 million later during the month. "This is great news for the German labor market. As the reforms of the past years finally bear fruit, our policymakers are well-advised to stay on course in order to bring down unemployment even further," said IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannduring the presentation of the study in Berlin.

    Read the complete text (in German):IZA Research Report No. 20

    September 25, 2008:
    Zimmermann in favor of "Bluecard" and freedom of movement
    Commenting on the EU interior ministers' meeting on migration issues on September 25, 2008, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannwelcomed the Bluecard initiative to attract high-qualified workers from non-EU countries as "an important step toward a common European immigration policy." In view of the skilled labor shortages caused by demographic change in many EU-15 countries, Zimmermann also called on policymakers to implement complete freedom of movement for workers from the accession states. "If we fail to meet this strong demand for qualified workers, we waste a great chance to stimulate employment and economic growth. Germany in particular should abandon its restrictions on immigration from Eastern Europe. Unless we start actively attracting the 'best and brightest' from this region, we will forever lose them to other countries. Implementing any of these steps to reduce immigration obstacles will require more political courage than we have seen so far," said Zimmermann.

    September 12, 2008:
    IZA Director appointed to WEF Global Agenda Council on Migration
    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann, who is also President of DIW Berlin, has been appointed as a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Migration. This council, consisting of a small group of the most knowledgeable and relevant personalities in this field, is integrated into the Network of Global Agenda Councils of the World Economic Forum addressing all the crucial challenges of humankind to ensure that interlinkages among global issues are fully explored. The Network of Global Agenda Councils has a major impact on shaping the global agenda by monitoring and prioritizing global challenges, by elaborating solutions and by being available in crisis management situations. It will also act as an advisory board to the World Economic Forum and other interested parties, such as governments and international organizations.

    August 21, 2008:
    齐默尔曼鼓掌集成北威州统计报告e government
    In August 2008 the state government of North-Rhine Westphalia published its first report on the integration of immigrants. IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannreferred to the report as "an excellent documentation of the strengths and weaknesses of integration policy in this state." According to Zimmermann, the report is "a clear signal that we need an immigration policy based on economic aspects in order to reduce unemployment among immigrants and overcome the shortage of skilled labor." He welcomed the NRW report as providing a detailed account of the labor market outcomes among various migrant groups, with a differentiation between naturalized and non-naturalized immigrants.

    [Download NRW Integration Report](in German)

    April 17, 2008:
    IZA Director Zimmermann re-elected as head of ARGE institutes
    Klaus F. Zimmermann, CEO and Director of IZA and President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), was re-elected for another three years as Director of the Executive Board of theAssociation of German Economic Research Institutes (ARGE)on April 17, 2008. Among the other board members are IZA Policy FellowsThomas Straubhaar(HWWI) andJohann Eekhoff(University of Cologne), as well asUlrich Blum(IWH),Wolfgang Franz(ZEW),Hans-Werner Sinn(ifo). Established in 1949, ARGE is the umbrella organization of 30 German economic research institutes. "Given the multitude of economic challenges ahead, it is important that the institutes keep pushing for sustainable economic policies. ARGE provides an excellent platform for this purpose," said Zimmermannn after his re-election.

    April 08, 2008:
    Zimmermann appointed to the "Commission on the Future of NRW"
    In May 2008, the "Commission on the Future of NRW" will take up its task to advise the state government of North-Rhine Westphalia on education, economic and labor market policy with a particular focus on questions of solidarity in an aging society. Established by the state's prime minister J�rgen R�ttgers, the independent commission will prepare a report on "NRW 2025 � Innovation, Employment, Quality of Life" with recommendations to achieve these goals. The state government intends to incorporate this advice in next year's agenda and discuss the issues at an annual Europe-wide congress on the living conditions of future generations. Among the 23 members of the commission representing various areas of society, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannwill coordinate the activities in the areas of economy and labor.

    For further information see theNRW press release(in German).

    March 13, 2008:
    German economists call on policymakers to prevent minimum wage law
    In a joint declaration published in the German business daily Handelsblatt (March 13, 2008), the leaders of Germany's top economic research institutes - including IZA CEO and DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann- strongly advised policymakers against the introduction of a legal minimum wage across industries. The implementation of recent plans by the Federal Ministry of Labor would erode the collective bargaining process and undermine the foundation of Germany's successful market economy principle, warned the economists. Apart from its negative employment effects, the planned minimum wage would be unsuitable as a redistributive instrument and therefore inefficient from a social policy perspective.

    The complete text of the declaration isavailable in Germany language only

    March 12, 2008:
    Zimmermann and S�ssmuth discuss IZA study on the integration of ethnic minorities in Europe
    On March 12, IZA CEO and Director Klaus F. Zimmermann and IZA Senior Research Associates Martin Kahanec and Amelie Constant (also DIW DC and Georgetown University) presented a recent IZA study on the shortcomings in the social and economic integration of ethnic minorities in the EU. Based on this extended EU-wide survey, a "High Level Group", commissioned by the European Commission, has published a comprehensive report containing policy recommendations for European and national integration policies. During this Berlin Lunchtime Meeting, Rita S�ssmuth (President, High Level Group) presented the group's report and discussed the topic of better social and labor market integration of ethnic minorities with the IZA experts.

    Further reading:
    -IZA Press Statement(in German)
    -IZA Studyon the Social and Labour Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities
    -Reportof the High Level Group: "An Urgent Call for Better Inclusion"

    February 11, 2008:
    Zimmermann is Senior Editor of Applied Economics Quarterly
    As of January 2008, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas been Senior Editor of Applied Economics Quarterly, an international journal publishing empirical research with relevance for economic policy. The journal's goal is to contribute to current policy debates and enhance economic policy-making by providing a forum for innovative and rigorous empirical research. While the journal is global in scope, it has a strong focus on European policy issues.

    Zimmermann appointed to scientific advisory council of NRW
    IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas been appointed to the scientific advisory council of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia. Composed of experts and practitioners from various disciplines, the council's task is to analyze the future development of Germany's most populous federal state.

    January 28, 2008:
    Zimmermann gave invited speech at London School of Economics
    As part of the German Symposium 2008 of the London School of Economics and Political Science on January 28, 2008, Professor Zimmermann gave a speech on "Reform Policy in Germany".

    November 08, 2007:
    More immigration from Central and Eastern Europe
    According to a recent study by IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannand Karl Brenke (DIW Berlin), immigration from the new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe to Germany has seen a strong increase over the past two years. This comes despite the fact that Germany - unlike most other EU members - still limits freedom of movement for workers from these countries. Net immigration has risen from 9,000 working-age individuals in 2003 to 32,000 in 2005 and 56,000 in 2006. Polish immigrants account for about 80 percent of this balance.

    Many migrants have chosen self-employment to circumvent the barriers to labor mobility, while high-skilled workers have mostly moved to other destination countries. Nonetheless, the fact that the inflow of labor migrants has yielded positive labor market effects is an indication that Germany would be ill-advised to forgo the economic benefits of full labor mobility and the implementation of a demand-oriented immigration policy based on quotas and an effective selection system.

    The study is available in German language as"Wochenbericht Nr. 44/2007"from DIW Berlin.

    May 16, 2007:
    Zimmermann presented top-level speeches in Cyprus and London
    Following an invitation by the Cyprus Economic Society, the University of Cyprus and the Bank of Cyprus, Prof. Dr.Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZA Director and President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), presented a national public lecture, the 2007 Cyprus Economic Society Annual Lecture in Economics, with the topic "Migrant Ethnic Identity and Its Impact on Economic Behavior" (seeIZA DP No. 3056for a revised draft) at the Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia on April 13, 2007.

    During theLoWER(European Low-Wage Employment Research Network) Workshop on Migration, which took place April 20-21, 2007 in the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) of the London School of Economics, Zimmermann presented the keynote speech entitled "Migration Potential and Its Labour Market Impact After EU Enlargement: A Review".

    On May 16, 2007, he was invited by the Anglo German Foundation to present a lecture entitled "Germany's economic priorities during the EU and G8 presidencies: Challenges and Perspectives" as part of the lecture series "Fit for the Future: Policies for Sustainable Growth in Europe".

    January 02, 2007:
    IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann becomes Honorary Professor at Renmin University of China
    In a festive ceremony on December 20, 2006 in Beijing,Richard B. Freeman(Harvard University, NBER and IZA) and IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhave been appointed Honorary Professors of Renmin University of China in recognition of their outstanding contributions to labor economics. Both economists were awarded this high honor from the hands of Tianquan Cheng, Chairman of the University Council of Renmin University, in front of a larger number of distinguished Chinese labor economists, government officials, and many research students. The laudations were given by Xiangquan Zeng, Dean of the School of Labor Relations & Human Resources of Renmin University and Director of its China Institute for Employment Research (CIER).

    September 18, 2006:
    Zimmermann criticizes lack of preparedness for demographic change in Germany
    As an invited speaker at the 60th Congress of German Business Economists on September 18, 2006, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannshared his insights on "Demography, Migration and Corporate Personnel Management". A recent article in the German business daily "B�rsen-Zeitung" summarizes the key arguments of his speech. Courtesy ofB�rsen-Zeitung, IZA makes the full text of the article available(in German language only)

    January 02, 2006:
    New book edited by Klaus F. Zimmermann presents reform concepts for Germany
    At the end of 2005, Germany is wavering between "reform-willingness" and "reform-weariness". The first steps at modernizing the country's economy and welfare state are only slowly taking effect. Given the widespread misgivings about a strict continuation of the chosen path, policymakers and society are faced with enormous challenges in the fields of federalism, the labor market, budget balancing and taxation, healthcare, pensions and intergenerational fairness, education and research, and family policy.

    In view of the huge tasks ahead of the new Grand Coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas gathered a team of leading economists, who comment on these issues in a provocative but constructive manner. The authors have contributed twenty articles on the most important challenges that will shape Germany�s future. The result is a multi-faceted volume, which critically addresses the crucial economic and social issues of our time.[read more]

    September 02, 2005:
    Zimmermann presents "Election Check 2005"
    In his function as President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermannhas analyzed the election programs of the German political parties. The study, authored jointly withIW K�ln, assesses each party's position on labor market issues, taxation, the pension system and health insurance.
    The "election check" is available in German language only.[read more]

    August 18, 2005:
    IZA Director Zimmermann on raising the retirement age
    In an interview with the German daily "L�becker Nachrichten", IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermanncalled for a longer working life. This proposal, which has entered the public debate under the catch phrase "Retirement at 70", has triggered a heated debate. The following documents (available in German only) contain some of the arguments made with regard to this controversial topic.

    -Letter to the editor in Tagesspiegel online(August 21, 2005)
    -Article in S�ddeutsche Zeitung(August 18, 2005)
    -Interview in Bonner General-Anzeiger(August 13, 2005)
    -Interview in L�becker Nachrichten [PDF](August 10, 2005)

    May 11, 2005:
    Klaus F. Zimmermann achieves top ranking among German economists
    In a recent ranking by the renowned German dailyHandelsblatt, IZA DirectorKlaus F. Zimmermann(who is also President ofDIW Berlin) is the only German economist to be listed among the Top 10 in terms of both research (5th) and media presence (4th).

    Only three other economists receive a Top 25 ranking in both categories. Zimmermann deplores this obvious dualism between researchers and communicators: "An economist who engages in policy advice should also have a strong position in research." But unlike their American colleagues, "many of Germany's top economists are too reluctant to interact with the media."

    The ranking results underscore IZA's successful strategy to conduct high-quality scientific research while at the same time providing effective policy advice. The Handelsblatt article also highlights the role of Bonn as a center of academic excellence. Apart from the highly productive economics faculty at theUniversity of Bonn, the Bonn Graduate School of Economics(BGSE), with which IZA cooperates closely, is lauded as a pioneer in graduate education. According to the article, progress in this area has the largest potential to advance Germany's international position in economic research.

    [Online version of the article (in German)]
    Download (PDF):Research Ranking|Media Presence Ranking|University Ranking|Article on Klaus F. Zimmermann

    March 11, 2005:
    Joint reform proposal by German research institutes
    On March 11, 2005, a reform proposal to stimulate economic growth and employment was put forward to German policymakers by IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann jointly with Michael H�ther, Director of the Cologne Institute for Business Research (IW K�ln), and Thomas Straubhaar, President of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA). The proposal contains an immediate action program consisting of three components:

    1. Lowering unemployment insurance contributions and abolishing the "solidarity surtax" while raising the value-added tax.
    2. Extending the legal provisions for temporary employment contracts and considering (in the medium run) the replacement of layoff protection with severance pay schemes.
    3. Reducing bureaucracy with regard to legal restrictions on the use of future technology and other regulations impeding employment (e.g. the planned anti-discrimination act).

    Read thepress statementand thefull-text proposal(both only available in German).