IZA in the Press



Selected press clippings and interviews (mostly in German)


"Share Economy: Vom Wert des Teilens", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 31, 2015

"Global Scientific Policy Advice Needed", in: LinkedIn, December 25, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"IZA: Strategische Neuausrichtung des Forschungsinstituts zur Zukunft der Arbeit", in: Bildungsspiegel.de, December 18, 2015
(With reference to IZA press release)

"Global Scientific Policy Advice Needed", in: Academia Europaea, December 16, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The evidence to guide Europe in the refugee crisis", in: World Commerce Review, December 13, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio Brown with reference to various IZA World of Labor articles)

"Minimum Wage: The Economists Who Cried Wolf", in: Handelsblatt Global Edition, December 11, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Experiment zum Grundeinkommen: Sozial radikal � Finnlands 800-Euro-Lotterie", in: wiwo.de, December 10, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Sharing Economy: Teilen muss nicht zwingend nachhaltig sein", in: 20 Minuten (Schweiz), December 09, 2015
(Article on IZA Research Report No. 69)

"Weniger Turbo-Abiturienten gehen direkt an die Uni", in: Personalwirtschaft, December 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9507: New Evidence on the Effects of the Shortened School Duration in the German States: An Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education Decisions)

"Wem geh�ren die Roboter von morgen?", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, December 07, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wie sieht die Arbeit von morgen aus?", in: WAZ, December 05, 2015
(Interview with Werner Eichhorst)

"S�belrasseln gegen den Smog", in: Neue Z�rcher Zeitung, December 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9312: Happiness in the Air: How Does a Dirty Sky Affect Subjective Well-being?)

"Frauen, J�ngere und Hochqualifizierte im Visier"在:巴伐利亚Staatszeitung, December 04, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Airbnb, Uber und Co: Warum die geteilte Welt nicht nur hip ist", in: Wirtschaftswoche, December 03, 2015
(Article on IZA Research Report No. 69)

"�konomie des Teilens: Der Reiz des g�nstigen Angebots", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, December 03, 2015
(Article on IZA Research Report No. 69 with statements from Alexander Spermann)

"Doch kein Jobkiller", in: DIE ZEIT, December 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Share-Economy: Teilen auf Kosten der Umwelt", in: DRadio Wissen, December 03, 2015
(Radio feature on IZA Research Report No. 69)

"Frauen verzichten freiwillig auf Geld - dem Rollenbild zuliebe", in: personalpraxis24.de, December 02, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9471: Gender Identity and Women's Supply of Labor and Non-Market Work: Panel Data Evidence for Germany)

"Mindestlohn und Arbeitslosigkeit: Erfreulicher Irrtum, doch kein Grund zur �bertreibung", in: Spiegel Online, December 02, 2015
(With reference to IZA calculations)

"The refugee crisis exposes the cracks within the European edifice rather ruthlessly", in: The International Economy, December 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Globale wissenschaftliche Politikberatung n�tig", in: IZA Compact, December 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"A Migrant Plan for Germany", in: Wall Street Journal, November 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Die Fl�chtlingsfrage neu denken", in: WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, November 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"What will work environments look like 10 years from now?", in: you&me, November 30, 2015
(Interview with Alessio Brown)

"Wie sieht die Arbeitswelt in zehn Jahren aus?", in: you&me, November 30, 2015
(Interview with Alessio Brown)

"Zehn Euro f�r jedes Neugeborene", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, November 26, 2015
(Report on policy proposal by Alexander Spermann)

"Deutschland entkommt der Betreuungsfalle", in: Die Welt, November 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"European Working Conditions", in: LinkedIn, November 24, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Le barom�tre des chances de r�insertion aide � d�tecter � l�avance le risque de ch�mage prolong�", in: La Vie �conomique, November 24, 2015
(Op-ed by Patrick Arni and Amelie Schiprowski)

"Recruiting: Kehrt die anonyme Bewerbung zur�ck?", in: haufe.de, November 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"How I Got There: Jan Svejnar", in: Huffington Post, November 20, 2015
(Interview with IZA Prize laureate Jan Svejnar)

"Schon wieder Montag... Arbeitszeiten - lieber flexibler als k�rzer", in: heute.de, November 16, 2015
(Interview with Werner Eichhorst)

"Eigenverantwortung in der digitalen Welt", in: Frankfurter Neue Presse, November 16, 2015
(Article based on statements by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Flucht in den Arbeitsmarkt", in: WELT am Sonntag, November 15, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Semih Tumen: "The use of natural experiments in migration research")

"Internet revolutioniert Arbeitswelt", in: Frankfurter Neue Presse, November 14, 2015
(Article based on statements by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Korruption versch�rft den Fachkr�ftemangel", in: personalpraxis24.de, November 13, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Friedrich Schneider: "Does corruption promote emigration?")

"Does decentralization of collective bargaining in developing countries raise productivity?", in: World Bank Jobs and Development Blog, November 13, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio Brown with reference to IZA World of Labor article by Carlos Lamarche)

"Plattform�konomie � Mehr Risiko als Chance?", in: DenkraumArbeit, November 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst)

"Gutes Aussehen erh�ht das Einkommen", in: Saarbr�cker Zeitung, November 11/01, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Ringvorlesung an der Universit�t Bonn: Digitalisierung macht selbst Qualifizierte zu Verlierern", in: General-Anzeiger Bonn, November 10, 2015
(Report on public lecture by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Europe's Migrant Crisis Could Turn into a Jobless Crisis", in: Fortune, November 10, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Korruption f�rdert Auswanderung", in: Wirtschaftsblatt (�sterreich), November 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Friedrich Schneider: "Does corruption promote emigration?")

"Fl�chtlinge integrieren!", in: ZEIT Blog, November 09, 2015
(Report on Wirtschaftsdienst article (IZA Standpunkt Nr. 83) by Holger Hinte, Ulf Rinne und Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Bestechung und Korruption: 17 Milliarden Euro Schaden f�r �sterreich", in: Format, November 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Friedrich Schneider: "Does corruption promote emigration?")

"Gleiche Chancen im Job: Sind anonymisierte Bewerbungen fairer?", in: Bild am Sonntag, November 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA research on anonymous job applications)

"Das Schlimmste w�re, die Grenzen zu schlie�en"in: Wirtschaftswoche, November 06, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The German machine is breaking down", in: Boston Globe, November 06, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Schicksal: Vater", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, November 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9356: Intergenerational Correlations of Extreme Right-Wing Party Preferences and Attitudes toward Immigration)

"No names, no bias? Anonymising job applications to eliminate discrimination is not easy", in: The Economist, October 31, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Ulf Rinne on "Anonymous job applications and hiring discrimination")

"Scheinselbst�ndigkeit wirft noch viele Fragen auf", in: ChannelPartner, October 31, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Coding a Way Out of the Refugee Crisis", in: The Atlantic, October 30, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Workers with a 'male brain' earn 10 per cent more ", in: Daily Mail, October 29, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9426: Brain Types and Wages)

"Staat soll Mindestlohn f�r Fl�chtlinge unterst�tzen", in: BILD, October 28, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Deutsch lernen per Smartphone", in: Die WELT, October 28, 2015
(Includes statements from Alexander Spermann)

"Streit um Billiglohn f�r Fl�chtlinge", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, October 27, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Faldas, timbres e indicadores econ�micos", in: Deutsche Welle (Spanish), October 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA Toll Index and statement from Nikos Askitas)

"Teambuilding mit Boni", in: Springer Professional, October 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9316: Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain)

“Anonymisierte Lebensl�ufe:英镑Arbeitgeberschw�rzen Bewerbernamen ", in: FAZ.net, October 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA Research Report No. 44)

"Das Gesch�ft mit der ewigen Jugend", in: n-tv, October 27, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"Signale im Rauschen", in: Deutsche Welle, October 26, 2015
(With reference to IZA Toll Index and statement from Nikos Askitas)

“在一个叫什么名字?一个简短的介绍的盲人recruitment'", in: Financial Times Blogs, October 26, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Ulf Rinne on "Anonymous job applications and hiring discrimination")

"World Development: Jobs to Fight Poverty", in: LinkedIn, October 24, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wie sich Gewerkschaften in der neuen Arbeitswelt positionieren sollten", in: Wirtschaftswoche, October 23, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann and Werner Eichhorst)

"Gewerkschaften brauchen neue Betriebs- und Tarifpolitik", in: wiwo.de, October 22, 2015
(With reference to op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann and Werner Eichhorst)

"California Shows How Paid-Leave Law Affects Businesses: Not Much", in: Bloomberg News, October 22, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8023: Unanticipated Effects of California's Paid Family Leave Program)

"IG Metall: di�logo en lugar de confrontaci�n", in: Deutsche Welle (Spanish), October 21, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"IG Metall gibt sich modern", in: Deutsche Welle, October 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Buch dir eine Putzfee!", in: Berliner Republik, October 19, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst und Annette Angermann)

"Die gesichtslose Bewerbung", in: S�dwest Presse, October 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA research on anonymous job applications)

"Studie: Das Gehalt kann einem den Schlaf rauben", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9317: Unfair Wage Perceptions and Sleep: Evidence from German Survey Data)

"What Does the Evidence Tell Us About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?", in: Huffington Post, October 15, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio Brown with reference to IZA World of Labor article by Joni Hersch)

"Flygtninge kan blive EU's mobile arbejdsstyrke (Refugees may become the EU's mobile workforce)", in: Kristeligt Dagblad (Denmark), October 14, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Scheinselbst�ndigkeit wirft noch viele Fragen auf", in: Computerwoche, October 14, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Arbeit hat Zukunft", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 12, 2015
(Book review by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Pupils in schools with lots of migrants get lower test results", in: The Times, October 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Peter Jensen)

"The facts behind Theresa May's speech about immigration", in: Independent, October 08, 2015
(Mit Bezug zu IZA World of Labor Artikel von Brian Bell)

"Crowdworking auf dem Pr�fstand: Digitale Billig-Jobber?", in: WDR 5, October 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Transforming the European Refugee Crisis into Opportunity - Looking at the Evidence", in: Huffington Post, October 07, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio Brown with reference to IZA World of Labor article by Semih Tumen)

"Ausbildung ist alles", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, October 06, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"So beeinflussen Fl�chtlinge die L�hne in Deutschland", in: Die Welt, October 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Semih Tumen: "The use of natural experiments in migration research")

"Arbeit der Zukunft bringt Wandel", in: B.Z., October 03, 2015
(With reference to IZA report for the Bertelsmann Foundation)

"Manager kommen aus dem Westen", in: Die Welt online, October 02, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Does education prepare you for working life?", in: LinkedIn, October 02, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Hilfe ist ein l�ngerer Prozess!", in: Ruhr Wirtschaft, October 2015
(Interview with Alexander Spermann)

"So schl�gt Ihnen unfaire Bezahlung auf die Gesundheit", in: RP- Online, September 29, 2015
((With reference to IZA DP No. 9317: Unfair Wage Perceptions and Sleep: Evidence from German Survey Data))

"Der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt driftet auseinander", in: FAZ, September 28, 2015
(With reference to IZA report for the Bertelsmann Foundation: Wandel der Besch�ftigung - Polarisierungstendenzen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt)

"In drei Schritten zur gelungenen Integration", in: Wirtschaftswoche, September 28, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Neue Arbeitsmarkt-Studie: Mittelschicht bleibt �dominierend�", in: Bundesarbeitgeberverband der Dienstleister, September 28, 2015
(With reference to IZA study for the Bertelsmann Foundation)

"The Folly of Universal Child Care", in: National Review, September 26, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Elizabeth U. Cascio)

"Did Privilege Enable Volkswagen�s Diesel Deception?", in: Bloomberg, September 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"DIW-Chef Marcel Fratzscher fordert Investitionsprogramm", in: Wirtschaftswoche, September 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Das Ende der Arbeit � schon wieder?", in: derStandard.at, September 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"In Deutschlands Chefetagen ist 75 das neue 65", in: Die Welt, September 23, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Mehr Bauch, mehr Karriere", in: Badische Zeitung, September 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7947: Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty)

"Studie: G�hn-Forschung", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, September 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9317: Unfair Wage Perceptions and Sleep: Evidence from German Survey Data)

"Die Kosten der Migration", in: Basler Zeitung, September 22, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Der Fachkr�ftemangel bleibt", in: Westf�lische Nachrichten, September 21, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Immigration and the Labor Force, Part II", in: BPC Immigration Blog, September 21, 2015
(参照现世界劳动的文章的melie F. Constant)

“就业杀手奥得河吗?Das Digitalisie永不死rung", in: XING spielraum, September 21, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Dr�cken die Fl�chtlinge unsere L�hne?", in: FAS, September 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Die Jahrhundertaufgabe", in: FAZ, September 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Die M�r von der Nachhaltigkeit", in: VDI Nachrichten, September 18, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Gestresste Pendler?", in: Bilanz, September 18, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9031: Does Commuting Affect Health?)

"Refugee Agency Head Resigns", in: Handelsblatt Global Edition, September 17, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fachkr�fte von morgen fehlen", in: Mittelbayerische Zeitung, September 17, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wo mehr Europa schadet", in: Handelsblatt, September 16, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst)

"Von Zuwanderung profitieren", in: Frankfurter Neue Presse, September 16, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Forscher warnen vor �berforderung Deutschlands bei Fl�chtlingen", in: Handelsblatt Online, September 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA SP No. 83: Fl�chtlinge in Deutschland: Realismus statt Illusionen)

"Der Fl�chtling als Mini-Konjunkturmotor", in: Handelsblatt Online, September 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA SP No. 83: Fl�chtlinge in Deutschland: Realismus statt Illusionen)

"Das Ende der Euphorie", in: Handelsblatt, September 16, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Bef�rderung ablehnen: Wann und wie es der Karriere n�tzt", in: karrierebibel.de, September 15, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 3894: Do People Become Healthier after Being Promoted?)

"Teambonus im Einzelhandel", in: ixtenso, September 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9316: Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain)

"Die Schattenseite des deutschen Jobwunders", in: Die Welt online, September 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9321: A European perspective on long-term unemployment)

"�sterreich: Was tun mit Langzeitarbeitslosen?", in: Die Presse, September 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9321: A European perspective on long-term unemployment)

"Menschen in Not - Kommunen unter Druck", in: NDR aktuell extra, September 14, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"Bei uns Hartz IV, woanders Invalide", in: Die Welt, September 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9321: A European perspective on long-term unemployment)

"Kollege Roboter", in: Focus, September 12, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"死的�konomie wird die normale Arbeit aufl�sen"in: The Huffington Post, September 12, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"What Happened to Standard Employment?"in: The Huffington Post, September 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Neue Arbeitszeitmodelle krempeln Firmen um", in: S�dkurier, September 10, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"In aging Germany, refugees seen as tomorrow's skilled workers", in: Reuters, September 10, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"O Mausol�u da Paz", in: Veja (Brazil), September 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"Ohne Einwanderung mehr Arbeitslosigkeit", in: Deutsche Welle, September 08, 2015
(Interview with Ulf Rinne)

"Immigration expert: 'No immigration, more unemployment'", in: Deutsche Welle, September 08, 2015
(Interview with Ulf Rinne)

"Arbeitsmigranten m�ssen willkommen sein"in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, September 08, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fr�hes Gl�ck", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, September 07, 2015
(With reference to IZA and the 2015 Gossen Prize winner Uwe Sunde)

"Roter Teppich f�r Migranten", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Noch Vorschl�ge?", in: Neon, September 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Die Wende zur Weisheit", in: Die Welt, September 06, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Arbeitsmarktexperten: Fl�chtlinge werden den Fachkr�ftemangel nicht beheben", in: Focus, September 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Lasst uns doch arbeiten!", in: Focus, September 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wie Fl�chtlinge zu Arbeitnehmern werden k�nnen", in: FAZ, September 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Teambonus bringt Plus im Einzelhandel", in: Pressetext, September 03, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9316: Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain)

"EU Migrant Crisis to Call Existence of Schengen Area Into Question � NGO", in: Sputnik News, September 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

"Hurra, Maschinen erledigen meine Arbeit!", in: brand eins, September 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Arbeiten an der �Willkommenskultur�", in: Neue Z�rcher Zeitung, September 02, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Bonib�cker verkaufen mehr Br�tchen", in: FAZ, September 02, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9316: Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain)

"Emails signed with black-sounding names less likely to receive replies", in: redOrbit, September 01, 2015
(Includes statement from Corrado Giulietti)

"Are you a victim of email racism? Public services respond less and are ruder to people with 'black-sounding' names", in: Daily Mail, September 01, 2015
(Includes statement from Corrado Giulietti)

"Au�ergew�hnliche Menschen", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, August 30, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fehlendes Ziel macht Mitarbeiter langsamer", in: dpa, August 28, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Sebastian J. Goerg: Goal setting and worker motivation)

"Study Shows Local Governments Discriminate Against People with �Black-Sounding� Names", in: Atlanta Black Star, August 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9290: Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US)

"Balkanfl�chtlinge: EU sucht Ausweg", in: ZDF heute, August 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA SP No. 79: Punkte machen?! Warum Deutschland ein aktives Auswahlsystem f�r ausl�ndische Fachkr�fte braucht)

"Wir m�ssen klare Signale senden", in: Handelsblatt, August 27, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"5 Reasons Why Immigrants Do Not Take Natives' Jobs", in: The Huffington Post, August 27, 2015
(Op-ed by Amelie F. Constant)

"Wer so aussieht, hat die besten Jobchancen", in: Berliner Kurier, August 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7947: Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty)

"Wer diskriminiert, sch�digt sich"in: S�dwest Presse / Bietigheimer Zeitung, August 26, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"5 Gr�nde, warum Zuwanderer keine Arbeitspl�tze wegnehmen", in: The Huffington Post, August 26, 2015
(Op-ed by Amelie F. Constant)

"Studien zeigen � So sieht der perfekte Bewerber aus", in: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, August 26, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7529: The Effect of Sexual Activity on Wages)

"Gr��e, Stimme � Was den perfekten Bewerber ausmacht", in: Frankfurter Rundschau, August 26, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7529: The Effect of Sexual Activity on Wages)

"Proof that girls are good at math and science", in: Metro, August 25, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"Cinco passos para contratar bons desenvolvedores", in: Cio (Brazil), August 25, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Ulf Rinne: Anonymous job applications and hiring discrimination)

"Wenn Arbeit alles ist", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, August 23, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Immer mehr Zuschuss aus Steuern f�r Rentenversicherung", in: dpa, August 23, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Rente mit 63 sorgt f�r Kostenexplosion � Experten f�rchten Steuererh�hungen", in: Focus Money, August 22, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Steuern rauf f�r die Rente?", in: Bild, August 22, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Das leere B�ro: Wie neue Arbeitszeitmodelle Firmen umkrempeln", in: impulse / Tagesspiegel, August 22/29, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Das leere B�ro? Neue Arbeitszeitmodelle krempeln Firmen um", in: dpa, August 21, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Gewerkschaften im digitalen Sturm", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, August 20, 2015
(Report on IZA SP No. 82 by Werner Eichorst, Holger Hinte, Alexander Spermann and Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The science of white privilege: Emails from �black� names are more likely ignored by public officials", in: Rawstory, August 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9290: Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US)

"Study shows African Americans discriminated against in access to US local public services", in: phys.org, August 19, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9290: Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US)

"25 scientific ways your childhood influences your success as an adult", in: Business Insider (Singapore), August 19, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5793: A Flying Start? Maternity Leave Benefits and Long Run Outcomes of Children)

"Weniger Anz�ge, mehr Hoodies! ", in: Human Resources Manager, August 18, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5600: "Beauty Is the Promise of Happiness"?)

"Arbeitsmarktforscher: "Wir brauchen Zuwanderung"", in: Hessische/Nieders�chsische Allgemeine, August 17, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Es zahlt sich ganz sch�n aus", in: Main-Post W�rzburg, August 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Absolutely everything science knows about how Tinder�s changing the way we date", in: The Washington Post, August 13, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7316: The Impact of Internet Diffusion on Marriage Rates: Evidence from the Broadband Market)

"Vocational Training Avoids Youth Unemployment?", in: LinkedIn, August 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"College major choices shift during recessions, CU-Boulder researcher finds", in: Daily Camera, August 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"How rising unemployment rates change students' choice of majors � and it's different for men and women", in: Business Insider (UK), August 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"Why raising the minimum wage could actually make more employees quit", in: The Washington Post / The Columbus Dispatch, August 07, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9149: Fairness and Frictions: The Impact of Unequal Raises on Quit Behavior)

"Wider die Ungleichheit: EIB-Preis 2015 geht an Tony Atkinson", in: The Huffington Post, August 07, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio J.G. Brown)

"Wie die Stasi Ostdeutschland bis heute pr�gt", in: Die Welt / Die Welt Kompakt / Berliner Morgenpost, August 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9245: The Economic Costs of Mass Surveillance: Insights from Stasi Spying in East Germany)

"Wer sch�n ist, verdient 20 Prozent mehr", in: 20min.ch, August 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Sind Sie h�bsch? Dann verdienen Sie deutlich mehr als Ihre Kollegen", in: Focus Online, August 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Tackling Inequality: Tony Atkinson Wins the EIB Prize", in: The Huffington Post, August 06, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio J.G. Brown)

"Warum die Stasi heute noch Einfluss hat", in: N24, August 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9245: The Economic Costs of Mass Surveillance: Insights from Stasi Spying in East Germany)

"IZA-Chef Zimmermann: Experte fordert Deutschunterricht f�r Fl�chtlinge", in: Handelsblatt Online, August 05, 2015
(Statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Sch�ne werden bevorzugt � auch beim Lohn", in: bz Basel, August 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"How recessions help women in science", in: Metro, August 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"The science behind why paid parental leave is good for everyone", in: Business Insider (UK), August 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5793: A Flying Start? Maternity Leave Benefits and Long Run Outcomes of Children)

他“Unternehmergeist:回答帽子吗?哇他?”, in: Psychologie Heute, August 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5566: Personality Characteristics and the Decision to Become and Stay Self-Employed)

"Brosch�re hilft Arbeitslosen bei Jobsuche", in: General-Anzeiger Bonn, August 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9040: Learning about Job Search: A Field Experiment with Job Seekers in Germany)

"Zeitmanagement f�r Familien", in: Baby und Familie, August 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"More women study maths and science in a recession", in: Management Today, August 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"Recessions make women turn to well-paid, maths intensive careers", in: City A.M., August 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"What if There Were no National Borders?"in: The Huffington Post, August 03, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"John Hoffmire: Cash transfers are one way to alleviate poverty in developing countries", in: Deseret News, August 03, 2015
(With reference to IZA PP No. 49: The Growth of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean: Did They Go Too Far?)

"Deutsche Greencard war kein Flop"in: The Huffington Post, August 02, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Media coverage of terrorism �leads to further violence�", in: The Guardian, August 01, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8497: Terrorism and the Media)

"Warum immer mehr Rentner arbeiten", in: Wirtschaftswoche, July 30, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"How Unemployment Rates Shift Choices of Majors", in: Slate, July 30, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice)

"Home-Office f�r alle: CDU-Politiker fordert entsprechendes Gesetz", in: The Huffington Post, July 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst)

"The Student Drift towards �Recession-Proof� Subjects", in: QS Digital Solutions, July 29, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9167: Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice and Interview with Peter Arcidiacono)

"Blue Card f�r Asylbewerber: Ein Tropfen auf dem hei�en Stein?", in: haufe.de, July 28, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Arbeitsmarkt: Bringt Attraktivit�t Vorteile?", in: Bildungsspiegel, July 28, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Challenging Child Labor", in: LinkedIn, July 27, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Breaking Down The "Beauty Bonus" - Why Attractive People Get Paid More"在:Worldcrunch, July 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Experte h�lt Arbeitsdebatte �ber Acht-Stunden-Tag f�r �berf�llig", in: Neue Westf�lische, July 25, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Gibt es den Acht-Stunden-Tag �berhaupt noch?", in: Die Welt / Die Welt online, July 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Reich wie nie", in: B�rse Online, July 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Was tun gegen Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit? Umziehen statt umschulen", in: MDR Info, July 22, 2015
(Interview with Steffen K�nn about IZA DP No. 9183: The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed)

"Sch�nheit: In diesen Branchen macht sie sich bezahlt", in: karrierebibel.de, July 22, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"F�r den Job in eine andere Stadt", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, July 22, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9183: The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed)

"Studie: Gutaussehende verdienen bis zu 20 Prozent mehr", in: Format, July 21, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Sch�n verdient mehr - unverdient", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, July 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Wir brauchen eine offenere, legale Form der Zuwanderung", in: Deutschlandfunk, July 20, 2015
(Interview with Alexander Spermann)

"Arbeitsagentur will "Blue Card" f�r hoch qualifizierte Asylbewerber", in: heise, July 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Beschr�nkungen f�r Asylbewerber sind nicht mehr zeitgem��", in: Die Welt Kompakt, July 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Million�r zu werden ist in Zukunft leichter", in: Bild am Sonntag, July 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Arbeitsagentur will �Blue Card�", in: taz, July 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Billionaires vs the people", in: Philippine Daily Inquirer, July 18, 2015
(Op-ed by Jan Svejnar)

"Attraktivit�tsbonus? Sch�ne Menschen verdienen deutlich mehr", in: M�nchner Merkur, July 15, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Sch�ne Menschen kriegen mehr Geld und bessere Jobs", in: Express / K�lnische Rundschau, July 15, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Sch�ne verdienen mehr? - na und?", in: Basler Zeitung, July 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Je h�bscher, desto h�her das Gehalt", in: Spiegel Online, July 10, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Sch�n verdient mehr", in: Lisa, July 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Learning by doing wird von Arbeitgebern untersch�tzt", in: HR Performance, July 06, 2015
(参照现世界劳动的文章的ndries de Grip: The importance of informal learning at work)

"Informelles Lernen: Deutsche Arbeitgeber noch skeptisch"在:haufe.de, 2015年7月6日
(参照现世界劳动的文章的ndries de Grip: The importance of informal learning at work)

"Karriere in Teilzeit", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, July 04, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Geheimnis des Erfolgs", in: VDI Nachrichten, July 03, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Forskere: Fler�tal�let mot EU-med�lem�skap har gitt Norge skrem�mende tap", in: ABC Nyheter, July 01, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9098: Norwegian Rhapsody? The Political Economy Benefits of Regional Integration)

"Lernen am Arbeitsplatz: Deutschland verschenkt Potenzial", in: Innovations- und Umweltnachrichten IHK Braunschweig, July 01, 2015
(参照现世界劳动的文章的ndries de Grip: The importance of informal learning at work)

"Sch�ne neue Arbeitswelt", in: elde - Liberale Depesche, July 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"IZA-Studie: Arbeitgeber wissen "learning by doing" wenig zu sch�tzen", in: Personalpraxis24, June 30, 2015
(参照现世界劳动的文章的ndries de Grip: The importance of informal learning at work)

"Die neue Macht der Arbeitnehmer", in: Deutsche Welle, June 30, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Rentenreform - ein fragw�rdiger Erfolg", in: ZDF heute, June 30, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Die gef�hrlichen Nebenwirkungen der Rente mit 63", in: Die Welt / Die Welt online / Berliner Morgenpost, June 29, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wer sch�n ist, verdient mehr Geld", in: Bild, June 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Eva Sierminska: Does it pay to be beautiful?)

"Langzeitarbeitslose gehen auf dem Jobmarkt oft leer aus", in: Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, June 27, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Hurra, Maschinen erledigen meine Arbeit!", in: brand eins, June 26, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Freiheit in Gefahr", in: Handelsblatt, June 25, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Ohne Arbeitgeber geht nichts", in: N�rnberger Zeitung, June 25, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Chefin der NRW-Arbeitsagentur: Arbeiten bis 70 nur freiwillig", in: epd Landesdienste, June 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Is broadband responsible for falling teenage pregnancy rates?", in: The Guardian, June 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9076: Offline Effects of Online Connecting: The Impact of Broadband Diffusion on Teen Fertility Decisions)

"I didn't feel appreciated - inside the 'backwards' reality of taking unpaid maternity leave in America", in: Business Insider (UK), June 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5793: A Flying Start? Maternity Leave Benefits and Long Run Outcomes of Children)

"Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund", in: Goethe-Institut, June 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Benjamin Elsner)

"Новите гости на Германия (Germany's new guests)", in: Capital (Bulgaria), June 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Mark Fallak)

"Human touch and the future of work", in: World Commerce Review, June 18, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst)

"Stimmungslage: Eine ziemlich vergiftete Suppe", in: Tiroler Tageszeitung, June 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5566: Personality Characteristics and the Decision to Become and Stay Self-Employed)

"Welt ohne Grenzen", in: ZEIT Wissen, June 16, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Internetverbot am Arbeitsplatz - nicht immer sinnvoll", in: Personalpraxis24, June 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 9084: A Real-Effort Experiment on Gift Exchange with Temptation)

"Fl�chtlinge als Chance begreifen"in: K�lner Stadt-Anzeiger, June 16, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Immigrant workers get less pay", in: asianlite.com, June 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Kathryn H. Anderson: Can immigrants ever earn as much as native workers?)

"So arbeiten wir in der Zukunft", in: BILD, June 15, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Freiheit in Gefahr", in: Luxemburger Wort, June 13, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Gewerkschaften: Oben bleiben", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, June 12, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Si no puedes con los robots, �nete a ellos", in: El Mundo (Spain), June 12, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Richard Freeman)

"Sexuelle Orientierung und Diskriminierung: Coming-Out am Arbeitsplatz", in: The Huffington Post, June 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio J.G. Brown)

"So sieht das perfekte Leben aus", in: Die Welt, June 11, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8300: National Happiness and Genetic Distance: A Cautious Exploration)

"Sexual Orientation and Discrimination: Coming Out in the Workplace", in: The Huffington Post, June 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Alessio J.G. Brown)

"Azubi 4.0 - �ber die Zukunft der dualen Berufsausbildung", in: Deutschlandradio Kultur, June 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Herkunftsl�nder in die Pflicht genommen", in: K�lner Stadt-Anzeiger, June 08, 2015
(Report the 10th IZA/World Bank Conference with statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Is Forcing Businesses to Pay Overtime to More Workers Really a Brilliant Idea? No Frigging Way.", in: Michigan Standard / reason.com / Freedom's Floodgates, June 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Ronald L. Oaxaca: The effect of overtime regulations on employment)

"Der ideale Lebenslauf des Mannes", in: Welt am Sonntag, June 07, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8300: National Happiness and Genetic Distance: A Cautious Exploration)

"Die neue Disziplin der �konomen: Googlemetrics", in: Wirtschaftswoche, June 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8899: The Internet as a Data Source for Advancement in Social Sciences)

"Legende von der fehlenden Integration"in: Frankfurter Rundschau, June 04, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Robots and Us: The Brave New World of Labor?", in: LinkedIn, May 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"A robot is not going to take your job", in: simply-communicate.com, May 29, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Marco Vivarelli: Innovation and employment)

"Zuwanderung als �konomische Chance", in: General-Anzeiger Bonn, May 28, 2015
(Report of the IZA Tower Talk with Aiman Mazyek and Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Teurer Atom-Ausstieg: Ruf nach staatlicher Hilfe f�r RWE", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, May 28, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Verfechter des Gymnasiums sind skeptisch", in: ORF, May 25, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7897: The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice)

"Der Fu�ball als Volkssport entwickelt sich weg vom Volk / Diskussion zur Geldmaschine Profifu�ball", in: S20 - The Sponsors' Voice, May 19, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Feinstaub mindert Leistung von Fu�ballern", in: Neue Westf�lische, May 18, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Wirtschaftsfunktion�re und �konomen fordern Fusion von Bundesl�ndern", in: Bild am Sonntag, May 17, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Eine neue Fl�chtlingspolitik der Europ�ischen Union?"in: The Huffington Post, May 17, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Das M�rchen vom gr�nen Jobwunder", in: Focus, May 16, 2015
(Includes statement from Nico Pestel and with reference to IZA Standpunkte No. 58, Green Jobs: Erlebt Deutschland sein gr�nes Besch�ftigungswunder?)

"Weshalb Teilzeitarbeit so beliebt ist", in: Neue Z�rcher Zeitung, May 13, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7789: Part-time Work, Wages and Productivity: Evidence from Belgian Matched Panel Data)

"Beruf: Aus Studenten werden Handwerker", in: WDR Fernsehen (markt), May 11, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Talente werden Bogen um Deutschland machen", in: Die Welt / Berliner Morgenpost, May 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Leistungsknick beim Kick", in: apotheken.de, May 07, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"15 Millionen Arbeitskr�fte zu wenig! Deutschland altert zu schnell", in: Focus Money, May 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Luftverschmutzung schw�cht Sportler", in: Saarbr�cker Zeitung, May 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Wer den Roboter hat, hat die Macht", in: Maschinenmarkt, May 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Richard Freeman)

"The big trade-off in the world of labor":《中国日报》,2015年5月5日
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"419.875 Sorgen", in: Wiener Zeitung, May 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Sympathie f�r die Erzieher", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, May 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The changing face of workplace will affect jobs"in: Business Report (South Africa), May 05, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Rich Germany Has a Poverty Problem", in: Foreign Policy, May 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"The big trade-off in the world of labor", in: The Edge (Malaysia), May 04, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The big tradeoff in the world of labor"in: Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 04, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Lavoro Flessibile Responsabilit� Nuove", in: Corriere della Sera (Italy), May 04, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Economics of Women: Marriage in Pakistan", in: redlipshighheels.com, May 03, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Siwan Anderson: Human Capital Effects of Marriage Payments)

"Neue Arbeitsmodelle", in: MDR Figaro, May 02, 2015
(Interview with Alexander Spermann)

"El gran cambio en el mundo del trabajo", in: Excelsior (Mexico), May 02, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Future work model brings new challenges"in: Bangkok Post, May 01, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The big trade-off in the world of labor"in: The Straits Times, May 01, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Robot-age could create new generation of serfs", in: HR Review, May 01, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Richard Freeman)

"Zum Tag der Arbeit: Nicht weniger, aber anders", in: Handelsblatt Online / Wirtschaftswoche, May 01, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"International Workers� Day Address: The Big Trade-Off in the World of Labor", in: IZA Newsroom, May 01, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"As grandes mudan�as no mercado de trabalho", in: Expresso (Portugal), May 01, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wenn Roboter die Welt beherrschen", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, April 30, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Richard Freeman)

"Es geht auch mit weniger B�rokratie", in: K�lnische Rundschau / General-Anzeiger Bonn, April 30, 2015
(Interview with Alexander Spermann)

"The big trade-off in the world of labor", in: Jakarta Post, April 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Nicht weniger, aber anders", in: Handelsblatt, April 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The Big Trade-Off in World of Labor"in: Caixin (China), April 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Workers "risk becoming serfs" in robot-age", in: newsbusiness.co.uk, April 30, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Richard Freeman)

"Wirtschaftsprofessor Zimmermann fordert Punktesystem f�r Zuwanderung", in: LVZ online, April 29, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Mehr Zuwanderung f�r soziale Sicherungssysteme n�tig", in: Leipziger Volkszeitung, April 28, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"El modelo de cogesti�n ayud� a nuestras empresas a reaccionar (The co-determination model helped our firms react)"in: Consejeros (Spain), April 28, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Mehr Mut zur Zuwanderungsreform / Deutschland braucht einen neuen Kurs in der Migrations- und Asylpolitik und muss Europa zu einer anderen Fl�chtlingspolitik f�hren", in: Focus Online, April 28, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Jenseits von Afrika", in: Offenburger Tageblatt, April 27, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fu�ball und Feinstaub", in: Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Minister fordert "faire Preise" f�r Afrika", in: Hamburger Abendblatt, April 27, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fl�chtlingsdrama im Mittelmeer: 7 Wahrheiten, die Politiker gern verschweigen", in: Bild am Sonntag, April 26, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Fl�chting ist kein Beruf. Oder doch?", in: Bild am Sonntag, April 26, 2015
(Op-ed by Roland Tichy quoting Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"F�r die Karriere reichen auch vier Tage", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 26, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"K��mann w�nscht sich mehr deutsches Engagement bei Seenotrettung", in: Berliner Umschau, April 26, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Akt der Menschlichkeit ist zugleich eine Chance"in: Saarbr�cker Zeitung / Westdeutsche Zeitung / Pirmasenser Zeitung, April 25/26, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wirtschaftsprofessor Zimmermann fordert Punktesystem f�r Zuwanderung", in: Leipziger Volkszeitung, April 24, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Europa verdient endlich eine bessere Fl�chtlingspolitik", in: Magdeburger Volksstimme, April 24, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Ganz Europa ist gefordert", in: Handelsblatt, April 23, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Europa darf keine Festung mehr sein", in: Westdeutsche Zeitung, April 23, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"�konom Zimmermann: Fl�chtlingen Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt gew�hren", in: Neue Osnabr�cker Zeitung, April 23, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Feinstaubbelastung bremst Profifu�baller", in: Welt Kompakt, April 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Ex-DIW-Chef Zimmermann: Wir brauchen kluge K�pfe", in: Neue Osnabr�cker Zeitung, April 23, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Warum Europa einen anderen Umgang mit Fl�chtlingen braucht", in: Aachener Nachrichten, April 23, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wenn dem Spieler die Luft wegbleibt", in: Die Rheinpfalz, April 22, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Feinstaub verschlechtert Fu�baller", in: SWR Landesschau aktuell / SWR info, April 21, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Hats viel Feinstaub, gibts einen Grottenkick", in: 20min.ch, April 21, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Gr�ndercoaching: Zweifel am KfW-Programm", in: Wirtschaftswoche, April 21, 2015
(With reference to IZA Research Report No. 61: Evaluation der Programme �Gr�ndercoaching Deutschland� und �Gr�ndercoaching Deutschland � Gr�ndungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit�)

"Eine Million Fl�chtlinge warten in Libyen", in: Handelsblatt, April 20, 2015
(Includes longer analysis by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Psyche und Arbeitswelt: Berufsverbote f�r Depressive?"in: The Huffington Post, April 20, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"European Reforms: What Motivates Germany?", in: LinkedIn, April 20, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Austerity is not a growth strategy, neither is demand stimulus", in: The Corner, April 19, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Die Letzten ihrer Art", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, April 18, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Von Kanada lernen", in: Focus, April 18, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"The marriage squeeze in India and China: Bare branches, redundant males", in: The Economist, April 18, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 3214: More Men, More Crime: Evidence from China�s One-Child Policy)

“Feinstaub macht Profi-Kicker schlapp”, in: Deutsches �rzteblatt, April 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Feinstaub beeintr�chtigt Profi-Fu�baller", in: bild der wissenschaft, April 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Wie man Arbeit effizient organisiert", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, April 16, 2015
(With reference to the 2015 IZA Prize)

"Digitalisierung: Sechs Euro pro Stunde f�r einen Roboter", in: Zeit Online, April 16, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8938: Robots at Work)

"Terceiriza��o: mais emprego ou menos direitos?", in: Deutsche Welle Brasilien, April 16, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Betreuungsgeld in Skandinavien: Verfangen in der Frauenfalle", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, April 15, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 6440: Taxing Childcare: Effects on Family Labor Supply and Children)

"Studie beweist: Wer Cannabis raucht, rechnet schlechter", in: Focus Online, April 13, 2015
(参照8900号现DP:实现“高”rs? Cannabis Access and Academic Performance)

"Cannabis smokers warned they risk poorer exam grades", in: The Guardian, April 12, 2015
(参照8900号现DP:实现“高”rs? Cannabis Access and Academic Performance)

"Australische Lektionen"in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, April 12, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Students banned from cannabis coffee shops 'more likely to pass exams,' a Dutch study claims", in: The Independent, April 11, 2015
(参照8900号现DP:实现“高”rs? Cannabis Access and Academic Performance)

"Von Kanada lernen"in: Frankfurter Rundschau, April 11, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Frauen sind nicht idealistischer als M�nner", in: Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 10, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Willkommen in Deutschland"in: Badische Zeitung, April 09, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Sex, Kinder, Gehalt: �berraschende Job-Studien", in: K�lnische Rundschau, April 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Nick Drydakis: Sexual orientation and labor market outcomes)

"Mindestlohn: Historische Reform oder Jobkiller?", in: br-online, April 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA Standpunkte No. 65: Kein Mindestlohn ohne unabh�ngige wissenschaftliche Evaluation)

"What France Can Learn From Italy", in: Wall Street Journal, April 08, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Kaffeefahrt zum Job", in: Zeit Online, April 08, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Feinstaub l�sst Profi-Fu�baller schlechter spielen", in: Kurier, April 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Chaos im Amt", in: Handelsblatt, April 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Migrationsforscher Zimmermann zum Punktesystem", in: Weser-Kurier, April 07, 2015
(Interview with Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Feinstaub stresst die Fu�baller", in: faz.net, April 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8964: Productivity Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer)

"Deutschland hat ein Imageproblem", in: Der Tagesspiegel, April 06, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Deutsche Mu�e", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, April 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Die digitale Arbeitswelt", in: der freie beruf, April 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Deutschland muss mehr Integration wagen"in: Stuttgarter Zeitung, March 31, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Mental Health in the Workplace", in: LinkedIn, March 31, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Karlsruhe testet anonyme Bewerbung: Sinnvoll oder "Geldverschwendung"? ", in: ka-news.de, March 31, 2015
(With reference to IZA Research Report No. 63: Abschlussbericht des Projektes ''Anonym Bewerben in Baden-W�rttemberg'')

"Zur Willkommenskultur geh�rt ein Integrationsministerium!"in: vorwaerts.de, March 30, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Alt gegen neu", in: Format, March 27, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"5 Mental Shortcuts Hiring Managers Take (and How to Use Them to Your Advantage)", in: Time, March 24, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 5664: Physical Attractiveness, Employment, and Earnings)

"The Unappetizing Effect of Minimum-Wage Hikes", in: The Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by David Neumark: Employment effects of minimum wages)

"Bewerber ohne Gesicht", in: General-Anzeiger Bonn, March 20, 2015
(Includes statement from Annabelle Krause)

"34 Ways To Feel Happier Right Now", in: The Huffington Post, March 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7529: The Effect of Sexual Activity on Wages)

"The eurozone crisis: Why Germany insists on structural reforms", in: Singapore Business Times, March 18, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Euro zone crisis: What motivates Germany?", in: Business Report (South Africa) , March 18, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Anreiz und Filter", in: Handelsblatt, March 17, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

“Zahl der Ausl�雄鹿Rekordhoch汪汪汪”, in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, March 17, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Why tech 'productivity' is a lie � and it will never reduce your working week", in: Business Insider UK, March 13, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8129: The Productivity of Working Hours)

"La crisis de la eurozona: lo que realmente motiva a Alemania", in: Excelsior (Mexico), March 13, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"What Is Motivating Germany? Reform (engl. und chines.)"in: Caixin (China), March 12/18, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Keeping fit, keeping it! El efecto del deporte en el mercado de trabajo", in: Moneda Rota, March 10, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Kirchen kritisieren Aush�hlung der Sonntagsruhe", in: RP online, March 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Does daylight savings actually save energy?", in: The Christian Science Monitor / Anchorage Daily News, March 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 2704: Does Extending Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence from an Australian Experiment)

"Der Mindestlohn hat keine Arbeitspl�tze gekostet. Bislang.", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, March 08, 2015
(With reference to IZA Standpunkte No. 65: Kein Mindestlohn ohne unabh�ngige wissenschaftliche Evaluation)

"Herzlich unwillkommen", in: Der Spiegel, March 07, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Punkte k�nnten Akzeptanz f�r Zuwanderer erh�hen", in: Die WELT / Berliner Morgenpost, March 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA Standpunkte No. 79 and statement by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Immer gehetzt", in: epd Landesdienste, March 05, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"Lauf in ein neues Leben", in: Mix am Mittwoch, March 04, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Lobbyisten der Wahrheit", in: duz � Deutsche Universit�tszeitung, March 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Trying to talk a bus driver into giving you a free ride? Make sure you�re white, or else wear a suit", in: The Washington Post, February 25, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7300: Still Not Allowed on the Bus: It Matters If You're Black or White!)

"When Whites Get a Free Pass: Research Shows White Privilege Is Real", in: New York Times, February 24, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7300: Still Not Allowed on the Bus: It Matters If You're Black or White!)

"Sport verbessert das Gehalt und verk�rzt Arbeitslosigkeit", in: Neue Apotheken Illustrierte, February 23, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Karriere macht man fr�h", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, February 22, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8129: The Productivity of Working Hours)

"Studie: Sport verbessert Chancen bei Jobsuche", in: Die WELT, February 21, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Langzeitarbeitslose sollen Sport treiben!", in: BILD, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Experten: Langzeitarbeitslose sollten mehr Sport treiben", in: Epoch Times, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Studie: Sport verbessert Chancen bei Jobsuche", in: AFP, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Sporttreiben ist auch f�rderlich bei Gehaltserh�hungen", in: WDR, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Sport macht Arbeitnehmer angeblich erfolgreicher", in: Deutschlandradio Wissen, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Wer Sport treibt verdient besser", in: Blick, February 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Michael Lechner: Sports, exercise, and labor market outcomes)

"Bewerber in Karlsruhe bleiben anonym", in: dpa, February 17, 2015
(With reference to IZA Research Report No. 63: Abschlussbericht des Projektes ''Anonym Bewerben in Baden-W�rttemberg'')

"Stress belastender als Geldsorgen", in: dpa, February 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"Studie: Frau f�rdert Frau", in: Wirtschaftswoche, February 11, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8725: Women Helping Women? Evidence from Private Sector Data on Workplace Hierarchies)

"Deutscher Pass verbessert Chancen f�r Zuwanderer", in: Die WELT / Berliner Morgenpost / Hamburger Abendblatt, February 11, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article by Christina Gathmann: Naturalization and citizenship: who benefits?)

"Vorbilder und Mentoren: F�hrungsfrauen motivieren Mitarbeiterinnen", in: Automobilwoche, February 11, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8725: Women Helping Women? Evidence from Private Sector Data on Workplace Hierarchies)

"Kaffeefahrt zum Job", in: Zeit Campus, February 10, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Braucht Deutschland ein Einwanderungsgesetz?", in: Saarl�ndischer Rundfunk, February 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Ulf Rinne)

“研究:签证官r allem zeitlicher Stress belastet Eltern", in: derStandard.at, February 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"Zeitstress belastet mehr als Geldsorgen", in: dpa, February 09, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"Digitalisierung: Experte erwartet neue Arbeitsfelder", in: Die WELT, February 06, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Kinder f�r Eltern zeitraubend statt kostenintensiv", in: Wallstreet Online, February 06, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8793: The Stress Cost of Children)

"Wie das Netz die Arbeitswelt revolutioniert", in: Stuttgarter Zeitung, February 05, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Experten: Digitalisierung wird neue Arbeitsfelder schaffen", in: dpa, February 04, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Wie soziale Medien die Marktmacht ver�ndern", in: Deutschlandfunk, February 04, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Koalition zofft sich �ber Zuwanderung", in: Abendzeitung M�nchen, February 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Viele fordern Punkte-System", in: N�rnberger Nachrichten, February 03, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Griechenland und die Troika: Tsipras schie�t nur Eigentore", in: Handelsblatt, February 03, 2015
(Op-ed by Alexander Kritikos)

"Warum eigentlich ...arbeiten immer mehr Senioren - und ist das gut f�r die Wirtschaft?", in: Wirtschaftswoche, February 02, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"SPD plant Punktesystem f�r Zuwanderer ", in: n-tv, February 01, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"IZA-Chef fordert Zuwanderungsgesetz", in: Wirtschaftswoche, January 31, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Arbeitsmarktforscher fordert einheitliches Zuwanderungsgesetz", in: WDR, January 31, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Trauriges Jubil�um f�r die 35-Stunden-Woche", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 31, 2015
(Op-ed by Werner Eichhorst)

"Pornography addiction: another reason for the U.S. marriage decline", in: Deseret News National, January 27, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 8679: Are Pornography and Marriage Substitutes for Young Men?)

"Is Obesity the New Smoking?", in: LinkedIn, January 21, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Warum dicke Frauen weniger verdienen", in: CIO, January 20, 2015
(With reference to IZA DP No. 7947: Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty)

"Terror in France: implications for Muslim integration", in: The Washington Post, January 14, 2015
(With reference to IZA World of Labor article �Do responsible employers attract responsible employees?�)

"Europa braucht Fl�chtlinge", in: Basler Zeitung, January 12, 2015
(With reference to IZA Standpunkte No. 75: Zutritt zur Festung Europa? Neue Anforderungen an eine moderne Asyl- und Fl�chtlingspolitik)

"Koalition erw�gt Punktesystem f�r Zuwanderung", in: Die WELT, January 10, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"IZA-Chef Zimmermann: Arbeitsmarktforscher lobt CDU-Vorsto� zur Einwanderung", in: Handelsblatt Online / Wirtschaftswoche Online, January 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

“Zustimmung f�r陶贝尔Zuwanderungs-Gesetz w�中国高速传动- jetzt sogar in der eigenen Partei", in: huffingtonpost.com, January 09, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Pegida l�st Unions-Streit um Einwanderung aus", in: Handelsblatt Online, January 08, 2015
(Includes statement from Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Working hard, but working poor, in developing countries", in: Singapore Business Times , January 08, 2015
(Op-ed by IZA Prize winner Gary Fields)

"The German minimum wage does not � rescue Greece", in: Capital.gr, January 08, 2015
(Includes statement from Werner Eichhorst)

"Working hard but staying poor", in: The Japan Times, January 06, 2015
(Op-ed by IZA Prize winner Gary Fields)

"Lasst die Menschen arbeiten", in: S�ddeutsche Zeitung, January 05, 2015
(Op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann)

"Sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft", in: Handelsblatt, January 02, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Die Arbeitsstunde ist nun mehr wert", in: Der Tagesspiegel, January 02, 2015
(Includes statement from Alexander Spermann)

"Raus aus der modernen Sklaverei", in: Frankfurter Rundschau, January 01, 2015
(Op-ed by IZA Prize winner Gary Fields)

"Working Hard, but Working Poor", in: Caixin (English version), January 01, 2015
(Op-ed by IZA Prize winner Gary Fields)