IZA Research Seminar

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N�chstes IZA Research Seminar:
01.12.2022 Simon Mongey(Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
- to be anounced -

Weitere Seminare:IZA Brown Bag Seminar|Bonn Econ Department Seminars

Das w�chentliche IZA Research Seminar bietet die Gelegenheit zur Debatte aktueller arbeits�konomischer Forschungserkenntnisse mit ausgew�hlten Referentinnen und Referenten. Es wird gleicherma�en von Forschenden des IZA, Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern, Studierenden und Fakult�tsmitgliedern der Universit�t Bonn, und Vertretern von Politik und Praxis besucht. Einige Veranstaltungen (durch * gekennzeichnet) werden gemeinsam mit der OECD organisiert. Die Seminarvortr�ge mit anschlie�ender Diskussion finden von jeweils von 14:00-15:15 Uhr in englischer Sprache statt. Zur Zeit findet ein hybrides Format Anwendung, das sowohl die Teilnahme vor Ort als auch den virtuellen Besuch erm�glicht.

Die IZA-Seminarreihe wird vonJonas RadbruchundMaria Balgovaorganisiert. Fragen zu den Seminaren und Teilnahmemodalit�ten richten Sie bitte anseminar@iza.org.


Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 9, 53113 Bonn


Donnerstag, 14.00 - 15.15 Uhr

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28.12.2010 - no seminar -
21.12.2010 - no seminar -
15.12.2010 Paola Giuliano(University of California, Los Angeles und IZA)
The Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough
14.12.2010 J�r�me Adda(Bocconi University und IZA)
The role of mothers and fathers in providing skills: Evidence from parental deaths
07.12.2010 Elke Holst(DIW Berlin und IZA)
- to be announced -
30.11.2010 Uwe Sunde(University of Munich und IZA)
The Role fo Information in Performance Schemes: Evidence from a Field Experiment - to be announced -
23.11.2010 Ugo Trivellato(University of Padova und IZA)
Testing for true state dependence in poverty dynamics
19.11.2010 Erdal Tekin(American University und IZA)
The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies.
(joint work with Chris M. Herbst)
16.11.2010 Caitlin Knowles Myers(Middlebury College und IZA)
Power of the pill or of abortion? Re-examining the effects of young women's access to reproductive control
09.11.2010 Robert Dur(Erasmus University Rotterdam und IZA)
Public Sector Employees: Risk Averse and Altruistic?
02.11.2010 Andrew J. Oswald(University of Warwick und IZA)
Happiness and Productivity
(joint work with Eugenio Proto and Daniel Sgroi)
26.10.2010 Stephen P. Jenkins(London School of Economics und IZA)
Has income mobility in Britain changed over the last two decades?
19.10.2010 David A. Jaeger(University of St. Andrews und IZA)
Immigrants and Innovation
12.10.2010 Neeraj Kaushal(Columbia University und IZA)
- to be announced -
05.10.2010 Ronald L. Oaxaca(University of Arizona und IZA)
Do You Receive a Lighter Prison Sentence Because You are a Woman or a White? An Economic Analysis of Federal Criminal Sentencing Guidelines
(joint work with Supriya Sarnikar and Todd Sorensen)
28.09.2010 Bas ter Weel(SEO Amsterdam und IZA)
Measuring and interpreting trends in the division of labour in the Netherlands, 1996-2005
(joint work with Semih Akcomak and Lex Borghans) - to be announced -
21.09.2010 Michael R. Ransom(Brigham Young University und IZA)
Manager Ethnicity and Employment Segregation(joint work with Laura Giuliano)
14.09.2010 J�rn-Steffen Pischke(London School of Economics und IZA)
Money and Happiness: Evidence from the Industry Wage Structure
07.09.2010 Pedro Portugal(Banco de Portugal und IZA)
Real Wages and the Business Cycle: Accounting for Worker,Firm, and Job Heterogeneity
(joint work with Anabela Carneiro and Paulo Guimar�es)cancelled
13.07.2010 Rajeev Dehejia(New York University und IZA)
Financial Incentives and Fertility
(joint work with Alma Cohen and Dmitri Romanov)
06.07.2010 Ana Rute Cardoso(Universidade de Lisboa und IZA)
Long-Term Impact of Youth Minimum Wages: Evidence from Two Decades of Individual Longitudinal Data
30.06.2010 Oscar A. Mitnik(Inter-American Development Bank und IZA)
Intergenerational transmission of welfare dependency: The effects of length of exposure(takes place on Wednesday)
22.06.2010 Fabien Postel-Vinay(University College London und IZA)
Stochastic Search Equilibrium(joint work with Giuseppe Moscarini )
17.06.2010 Paul J. Healy(Ohio State University)
Strategic Sophistication: An Experimental Test(joint work with Roberto Weber and Sotiris Georganas)
15.06.2010 - no seminar -
09.06.2010 John E. Roemer(Yale University)
Incentive provision and coordination as market functions
(takes place on Wednesday at University Bonn)
08.06.2010 - no seminar -
01.06.2010 Fabian Lange(McGill University und IZA)
Employer Learning, Productivity and the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from Performance Measures
(joint work with Lisa B. Kahn)
27.05.2010 Sanjay K. Chugh(Boston College)
Firm Risk and Leverage-Based Business Cycles(joint work with Blaise Melly)
(takes place on Thursday!)
25.05.2010 J�rgen Hansen(肯考迪娅University und IZA)
Estimating Labor Supply Responses and Welfare Participation: Using a �Natural� Experiment to Validate a Structural Labor Supply Model
18.05.2010 Peter J. Kuhn(University of California, Santa Barbara und IZA)
Employers� Preferences for Gender, Age, Height and Beauty: Direct Evidence
(joint work with Kailing Shen)
11.05.2010 Mich�le Belot(Cornell University und IZA)
The Own-Race Bias in Memory and Racial Discrimination
04.05.2010 Edwin Leuven(University of Oslo und IZA)
How classroom age composition affects pupil achievement: Evidence from multi-grade classes
(joint work with Marte R�nning)
27.04.2010 Lex Borghans(Maastricht University und IZA)
Can field experiments be used to optimize labor market policies?
20.04.2010 Dinand Webbink(Erasmus University Rotterdam und IZA)
The effect of accountability policies in primary education in Amsterdam
(joint work with Victoria Chorny)
13.04.2010 Bernd Fitzenberger(Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg und IZA)
Rising Wage Inequality, the Decline of Collective Bargaining, and the Gender Wage Gap
(joint work with Dirk Antonczyk and Katrin Sommerfeld)
06.04.2010 - no seminar -
30.03.2010 Hans Bloemen(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam und IZA)
Private wealth and job exit at older age: a random effects model
25.03.2010 Joshua Angrist(MIT und IZA)
Accountability and Flexibility in Public Schools: Evidence from Boston's Charters and Pilots
(joint work with Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Susan Dynarski, Thomas J. Kane and Parag Pathak)
(takes place on Thursday!)
16.03.2010 Daniel S. Hamermesh(University of Texas at Austin und IZA)
"Strike Three: Discrimination, Incentives and Evaluation"
(joint work with Christopher A. Parsons, Johan Sulaeman and Michael C. Yates)
09.03.2010 Pedro Carneiro(University College London und IZA)
Trends in Quality-Adjusted Skill Premia in the United States, 1960-2000
02.03.2010 Henrik Jacobsen Kleven(伦敦经济学院)
- cancelled! -
23.02.2010 Nicola Fuchs-Sch�ndeln(Goethe University Frankfurt und IZA)
Explaining the Low Labor Productivity in East Germany - A Spatial Analysis
(joint work with Rima Izem)
16.02.2010 Peter Katuscak (Charles University, Prague)
Effects of Predictable Tax Liability Variation on Household Labor Income
(joint work with Naomi E. Feldman)
09.02.2010 - no seminar -
02.02.2010 - no seminar -
26.01.2010 Francesca Cornaglia(Queen Mary, University of London und IZA)
Crime and Mental Wellbeing
(joint work with Christian Dustmann and Andrew Leigh)
19.01.2010 Maia G�ell(爱丁堡大学和现
Correlating Social Mobility and Economic Outcomes
(joint work with Michele Pellizzari, Giovanni Pica and Jose V. Rodriguez Mora)
18.01.2010 - to be announced -
12.01.2010 Joerg Stoye(Cornell University)
More on confidence intervals for partially identified parameters
05.01.2010 - no seminar -