IZA Research Seminar

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Weitere Seminare:IZA Brown Bag Seminar|Bonn Econ Department Seminars

Das w�chentliche IZA Research Seminar bietet die Gelegenheit zur Debatte aktueller arbeits�konomischer Forschungserkenntnisse mit ausgew�hlten Referentinnen und Referenten. Es wird gleicherma�en von Forschenden des IZA, Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern, Studierenden und Fakult�tsmitgliedern der Universit�t Bonn, und Vertretern von Politik und Praxis besucht. Einige Veranstaltungen (durch * gekennzeichnet) werden gemeinsam mit der OECD organisiert. Die Seminarvortr�ge mit anschlie�ender Diskussion finden von jeweils von 14:00-15:15 Uhr in englischer Sprache statt. Zur Zeit findet ein hybrides Format Anwendung, das sowohl die Teilnahme vor Ort als auch den virtuellen Besuch erm�glicht.

Die IZA-Seminarreihe wird vonJonas RadbruchundMaria Balgovaorganisiert. Fragen zu den Seminaren und Teilnahmemodalit�ten richten Sie bitte anseminar@iza.org.


Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 9, 53113 Bonn


Donnerstag, 14.00 - 15.15 Uhr

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18.12.2001 Eli Berman(University of California, San Diego und IZA)
Does Factor - Biased Technological Change Stifle International Convergence? Evidence from Manufacturing
11.12.2001 Jeffrey R. Campbell(University of Chicago)
Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Dynamics of Retail Trade Industries on the U.S.-Canada Border
04.12.2001 Monika B�tler(University of St. Gallen)
The Political Feasibility of Increasing Retirement Age: Lessons from a Ballot on Female Retirement Age
27.11.2001 Knut R�ed(Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research und IZA)
Does Unemployment Compensation Affect Unemployment Duration?
20.11.2001 Espen R. Moen(Norwegian Business School (BI))
Incentive Contracts and Unemployment
13.11.2001 Edward Vytlacil(Yale University)
Estimating The Return to Education When It Varies Among Individuals
06.11.2001 Itzhak Zilcha(Tel Aviv University)
Human Capital Formation, Income Inequality and Growth
30.10.2001 Christoph Knoppik(University of Regensburg)
Downward nominal wage rigidity in Germany: The twin role of measurement error
23.10.2001 Pramod N. (Raja) Junankar(University of New South Wales und IZA)
Are Asian Migrants Discriminated Against in the Labour Market? A Case Study of Australia
16.10.2001 Marco Francesconi(埃塞克斯大学和现
Intergenerational Mobility and Assortative Matching in Britain
09.10.2001 Mette Verner(Danish School of Media and Journalism)
The consequences of Unemployment in Wage Determination
02.10.2001 �ivind Anti Nilsen(Norwegian School of Economics und IZA)
Employment Changes, the Structure of Adjustment Costs, and Firms' Size
25.09.2001 Jennifer C. Smith(University of Warwick)
Are pay cuts involuntary?
18.09.2001 Melvyn Coles(University of Essex)
Equilibrum Wage/Tenure Contracts
11.09.2001 Nicola Pavoni(博科尼大学)
Optimal Unemployment Insurance, Human Capital Depreciation, and Duration Dependence
04.09.2001 Arie Kapteyn(University of Southern California und IZA)
Subjective measures of risk aversion and portfolio choice
21.08.2001 Bart Hobijn(Arizona State University)
Spurious Productivity Growth Due to Imperfect Competition
14.08.2001 Scott M. Fuess Jr.(University of Nebraska-Lincoln und IZA)
Is Unionization Affected by Fringe Benefits?
07.08.2001 Wayne A. Cornelius(University of California, San Diego)
Labor Market Incorporation of Immigrants in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Analysis?
31.07.2001 David A. Jaeger(University of St. Andrews und IZA)
Natives, the Foreign-Born, and High School Equivalents
24.07.2001 Myeong-Su Yun(Inha University und IZA)
Comparing Inequalities Using Earnings Equations
03.07.2001 Lars Ljungqvist(Stockholm School of Economics)
How Do Layoff Costs Affect Employment?
26.06.2001 Michael Sattinger(University at Albany, SUNY)
Overlapping Markets
19.06.2001 Soon Beng Chew(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
A Cost-and-Benefits Model of Trade Union Behaviour and Membership
12.06.2001 Gerhard Wagenhals(University of Hohenheim)
Incentive and Redistribution Effects of the German Tax Reform 2000
05.06.2001 Robert Frank(Cornell University)
Does Growing Inequality Harm the Middle-Class?
29.05.2001 Wiji Arulampalam(University of Warwick und IZA)
Determinants of Medical School Dropout Probabilities for the United Kingdom
22.05.2001 Petra E. Todd(University of Pennsylvania und IZA)
Progressing through PROGRESA: An Impact Assessment of a School Subsidy Experiment
15.05.2001 Stephen Trejo(University of Texas at Austin und IZA)
Immigration Policy and the Skills of Immigrants to Australia, Canada and the United States
08.05.2001 Christian Belzil(Ecole Polytechnique, Paris und IZA)
Heterogeneous Returns to Human Capital and Dynamic Self-Selection
24.04.2001 Mark M. Trede(University of M�nster)
Statistical Inference for Tail Behaviour of Lorenz Curves
17.04.2001 Bart Cockx(Ghent University und IZA)
Vocational Training: Does it speed up the Transition Rate out of Unemployment?
10.04.2001 Antonio Ciccone(University of Mannheim)
Human Capital and Externalities in Cities
27.03.2001 Stefan C. Wolter(University of Bern und IZA)
Training incidence and job-mobility in Switzerland
20.03.2001 Thomas Beissinger(University of Hohenheim und IZA)
The impact of labor market reforms on capital flows, wages and unemployment
13.03.2001 Joseph G. Altonji(Yale University und IZA)
Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools
06.03.2001 Jan C. van Ours(Erasmus University Rotterdam und IZA)
Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Monitoring and Sanctions
20.02.2001 Espen Bratberg(University of Bergen)
Evaluating Social Policy by Experimental and Nonexperimental Methods
13.02.2001 Erling Barth(Institute for Social Research, Oslo und IZA)
Identifying earnings assimilation of immigrants under changing macroeconomic conditions. The Norwegian experience.
06.02.2001 �tep�n Jurajda(CERGE-EI und IZA)
Optimal Speed of Transition: Micro Evidence from the Czech Republic
30.01.2001 Ronald Schettkat(University of Wuppertal)
Skill compression, wage differentials and employment: Germany vs the US
23.01.2001 Slobodan Djajic(Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
Immigrant Parents and Children: An Analysis of Decisions Related to Return Migration
16.01.2001 Kerstin Schneider(University of Wuppertal)
Union wage setting and progressive income taxation with heterogeneous labor: Theory and evidence from the German income tax reforms 1986-1990?