Do Computers Call for Training? Firm-level Evidence on Complementarities Between ICT and Human Capital Investments

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IZA Research Seminar

Place:Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 9, 53113 Bonn

Date:18.11.2003, 12:00 - 13:30

Presentation by

Thomas Hempell (affiliation not available)


This paper explores whether investments in information and communication
技术(ICT)和公司�赞助培训专业grammes are complementary.
Three approaches are applied to panel data from German service
companies for the time period 1994�98. Results for a system of interrelated
factor demands indicate that training complements ICT but not other capital
goods. SYS�GMM estimates of production functions reveal that ICT capital
is most productive if complemented by training measures in skill�intensive
firms. Comparing the impacts on productivity and wage costs shows that
ICT raise the profitability of training high�skilled employees.

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