Active job-search programs a promising tool? A microeconometric evaluation for Austria


IZA Research Seminar

Place:Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 9, 53113 Bonn

日期:01.07.2003, 12:00 - 13:30


Andrea Weber(Central European University)


In Austria active job-search programs were introduced on a large scale in 1999. These programs aim at an early stage and bringing them back to work by training job-search related skills. We evaluate the impact of active labour market programs in Austria on individual unemployment durations, and allow program effects to vary between active job-search programs and formal training programs. We use the timing-of-events method which estimates the program effect as a shift in the transition rate from unemployment to jobs at the moment of program entry. We find that participation in active job-search programs significantly reduces unemployment durations, whereas formal training programs have a negative effect on unemployment durations. For women all programs have positive effects.

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