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July 4, 2012


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We are delighted to send you the most recent issue ofIZA Compact online.
The print version (20 pages) featuring these and additional articles is
downloadable in PDF format.

For comments please contactcompact@iza.org.

In this issue:

IZA Evaluation Dataset: Towards Evidence-Based Policy Design

IZA has always been at the forefront of the initiative to improve data access for researchers in order to create a better foundation for evidence-based labor market policies. In this context, the IZA Evaluation Dataset fills an important gap by combining administrative data from the Federal Employment Agency with an extended set of survey information on a large sample of unemployed individuals. Such information is invaluable for the design of effective labor market programs.

A recent workshop at IZA showcased studies based on the IZA dataset and provided a forum for researchers to discuss data access issues with practitioners and policymakers.[read more]

IZA Launches Five New Open Access Journals

IZA has launched a series of five open access journals that cover all areas of labor economics. The goal is to provide a high-quality, peer-reviewed outlet for papers as an instrument to foster production of knowledge and scientific excellence in the areas where IZA sees need. Submission of policy-relevant articles is particularly encouraged.

The key characteristics of the journals are a fast decision making and publication process and free unlimited access to all articles.[read more]

Labor Market Reforms: What Can Be Learned from Germany?

The remarkable success of the German labor market in weathering the economic crisis is admired around the world. It is based on a number of structural and institutional adjustments revitalizing some of Germany's traditional strengths and adding some new elements.

A recent IZA study sheds light on the key characteristics of the German "model" and analyzes potential lessons for other countries.[read more]

15th Anniversary of the IZA Summer School

With its innovative format and high-class speakers, the IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics has become one of the most popular and renowned events for junior labor economists. Over the past 15 years, more than 500 students have participated. Many of them have pursued successful careers in research and form a particularly committed part of the IZA network.[read more]

Journal of Population Economics Celebrates 25 Years

The Journal of Population Economics has evolved into one of the most reputable outlets in economics and demography. The official journal of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), co-founded by IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann, is hosted by IZA and strongly supported by the IZA network. The 25th anniversary was celebrated at the ESPE Annual Congress 2012 in Berne, Switzerland.[read more]

Events: IZA Workshops and Conferences

现组织众多的events, ranging from seminars and workshops to large-scale international conferences on selected labor market issues. The following is a sample of recent conferences, for which IZA joined forces with other leading research institutions.


Development Cooperation

IZA partnered with OECD and World Bank to organize an international conference in Istanbul on activation policies and active labor market programs.[read more]

A joint conference with the KfW Development Bank discussed how to create sustainable and decent employment in developing countries.[read more]

Migration and Ethnicity

Economics Meets Criminology

Scholars from around the world came together at IZA for the 9th Annual Migration Meeting (AM2).[read more]

The 4th Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviors (AMERB) was held in Istanbul.[read more]

Dual Labor Markets

Labor Supply Modeling

A workshop with FEDEA and fRDB in Milan analyzed the role of single contracts in dual labor markets.[read more]

Recent advances in labor supply modeling were presented at an IZA workshop held in Dublin.[read more]

Opinion: Growth - The Rediscovered Formula for Success

In his op-ed, IZA Director Zimmermann welcomes that growth has reappeared as a guiding theme in economic policy debates. He points out existing growth potentials and argues that job creation must be the key objective. Zimmermann: "Rather than invoking the 'limits to growth,' what we should refocus on is how to realize the benefits from growth."[read more]

Hot off the press: Today's op-ed by Zimmermann in DIE WELT calls for reviving the transatlantic vision articulated by John F. Kennedy 50 years ago.[read more]

(c) 2012 IZA |www.iza.org| Change your subscriptions | Edited by: Mark Fallak

IZA is a private, independent research institute for labor economics research and policy advice.

Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
P.O. Box 7240, 53072 Bonn, Germany