
IZA DP No. 710:移民的工资增长:以色列,1990-2000

发表于:《欧洲经济学会学报》,2004,2 (4),665-695

本文基于人力资本理论,开发了一种描述性的方法来分析移民的工资增长。工资增长的来源有:(1)引进人力资本回报的上升;(ii)在东道国积累的经验的影响;以及,(iii)东道国职业阶梯上的流动性。利用人力资本理论,我们推导了一个非线性模型,在本地人和移民的收入方程中施加限制。利用重复截面数据,联合估计两个收益函数。利用前苏联移民到以色列的数据,我们发现:移民到达后,进口技能没有得到回报。在抵达后的十年里,高技能移民的工资以每年8%的速度增长。技能价格上涨、职业转变、在以色列积累的经验以及整个经济的工资上涨分别占3.4%、1.1%、1.5%和1.4%。从长远来看,教育回报会收敛到0.028,大大低于本土人口的0.069。 We do not reject the hypothesis that the return for experience converges to that of natives, and immigrants receive higher return for their unmeasured skills. We find that there is some downgrading in occupational distribution of immigrants relative to that of natives. Moreover, the average wages of immigrants approach but do not converge to the wages of comparable natives. The main reason for that is the low return to their imported skills.

