
IZA DP No. 5595: GDP增长会增加发展中国家的幸福感吗?

发表于:Robert Peccoud (Ed.), Measure For Measure:我们如何衡量发展?,巴黎:STIN, 2011, 99-176

本文的问题是,低收入国家可以从幸福方面的增长中获得什么。它解释了一套关于收入增长和主观幸福感之间关系的现有国际证据。与伊斯特林悖论(Easterlin paradox)一致的是,高收入总是与更高的幸福指数相关,只有一个例外:国民收入增长是否会带来更高的幸福指数,目前仍存在激烈的争论。关键问题是相关系数是否“小到无关紧要”。随着时间的推移,国民收入增长与主观幸福感之间的相关性很小,其原因在于增长本身的性质(从负面副作用,如污染),以及相对关注和适应的心理重要性。现有的证据包含两个重要的教训:收入比较似乎确实会影响主观幸福感,即使在非常贫穷的国家;然而,适应气候变化可能更多地是富国的现象。我们的立场是,不能根据现有证据否定增长将增加低收入国家幸福的观点。首先,跨国家的时间序列分析是基于总体措施,这比在个人层面的措施更不可靠。第二,发展是一个有起点和起点的定性过程。 Such regime changes are visible to the eye through the lens of subjective satisfaction measures. The case of Transition countries is particularly impressive in this respect: average life satisfaction scores closely mirrored changes in GDP for about the first ten years of the transition process, until the regime became more stable. The greater availability of subjective measures of well-being in low-income countries would greatly help in the measurement and monitoring of the different stages and dimensions of the development process.