
IZA DP No. 3521:改革退休收入制度:经合组织国家近期经验的教训


养老金改革在经合组织国家的政策议程中显得尤为重要。这并不令人意外,因为2005年,公共养老金支出平均占OECD GDP的7%;未来几十年,为了应对人口老龄化,养老金支出将大幅增加。养老金政策确实具有挑战性和争议性,因为它涉及面对众多短期政治压力的长期决策。然而,就养老金改革而言,现状并不总是有利的:事实证明,公共财政危机和日益逼近的人口老龄化威胁是改革的有效动力。因此,自20世纪90年代初以来,为使养老金制度适应未来,已经做了很多工作。在此期间,几乎所有30个经合组织成员国都至少对养老金制度做出了一些改变。其中16个国家进行了重大改革,将对未来的利益产生重大影响。本文的目的是总结这些改革并强调主要的经验教训。第一节着眼于哪些国家改革了养老金制度,哪些没有。 It also examines the fiscal challenges posed by public pensions. Section 2 describes the measures in the reforms themselves. These include, among other things, increases in pension age, changes in the way benefits are calculated and smaller pension increases in retirement than in the past. Section 3 explores the impact of these reforms on future pension entitlements of today’s retirees, showing a clear trend to a lower pension promise for today’s workers than for past generations. This means that people will need to save more for their own retirement via private pension schemes, an issue examined in Section 4. This is followed in Section 5 by a review of the main outstanding challenges facing pension systems in OECD countries. The final section presents some concluding remarks.