
IZA DP第2617号:土耳其人才流失:海外专业人员的情况

发表于:国际人力资源学报,2008,29 (4),323-347

本文介绍了居住在国外的土耳其专业人员返回意愿的研究结果。该研究使用描述性框架来建立几个提出的不回报模型的有效性。这一结果是基于一项针对海外土耳其专业人士的网络调查。对应分析用于考察回报意愿与可能影响这种意愿的各种因素之间的关系。研究结果强调了学生不回归相对于传统大脑的重要性,并似乎补充了学生不回归的各种理论。受访者似乎来自相对富裕的家庭,父母受过高等教育。许多人都是从有外语教学的大学获得学位的。土耳其最近的经济危机对返乡意愿产生了负面影响。我们证实,返回意愿确实与最初的返回计划密切相关,而且这种关系随着停留时间的增加而减弱。在东道国的专门学习和工作经历似乎也有助于解释不回国的发生率。 Return intentions are weaker for those working in an academic environment. These results lead to important policy implications, some of which include the training of individuals for academic positions at domestic institutions, supporting study abroad for shorter periods and improving academic facilities in Turkey’s newly established universities. The government may support public and private R&D centers to increase the employability of returnees, but also to improve the quality of the higher education system in order to both reduce the need for education abroad and to increase the attractiveness of universities as prospective employment places for those acquiring education and experience abroad.