
IZA DP No. 1611:跨国公司和工厂退出:来自智利的证据

发表于:《国际经济与金融评论》,2009,18 (1),45-51

本文研究了跨国企业与智利工厂退出之间的联系。我们调查了三个主要问题:外国跨国公司的子公司是否比国内公司更有可能退出?跨国公司的退出概率是否取决于其出口导向?,and Does the presence of multinationals affect the survival of other firms in the economy? Our results show that foreign plants are more likely to exit the economy, controlling for other firm and industry characteristics, only during the late 1990s, a period when the Chilean economy experience a massive slowdown. Our data also suggest that only domestic market oriented multinationals responded to this negative shock by being more "footloose"; this is not true for multinational exporters. We also find that the presence of multinationals has a positive effect on plant survival in the early 1990s. This positive effect, however, is fully captured by productivity, once controlling for TFP in our exit regressions we do not find any further impact of multinational presence on a plant’s probability of exit.