


    约瑟夫·布拉西是罗格斯大学管理和劳动关系学院J. Robert Beyster员工持股讲座教授,在那里他教授公司治理的本科和研究生课程。他有教育博士学位。从哈佛大学。作为一名社会学家,他对美国员工持股的社会、经济和政治发展以及利润分享思想有广泛的跨学科研究兴趣。他是美国国家经济研究局的助理研究员。他的研究兴趣包括经济社会学、企业社会和经济史以及公共政策。他研究了组织中奖励、权力和声望的划分与绩效之间的关系,使用了大量数据集,以及有关这些问题的公共政策的历史和发展。他的著作和文章探讨了公司、国家、行业部门(如硅谷)和历史时期的不同工作体系和广泛的员工所有制、利润分成和股票期权。在他的职业生涯中,Blasi经常被《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《金融时报》和《新闻周刊》引用。他曾获得希伯来大学戴维斯夫人奖学金、美国政府富布赖特奖学金、新泽西州普林斯顿高等研究院社会科学学院梅隆基金会奖学金,以及新泽西州普林斯顿高等研究院历史研究学院奖学金。 Early in his career as a lecturer in social studies at Harvard University, he also served as a legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is Director of the Fellowship Program at Rutgers University's School of Management and Labor Relations that supports young and emerging scholars in the area of employee share ownership and profit sharing nationally. He is the author of many books and journal articles on these topics including The Citizen's Share (Yale University Press, forthcoming 2014) with Richard Freeman and Douglas Kruse, Shared Capitalism at Work (University of Chicago Press, 2010)with Douglas Kruse and Richard Freeman, In The Company of Owners (Basic Books, 2003) with Douglas Kruse and Aaron Bernstein, Kremlin Capitalism (Cornell University Press, 1996) with Douglas Kruse and Maya Kroumova, The New Owners (HarperCollins, 1991) with Douglas Kruse, and Employee Ownership (HarperCollins, 1988).


