一个dreas Peichl

Research Fellow

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

一个dreas is Director of the ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys and Professor of Economics at the University of Munich. From 20013-2017 he was Head of the Research Group "International Distribution and Redistribution" at ZEW Mannheim and Professor of Public Economics at the University of Mannheim. From 2008--2013 he was a Senior Research Associate and Deputy Program Director for the research area "Future of Labor" (since 2009) at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany. He is also a Research Associate at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, UK (since 06/2008) and a Research Affiliate at Center for Economic Studies (CESifo) of the University of Munich, Germany (since 01/2010).

一个dreas has been involved in various research projects conducted on behalf of national ministries, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Central Bank and the OECD. His research focuses on empirical public and labor economics. His current research interests include (empirical) public economics, labor economics and welfare economics with particular reference to optimal taxation, tax reforms and their empirical evaluation, tax benefit microsimulation and the analysis of income distributions. His research has been published in various academic journals.

安德烈亚斯(优等成绩)为他获得博士学位thesis on "Could the World be Flat? Simulating Flat Tax Reforms in Western Europe" from the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. C. Fuest) in May 2008. From January 2005 until August 2008 he was PhD student at the University of Cologne and worked as a research assistant at the Cologne Center for Public Economics (CPE). In Spring 2008 he was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex, UK. Prior to his doctoral studies, he studied economics at the Philips-University of Marburg and the University of Cologne and graduated in December 2004 (Diplom-Volkswirt, equiv. M.A. Economics).


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 5378
revised version published in: Public Choice, 2013, 155 (3), 293-316
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5375
Lina Dunnzlaff, Dirk Neumann,Judith Niehues,一个dreas Peichl
revised version published in: Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement (Research on Economic Inequality, 19), Bingley, 2011, 99-129
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5350
revised version published in: Labour Economics, 2012, 19 (1), 129-138
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5220
revised version published as 'Distributional consequences of labor-demand shocks: the 2008–2009 recession in Germany' in:International Tax and Public Finance, 2012, 19 (1), 118-138
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4917
published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2011, 32, 227-256
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4825
substantially revised version available as: IZA DP 5926
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4770
revised version published in: Review of Income and Wealth, 2012, 58 (1), 118-141