May 2014

现正波里cy Paper No. 83: Using Online Platforms for Competence Tests: A Component of the Demographic Policy of Germany

published as "Ist die OECD-Kompetenzrevolution in Deutschland angekommen?" in: Das Demographie Netzwerk (ed.), Lust am Lernen – ein Leben lang, 2014, 8-18

Lifelong learning represents a key response to the demographic challenge in Germany. In terms of professional success, not only hard skills but also soft skills hold importance. Indeed, the OECD competence tests PISA and PIAAC have come to the fore, although acquired skills are still relevant. Given the increasing skills shortages and the reduced half-life of qualifications, training continues to gain importance, including in the context of employer branding and companies’ corporate social responsibility activities. However, there is no linking of skills acquired through training with the automatic acquisition of qualifications. In this respect, online portals involving competency tests for young and old in connection with major credit points could play an important role.