
IZA DP No. 12078:体重对健康、收入和生活满意度的作用

发表于:经济学与统计杂志,2020,240 (5),653-676

根据德国社会经济小组,按性别分析了体重指数对健康、收入和满意度的影响。基本结果是:身体质量指数越高,健康状况越差,收入越低,满意度越低。如果加入控制变量,按性别划分估计值,确定超重和体重过轻人群的不同影响,健康估计值显示非线性影响,但作用方向不变。对收益的影响各不相同。体重过轻的女性比其他女性挣得多,超重的女性挣得少。正常体重男性的平均收入高于超重和体重过轻的男性。这一点也适用于个体经营者。员工的模式等于总样本。除了体重过轻的男性,没有发现对生活满意度的影响。他们表现出较少的满足感。 Only in the public sector the sign of the coefficient changes. The results for eastern Germany are different with respect to satisfaction. Overweight women are less satisfied than others while this is not confirmed for underweight men from eastern Germany. When interdependencies are taken into account and matching procedures are applied, the outcome matches to that of independent and unmatched estimates. However, no clear-cut disadvantage in income of underweight men can be found. Stable coefficients result for the health estimates while satisfaction results fluctuate. Underweight women and especially underweight men tend to less happiness. For overweight men the influence is ambiguous but more speaks in favour of a less level of satisfaction. Overweight women seem to be happier.