
IZA DP No. 10879:世俗满足

需求满足通常被增长理论所忽略。我研究了一个模型,在这个模型中,消费者可能对任何给定的商品感到满足,但可能会引入新的商品。一个社会规划者永远不会选择一个长期满足的轨迹。相反,他会推出足够多的新产品来避免这种情况。相反,分散均衡可能涉及长期饱和。尽管与创新的社会效益相比,创新的社会成本是次要的。多重均衡可能出现:根据预期的不同,经济可能会收敛到一个饱和的稳定状态或一个不饱和的状态。在后一种均衡中,资本和品种数量都比前一种均衡大,而每种商品的消费都低。这种多样性来自以下战略互补:当人们预期未来将引入更多品种时,这提高了他们未来消费的边际效用,诱使他们更多地储蓄。反过来,更高的储蓄降低了利率,从而促进了创新的速度。 When TFP grows exogenously and labor supply is endogenized, the satiated equilibrium generically survives. For some parameter values, its growth rate is positive while labor supply declines over time to zero. Its growth rate is then lower than that of the non satiated equilibrium. Hence, the economy may either coordinate on a high leisure, low growth, satiated "leisure society" or a low leisure, high growth, non satiated "consumption society".