Edward Lazear (decd)

Research Fellow

Stanford University

We are deeply sorry that Edward Lazearpassed away on November 23, 2020, at age 72. Until his death he was professor emeritus at Stanford University.
Lazear was Jack Steele Parker Professor of Human Resources Management and Economics at Stanford University since 1995 and Morris A. Cox Senior Fellow at Hoover Institution since 1985. Previously, he was an Isidore Brown and Gladys J. Brown Professor of Urban and Labor Economics of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago (1985-1992). From 2006 until 2009 he chaired the US Council of Economic Advisers.

He received his Ph.D in Economics at Harvard University in 1974 and held a Legum Doctor (Honorary) of the Albertson College of Idaho. He was also a member of the Advisory Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy at the University of Hong Kong, a Chairman of the Academic Research Committee of the Research Advisory Board of the American Compensation Association and a member of the Steering Committee of CEPR at Stanford University.

He was a founding editor of theJournal of Labor Economics, an associate Editor of theJournal of Economic Perspectivesand a Member of the Editorial Board ofLabor/ Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relationsas well as ofManagerial and Decision Economics.

Edward Lazear authored several books, among them "Inside the Firm: Contributions to Personnel Economics" (Oxford University Press, 2011), "Personnel Economics" (The MIT Press, 1995) and "Personnel Economics for Managers" (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998) which has been translated into German, Chinese and Korean.
He has published widely in economic journals such asAmerican Economic Review,Journal of Human Resources,Economic Review,Review of Economics and Statisticsand the政治E期刊》conomy.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in June 2002. In 2004 he was awarded theIZA Prize in Labor Economics.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 813
政治E期刊》conomy, 2009, 117 (5), 914 - 940
IZA Discussion Paper No. 761
published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2004, 23, 1-25
IZA Discussion Paper No. 760
IZA Discussion Paper No. 759
published in: Journal of Political Economy, 2004, 112 (S1), S141-S163