T. H. (Tim) Gindling is Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). His research has focused on the study of factors influencing the distribution of wages, income and work in East Asia and Latin America. Recent research projects include: the impact of minimum wages on wages, employment and hours worked in Central America; the causes of changing wage inequality in Central America; the impact of trade liberalization on relative wages in Chile and Costa Rica; the effects of higher education planning on wages and inequality in Taiwan; women in the labor markets of Latin America; the labor market impact of migration within Central American; and studies of student performance and health insurance status among immigrants in the United States.

Gindling received his B.A in Latin American Area Studies from Denison University and M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University. He has held visiting professorships at the University of Costa Rica, the National Autonomous University of Costa Rica and Tulane University.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2007.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 8253
T. H. Gindling, Nadwa Mossaad, Juan Diego Trejos
slightly revised version published in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2015, 68(3), 666-707
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7236
T. H. Gindling, Juan Diego Trejos
revised version published in: Salvador Marti i Puig; Diego Sanchez-Ancochea (eds.), The Handbook of Central American Governance, London: Routledge, 2014, 75-94.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5702
published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (S1), S45-S59
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4887
T. H. Gindling, Sara Z. Poggio
revised version published in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2012, 38 (7),1155-1173
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4682
published in: Contemporary Economic Policy, 2013, 31 (4), 649-668
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3286
T. H. Gindling, Luis Oviedo
published in: CEPAL Review, 2008, 94 (April), 121-132
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3279
published in: World Development, 2009, 37(1), 116-126
revised version published in: Labour Economics, 2009, 16 (3), 291-303
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