Karen Mumford is a Professor who specialises in applied labour economics. She received her PhD from the Australian National University (ANU). Karen’s research topics include: wage bargaining; training; employment dynamics; absenteeism; discrimination and the relative labour market position of women; networking in labour markets; job satisfaction; and implications from using the family as the unit of analysis. Karen has been the Chair of the Royal Economic Society (RES) Women's Committee, Convenor of the UK Work Pensions and Economics Group (WPEG), a Harkness Fellow and a Leverhulme Fellow. She is currently an elected Member of the RES Council, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). She was appointed CBE for services to Economics and Labour Market Diversity in the 2016 New Year’s Honours List.

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2004.



现Discussion Paper No. 14156
现Discussion Paper No. 12500
Karen A. Mumford安东尼娅Parera-Nicolau,Yolanda Pena-Boquete
出版ished in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2020, 82(3), 577-602.
现Discussion Paper No. 12397
出版ished in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2020, 58 (1), 82-113
现Discussion Paper No. 10453
出版ished in the Low Pay Commission Report Series https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/low-pay-commission-research-autumn-2016 see also https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/gender-gap-britain/home
现Discussion Paper No. 9059
出版ished in IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 2017, 6 (1), 1-18. http://rdcu.be/ov9g
现Discussion Paper No. 8302
出版ished in: Australian Economic Review, 2015, 48(1), 43-64
现Discussion Paper No. 6673
出版ished in: Manchester School, 2015, 83 (3), 307 -313
现Discussion Paper No. 4821
出版ished in: Research In Labor Economics, 2010, 30, 35-60