Raul Ramos is Full Professor in Applied Economics at the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics of the University of Barcelona. He is also a researcher in theGrup d’Anàlisi Quantitativa Regional (AQR-IREA)of the same university.

His research interests include the analysis of regional labour markets and, in particular, the analysis of wage flexibility, wage differences (i.e, by region, by gender, ...), income inequality, migration and the role of institutions.

He has participated in different research projects (some of them financed by the European Commission) and has published part of his research inRegional Studies,Journal of Regional Science,Papers in Regional science,International Regional Science Review,International Journal of Forecasting,Scientometrics, among others. He has also acted as a referee of several journals. He has been Co-Editor of the European Journal of Development Research between 2012 and 2021. Currently, he is the codirector of the Revista de Economía Laboral - Spanish Journal of Labour Economics.

Raul Ramos joined IZA as a Research Fellow in May 2007.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 3649
published as 'Portability of Human Capital and Immigrant Overeducation in Spain' in: Population Research and Policy Review, 2015, 34(2), 223-241
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2581
published in: Kyklos, 2007, 60(2), 145-163