Tímea Laura Molnár

Research Affiliate

Central European University

Tímea Laura Molnár is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Central European University (CEU).

她获得了哥伦比亚大学的经济学博士学位Vancouver School of Economics. Her research interests are in labor economics, health economics, economics of education, and early childhood development.

Her current research studies (i) parents’ intra-household time allocation, focusing on parental quality time, and the implications for early childhood skill formation, (ii) the effect of academic redshirting on student and mental health outcomes, (iii) the effect of accidence-induced absence on workers' labor trajectories and reallocation across firms, (iv) the importance of relative rank in student achievement on students’ long-term outcomes, and (v) the long-term effects of childcare availability or maternal leave policies on the gender wage gap, mothers’ mental health and child development.

In the era of COVID-19, she studied the impact of school reopenings and labor market risks on parental labor supply, focusing on the extent to which COVID-19 exacerbates gender inequalities via unequal obligations due to school closures, as well as the disproportionate employment losses in virus-exposed occupations in the Canadian economy. In the past she studied how closely private insurers’ payment schedules follow that of Medicare’s.

Tímea Laura Molnár joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in May 2023.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 16312
Aniko Biro,Márta Bisztray, João G. da Fonseca,Tímea Laura Molnár