Erin Kelley

Research Affiliate

World Bank

    Erin Kelley is an Economist in the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Department at the World Bank. Erin’s research focuses on issues related to labor market frictions, technology adoption in agriculture and social protection. Her work on labor markets frictions includes projects in Kenya that document how monitoring technologies improve firm productivity by helping firm owners restructure contracts, and work with a large e-commerce platform in Africa that investigates how expanding market-access for small firms affects firm growth. Another area of her work focuses on understanding barriers to technology adoption in agriculture, including research in Bangladesh that establishes how the use of demonstration plots can induce communication about new seed varieties. Her work on social protection and refugee populations estimates the impacts of idleness on psychosocial wellbeing and documents preferences for repatriation among the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

    Erin joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in May 2023.