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12th IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meeting of Labor Economists

Organizers: Dan A. Black(University of Chicago ),Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)
Location: Buch/Ammersee, Germany
Date: June 20, 2013 - June 23, 2013

Event Manager:

Viola Hartmann(IZA)


+++ presentation: 30 minutes +++ floor discussion: 10 minutes +++

Thursday, June 20:

12:00 - 14:00 Open Lunch
14:00 - 14:15 Welcoming Remarks
Dan A. Black
(University of Chicago and IZA)
Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)
Session A: Job and Worker Flows
Chair:Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)
14:15 - 14:55 James R. Spletzer(U.S. Census Bureau ), Henry R. Hyatt (U.S. Census Bureau)
“The Recent Decline in Employment Dynamics"
14:55 - 15:35 Erika McEntarfer(U.S. Census Bureau), Lisa B. Kahn (Yale University and IZA)
"Worker Flows over the Business Cycle: The Role of Firm Quality"
15:35 - 16:15 Barry Hirsch(Georgia State University ), Mark Curtis (Georgia State University), Mary Schroeder (University of Iowa)
"Evaluating Workplace Mandates with Flows versus Stocks: An Application to California Paid Family Leave"
16:15 - 16:45 Coffee Break
Session B: Policy Issues and the Labor Market
Chair:史蒂文·斯蒂尔曼(University of Otago )
16:45 - 17:25 Lisa Dickson(University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Dylan Conger (George Washington University )
"Do Public Universities Give Admissions Preferences to Males When Faced with Large Increases in Their Female Enrollments? Evidence from the Texas Top 10% Plan"
17:25 - 18:05 Kenneth Troske(University of Kentucky ), Christopher Jepsen (University College Dublin), Paul A. Coomes (University of Louisville)
“The Labor-Market Returns to Community College Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates"
18:05 - 18:45 Christopher Jepsen(University College Dublin), Peter R. Mueser (University of Missouri-Columbia and IZA), Kenneth Troske (University of Kentucky and IZA)
"Labor-Market Returns to the GED Using Regression Discontinuity Analysis"
19:15 Dinner

Friday, June 21:

Session C: Training and Youth Issues
Chair:Dan A. Black(University of Chicago )
08:30 - 09:10 Mar�a Laura Alz�a(CEDLAS-UNLP), Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS and IZA), Carolina Lopez (CEDLAS)
"Do Training Programs for the Youth Work? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Argentina"
09:10 - 09:50 Karina Doorley(IZA), Olivier Bargain (University of Aix-Marseille II and IZA)
"Putting Structure on the RD Design. Social Transfers and Youth Inactivity in France"
09:50 - 10:30 克里斯蒂娜Lopez-Mayan(Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona), Catia Nicodemo (University of Oxford and IZA)
“The Transition from Vocational Education to Work: Evidence from Spain"
10:30 - 11:10 Ola Vestad(Statistics Norway)
"Early Retirement and Youth Employment in Norway"
11:10 - 11:40 Coffee Break
Session D: Labor Market Policies
Chair:Dan A. Black(University of Chicago )
11:40 - 12:20 Mehtabul Azam(World Bank )
“The Impact of Indian Job Guarantee Scheme on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
12:20 - 13:00 Eva Deuchert(University of St. Gallen), Lukas Kauer (University of St. Gallen)
"Wage Subsidies for People with a Disability: Helping or Hindering? Evidence from a Field Experiment"
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
Session D: Labor Market Policies(continued)
Chair:Dan A. Black(University of Chicago )
14:00 - 14:40 Matthias Hertweck(University of Konstanz), Oliver Sigrist (University of Basel)
“The Aggregate Effects of the Hartz Reforms in Germany"
14:40 - 15:20 Jeffrey A. Smith(密歇根大学),Harry Holzer (Georgetown University and IZA), Julia Lane (American Institutes for Research and IZA), Fredrik Andersson (U.S. Department of Treasury), David Rosenblum (Michigan State University)
"Does Federally-Funded Job Training Work? Non-Experimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms"
15:20 - 15:50 Coffee Break
Session E: Migration
Chair:史蒂文·斯蒂尔曼(University of Otago )
15:50 - 16:30 Govert Bijwaard(NIDI - Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute ), Qi Wang (NIDI - Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute)
"Return Migration of Foreign Students"
16:30 - 17:10 Katarina Katz(Karlstad University), Torun �sterberg (University of Gothenburg)
"Wages of Childhood Immigrants in Sweden � Education, Returns to Education and Overeducation"
17:10 - 17:50 Gregory Verdugo(Bank of France ), Javier Ortega (City University London and IZA)
“The Impact of Immigration on the Local Labor Market Outcomes of Blue Collar Workers: Panel Data Evidence"
19:15 Dinner

Saturday, June 22:

Session F: Ethnic Identification and Social Networks
Chair:Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)
08:30 - 09:10 Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes(San Diego State University, California ), Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University), Allan Zebedee (Clarkson University)
“The Impact of Mandated Employment Verification Systems on State-Level Employment by Foreign Affiliates"
09:10 - 09:50 Francisca M. Antman(University of Colorado, Boulder ), Brian Duncan (University of Colorado, Denver)
"Incentives to Identify: Ethnic and Racial Identification in the Age of Affirmative Action"
09:50 - 10:30 Benjamin Elsner(IZA), Gaia Narciso (Trinity College Dublin), Jacco Thijssen (University of York)
"Migrant Networks and the Spread of Misinformation"
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
Session G: Citizenship and Retirement
Chair:Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)
00:00 - 11:40 史蒂文·斯蒂尔曼(University of Otago ), Deborah A. Cobb-Clark (University of Melbourne and IZA)
"Return Migration and the Age Profile of Retirement Among Immigrants"
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
Session H: Labor Market Issues
Chair:Dan A. Black(University of Chicago )
13:00 - 13:40 Pietro Garibaldi(University of Turin and IZA), Tito Boeri (Bocconi University and IZA), Espen R. Moen (Norwegian Business School (BI))
"Labor and Finance: Mortensen and Pissarides Meet Holmstrom and Tirole"
13:40 - 14:20 Stephen P. Jenkins(London School of Economics ), Lorenzo Cappellari (Universit� Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and IZA)
"Earnings and Labour Market Volatility in Britain"
14:20 - 15:00 Thierry Magnac(University of Toulouse I ), Nicolas Pistolesi (University of Toulouse I), S�bastien Roux (DARES French Ministry of Labor)
"Post Schooling Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle Variance of Earnings"
15:15 Social Program
19:30 Dinner at Conference Center

Sunday, June 23:

Departure after Breakfast


Mar�a Laura Alz�a(CEDLAS-UNLP)
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes(San Diego State University, California)
Francisca M. Antman(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Mehtabul Azam(World Bank)
Govert Bijwaard(NIDI - Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute)
Dan A. Black(University of Chicago)
Eva Deuchert(University of St. Gallen)
Lisa Dickson(University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Karina Doorley(IZA)
Benjamin Elsner(IZA)
Pietro Garibaldi(University of Turin and IZA)
Matthias Hertweck(University of Konstanz)
Barry T. Hirsch(Georgia State University)
Stephen P. Jenkins(London School of Economics)
Christopher Jepsen(University College Dublin)
Katarina Katz(Karlstad University)
克里斯蒂娜Lopez-Mayan(Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona)
Thierry Magnac(University of Toulouse I)
Erika McEntarfer(U.S. Census Bureau)
Jeffrey A. Smith(University of Michigan)
James R. Spletzer(U.S. Census Bureau)
史蒂文·斯蒂尔曼(University of Otago)
Kenneth Troske(University of Kentucky)
Gregory Verdugo(Bank of France)
Ola Vestad(Statistics Norway)
Klaus F. Zimmermann(IZA and University of Bonn)

Recent Discussion Papers and Journal Articles