April 2004

IZA DP No. 1118: International Comparisons of Work Disability

published in: David Cutler and David Wise (eds.), Health at Older Ages: The Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability Among the Elderly, University of Chicago Press, 2008, 251-294

自我报告的工作障碍is analyzed in the US, the UK and the Netherlands. Different wordings of the questions lead to different work disability rates. But even if identical questions are asked, cross-country differences remain substantial. Respondent evaluations of work limitations of hypothetical persons described in vignettes are used to identify the extent to which differences in self-reports between countries or socio-economic groups are due to systematic variation in the response scales. Results suggest that more than half of the difference between the rates of self-reported work disability in the US and the Netherlands can be explained by response scale differences. A similar methodology is used to analyze the reporting bias that arises if respondents justify being on disability benefits by overstating their work limiting disabilities.