
IZA DP第12813号:通过移动货币改善储蓄机会:来自非洲小农的实验证据


非洲小农很少投资改善农业投入。一个障碍可能是获得正规储蓄的渠道有限。这是第一个使用随机对照试验来评估使用移动货币作为促进农业投资工具的影响的研究。为此,我们在莫桑比克农村的小农中设计并进行了一项实地试验。这个样本包括一组初级农民和他们最亲密的农业朋友。我们采用了两种交叉随机干预。第一种治疗方法是获得一个有报酬的移动储蓄账户。第二种治疗以最亲密的农民朋友为目标,让他们获得与主要农民完全相同的干预措施。我们发现,有偿移动储蓄账户提高了移动储蓄,但只有在支付利息的情况下。它还增加了对化肥的农业投资,尽管与化肥不同,对其他非干预直接针对的补充性投入的投资没有变化。 These results suggest that fertilizer salience in the remunerated savings treatment may have been important to focus farmers' (limited) attention on saving some of their harvest proceeds, rather than farmers being financially constrained by a lack of alternative ways to save. Our results also suggest that the network intervention where farming friends had access to non-remunerated mobile money accounts decreased incentives to save and invest in agricultural inputs, likely due to network free-riding because of lower transfer costs within the network. Overall this research shows that tailored mobile money products can be used effectively to improve modern agricultural technology adoption in countries with very low agricultural productivity like Mozambique.